The Words of the Jenkins Family |
Plans for Revivals and Lincoln Memorial
Michael Jenkins
April 20, 2001
Dear Leaders and Blessed Families,
We concluded the tour with our event in Vermont. Washington and West Virginia were both successful. Pastor Barrett and his wife as well as 40 ministers welcomed our True Parents on the stage at the beginning of Father's speech. Rev. Barrett said let's welcome our "True Parents"..."Our True Parents who have blessed my church and brought my wife back home." It was a most substantial moment in history. The Christian Second Israel stands firmly together with our True Parents in heart. They will not be moved.
We had a workshop for two days after the event led by Rev. Barrett, Dr. Robert Kittel and Rev. Daugherty. The clergy were weeping and sharing their experiences during the tour. Many suffered greatly. Some lost their churches. Some are under heavy attack from their denominational heads. Some are overwhelmed with gratitude.
Many clergy came forward and asked for prayer that their spouse would come home after they heard Rev. Barretts' message. One pastor who we prayed for called his wife after the prayer and she said she would come back home. Blessed Central Families - We have the power. We must not rest at this time. We must push forward. A new America is being born. Pace yourselves but please continue to sacrifice. A massive Christian pentecost has been prophesied by True Father. It will occur. If we push hard now we will hasten its fulfillment.
I sincerely thank all of our leaders, especially the Regional Directors, Vice Regional directors and AFC leaders for their unity beyond the call of duty. Also to our Vice Presidents and Media Coordinators. To all blessed couples who sacrificed for this tour. I am confident that you will see tangible evidence of blessing based on your sacrifices. We are like the pilgrim fathers and mothers who started this nation with prayer and sacrifice. The heavenly host is with us. Dr. Taylor stated at the end of the rally with the ministers that was held on April 18th at the Lincoln Memorial. "We Have The Power." That's right. Blessed Central Families. You have the power.
Stand up now. Please adopt the churches of the ministers who came out for True Parents on the "We Will Stand " tour. Go to their churches and love them. Bring a small donation 10 - 20 dollars. Bring flowers and candy for the pastor and his wife. Bring other blessed families with you and sing them a song. Remember you are not alone when you go but all of heaven is with you. If you pray Jesus will go with you directly. The 106 saints of the OT and NT will go with you. The angels will go with you. You are a most formidable force if you realize your family is the center of immense authority and influence. You must believe in it and speak and act as though you fully have the power and then you will see it manifest. Our plans for follow up:
1. Blessed Central Families - Adopt the churches. Go there on one Sunday a month and take care of the pastors and his flock. Support the American Leadership Conference on April 25th. Then ask you congressman to come to the educational forum that will be held on May 15th on Capitol Hill. (See you State leader and AFC leader for details)
2. Bring your best minister from state to the We Will Stand rally in Harlem. May 8th at Canaan Baptist Church. Rev. Wyatt Tee Walker invited Father and he has agreed. We want to have 3000 of America's top religious leaders there.
3. The We Will Stand Committee will be organizing a revival combining all the churches that were on the tour.
4. The revival basically will have a 3 night format. Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday concluding with True Family Values seminars. The national evangelists of the We Will Stand Tour will be traveling.
5. We will build up to large regional revivals and fellowships.
6. Eventually we will converge again on Washington D.C. to bring 400,000 to Lincoln Memorial to hear