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Korea: Responding To The Call
Michael Jenkins
October 27, 2006
UPF-America Chair
Just as had Japan and the United States, 120 cities in Korea simultaneously welcomed the Ambassadors for Peace to give the Founder’s message all on the same day, October 26. It was very uplifting and at the same time challenging. For example, Archbishop George Stallings traveled from Seoul all the way to the southern tip of Korea by the KTX Train and then all the way back that night after the event.
The main Seoul event at the Marriott Central City featured Rev. Mark Abernathy of Georgia. He testified that all people of all faiths are now realizing the danger of losing young people to the ways of the materialistic culture. "Dr. Moon is bringing a reawakening to youth and to families alike that the essence of joy is love and a good balance of spiritual life and successful lifestyles in the world," Rev. Abernathy said. "Strong marriages and families are the key and the True Parents are showing the way through the blessing. God has definitely anointed Father Moon for this hour."
The next morning the delegation went for 5:00 am prayer at the Peace Palace and Museum. Welcoming them, Father Moon said he was inspired that these religious leaders would drop everything to respond to heaven's urgent call. "From the point of view of normal logic, people must think you are crazy!" he said. Everyone laughed heartily confirming that this was indeed the common experience. Family, friends, colleagues – all asked the members of the clergy how they could leave for a world tour with three days’ notice! In different ways each gave the same answer: "it’s a most urgent time to sacrifice for peace. God called me!"
"If we had this group of 120 clergy here in Korea 20 years ago, the world would be completely different today," said Dr. Moon. "It would have been even better if Christianity and all faiths could have united after World War II. Because they didn't do that, Communism rose up. But this group is restoring that and today, through this unity beyond denominational and racial barriers, America can fulfill a new role in history."
After spiritual messages from the founders of the world’s religions were read. Father Moon shared his vision about unity will come: Christians must love Muslims, Jews, Buddhists and Confucianists as well people of their own denominations. "Without that there can never be peace," he declared. "We cannot just tolerate. We have to see others as part of our family."
While the meeting went on upstairs, Mother Moon went down early to prepare breakfast for the 120 Ambassadors for Peace before they left for the border town of Im Jin Gak at the DMZ to pray for peace. Once there, members of the clergy released 120 doves, joined in prayer, and delivered the Universal Peace Federation Statement.
The clergy called for "loving one’s enemy" and treating all nations, including North Korea, with dignity and respect. The members of the clergy also called for an "axis of peace" to be created in the region, suggesting that President Bush appoint former Presidents Bill Clinton and George H.W. Bush as special envoys to reduce tensions by engaging Pyongyang directly. The event was widely covered by Korean newspapers, television and the Internet.
On the final day in Korea, the members of the clergy were special guests at the World Peace Queen Cup tournament, in which eight top-ranked International Women's Soccer Teams are competing, including America, Canada, Brazil and Korea.
The evening concluded with fellowship and testimonies. Archbishop Stallings encouraged the clergy to undertake their divine role and historic position to open the way as Ambassadors for Peace.
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