The Words of the Jenkins Family |
Report from the United Kingdom
Michael Jenkins
October 31, 2006
Dear Family,
A Welcoming Banquet was held by European Region One of the Universal Peace Federation last night in London. I had gone on ahead to prepare and Archbishop Stallings arrived as the leader of the 40 member clergy delegation. He literally took care of the whole group. He saved several delegates from losing their luggage and basically made sure everyone "made it" safely. David Franklin and Peter Staudinger made sure every detail was organized.
Everyone came right off of the airplane directly to our UPF headquarters in London at Lancaster Gate. The delegates were a little weary but we began with song. Many clergy of the British Clergy Leadership Conference were in attendance and there was a great spirit of revival and inspiration. When you think about it, the religious history of England and America are so deeply tied together. The Baptists came from England to America, John and George Wesley started the Methodist church from England which thrives to this day in America (my heritage is Methodist) and of course Rev. George Whitfield, the great evangelist that unified the "spirit" of the Colonies just before the revolutionary war came from this great land. I am sure they were all with us last night at Lancaster Gate.
Rev. and Mrs. Song, European Region One Chairman of UPF read the book of Revelation 19:11-16 "And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and he that sat upon him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he doth judge and make war. His eyes were as a flame of fire, and on his head were many crowns; and he had a name written, that no man knew, but he himself. And he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood: and his name is called The Word of God. And the armies which were in heaven followed him upon white horses, clothed in fine linen, white and clean. ... And he hath on his vesture and on his thigh a name written, KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS."
Rev. Song then proclaimed you are the Peace armies that are going around the world clothed in White Clothes. You are the Peace Ambassadors going with the authority of heaven - you will revive Europe and change the World with True Parents!! Everyone jumped to their feet with excitement.
Rev. Tim Reed National Chairman of UPF guided us through the evening of testimonies, song and fellowship. The younger generation provided Scottish bagpipes and Irish dance. The meal was beautifully prepared with great care and love at Lancaster Gate. The Clergy were uplifted. Our brother, Bernard of Bromley, got up with his daughter and blew the roof off with (what else would you think in the United Kingdom) - the Beatles. However, he and his daughters are professionals. What a powerful spirit. The songs that were chosen were all so meaningful. "It's a long, long road... Imagine... " The best and most inspirational music, how did the clergy respond?? They started dancing. It was a spirit filled evening.
Another highlight was Rev. Marshall Desousa, Rev. Abbey George and Rev. Dr. Paul Adams. The British Clergy Leadership Conference grew from collaboration with Bishop Stallings, Rev. Daugherty and our ACLC clergy. They have become quite strong here and Rev. Adams and Rev. George totally embraced the clergy and say that we never dreamed such a day would come. We are so inspired by this fellowship and this movement. This is a day of glory for England and the work of the church.
Rev. Roach testified, "When I heard the call I knew I had to let someone else handle my church. It was the call of God. I am happy to see such a warm loving reception by the United Kingdom. I want you to know that the clergy and Ambassadors for Peace are very serious about Father Moon's mission and work in the world. There is no one else that has ever sent a delegation of religious leaders, Muslims, Christians and Jews as Ambassadors for Peace. We will go to developed nations, to undeveloped nations, to Muslim nations to all the world. We go in peace. But you know what I am most inspired about, Father Moon just doesn't send others, he goes directly first by himself. Three times Father and Mother Moon and their children and even grandchildren went this road before us risking their lives. Why because they are who they say they are - they are the True Parents of Humanity. They have given up everything for the salvation of this world under the anointing of Jesus. That is why I am going for every country for two months. I want to respond to the call of Father Moon. This is God's call!!"
Rev. Robert Pyle of the Church of the Brethren, a white pastor testified, "We move together and we are gaining power from nation to nation. The Message of Father Moon that we are delivering has profound contents that have the power to unify the body of Christ. We are brining unity. It is the by the power of the Holy Spirit. When I heard about this call, I knew in my heart that I had to go. I am going to all the world 120 gathered for Jesus and Pentecost occurred now 120 Clergy gather again and a world Pentecost is about to occur."
Rev. Marilyn Kotulek - I think of the Bible when I walk this path with 120 clergy.
1Peter:1:5: "Who are kept by the power of God through faith unto salvation ready to be revealed in the last time." We are the ones who are KEPT by God. It is His power that strengthens us and we feel no fear. God is with us. All races and all peoples. This is the deepest desire of God - to see Americans in the spirit of Jesus go out to the World.
Rev. Carolyn Sion - Texas - I worked directly for the President. I'm from Houston. I have held many positions working with key leaders. God called me into ministry and I responded to the call. It was an amazing call. We just laid the foundation of my church building with new property. Many said I couldn't go on this trip.... I said if God wants me to go I am going. I came with that heart and spirit and I see the glory of God revealed as we bring love and truth to this world. I am not afraid. I believe in True Parents. I know Jesus is with me. This is the most significant time. When the world is tour by war and confusion, we can't just hide. We can't just hope someone else will do something. Father Moon has called the religious leaders to stand up and give the word and demonstrate love beyond the boundaries of doctrine or denomination or even religion. I am so grateful to Father and Mother Moon.
By the way I just got a call this morning --- the walls of our church went up successfully and the members are all being responsible. What a glorious time to prove God and show our faith. We pray that we will end the wars and bring the peace Kingdom.
We ended in song and fellowship.
The next day we went to 40 cities throughout the United Kingdom. It was a glorious day. Archbishop Stallings was the keynote speaker at the event in London. Mr. Robin Marsh was the mc. Rev. Tim Read and his wife officiated the blessing. Dr. Khan a noted heart surgeon gave the opening remarks saying how he really truly believes that the Ambassadors for Peace movement of Rev. Moon will transform the world. He testified to the conference on the Mongolian Federation that he just attended and how much he was inspired by the leadership and commitment of Sir John Manchem, Founding President of Seychelles. Sir John encouraged Dr. Khan - if we as Ambassadors for Peace in 200 nations now DOUBLE our EFFORTS in 2007 we will see the world turn upside down. Dr. Khan testified to me privately how much he had been influenced by Mr. Robin Marsh and Ms. Margaret Ali. He said I didn't want to get involved but as a Muslim and very much involved with prominent Heart Surgeons and Medical professional of great means, I felt we all share a deep concern that we may lose our country and even the world if we don't do something. When Margaret got me to go to Israel - I could see the impact of the Middle East Peace Initiative. Still I resisted getting to involved but through continued meetings I now know I must lead the way!!! I am so proud to be an Ambassador for Peace. This is the movement like no other - it will transform the world into peace. The respect for Muslims and all faiths is so high in this movement that it brings people who are heads of state, great academic professionals, religious leaders are so forth. I am deeply proud to be a leader in this movement. It is spreading everywhere and now I see a very definite impact on our parliament. Now the foreign Minister even said yesterday that we must begin a program to reduce our missiles and call others to do the same. This is phenomenal change. This has never been spoken in such a way. It is because the world is turning desperately for peace.
Dr. Song spoke with the contents of UPF Chairman Rev. Kwak's address. He encouraged all to realize that this message was a fundamental message with profound answers that will lead to peace.
Then Rev. Jenkins spoke being able to clarify that the United Kingdom is one of the nations chosen by God and when we look at the religious history so much of what became the spiritual underpinnings of America came from the Protestant movement in England. We must become one and realize there is a greater power than weapons. We must bring the families together and end divorce and adultery. We must realize that the power of loving ones enemy means that we must now love other races, religions and nations more than we love our own. That is True Love and love can take the hate out of your enemies' heart. Then we can bring peace. We must create a massive movement of Ambassadors for Peace to go out to the world.
Archbishop G. Augustus Stallings was educated for six years in Rome under the auspices of the Vatican at the North American University. He is totally comfortable and effective in all racial settings as well as the highest academic levels. Many scholars were in attendance at the address and Archbishop Stallings did not disappoint. He speaks, English, Italian and French. He spoke the words of the message with profound conviction. It was uplifting. Many said they thought the speech was short !!! Why? Because the delivery of Bishop Stallings was captivating.
Our clergy all went to the clinic this day for the Yellow Fever shots for Africa. The nurse was so surprised that not one of the clergy knew what countries they were going to. (Of course Africa is well prepared - but we haven't made the teams yet. We will be going ot 25 countries in Africa).
We all went out of our cities throughout the nation. I went with Ken Owens to a beautiful gathering organized by the Harrow Borough Community in Middlesex. Middlesex is where Clementine Churchill was from the wife of Winston Churchill. Our event was at the Harrow Borough Football Club Hall - A soccer club. It is connected to the Earlsmead Stadium in Earlsmead, Harrow, Middlesex. It is a semi pro team that creates stars for the full professionals such as the Tottenham Hotspurs - one of the most famous teams in Europe and Champions of last years FIFA endorsed Peace Cup in Korea (the Peace cup was founded by Father and Mother Moon). It was interesting to see how deep the "football/ soccer " spirit is engrained in the culture. It was a substantial hall and a beautiful gathering was held there of all generations. I delivered the message of peace. I felt so deeply moved. Several of the wives such as Mrs. McGuigan and Mrs. Derricut had been to Israel with MEPI and helped so much with Sheikh Kiwan and Father Hatoum in the Nazareth area. We are all being deeply bound by MEPI. The response was great. Andrew Derricut and Anthony McGuigan organized the event which was a fine success. It was nice to see an American Second Generation blessed couple there. Mr. David Quinn (of Oregon) had moved there with his wife Pavla. It was so beautiful to see them taking responsibility.
We went to Anthony and Britas home afterward and had coffee. It was great to be in America's motherland.
Thanks Brothers and Sisters of Europe. We leave tomorrow for Scandinavia, Sweden, Finland, Holland, Norway. The Ambassadors for Peace go forth to the world in the name of True Parents and all that is holy.
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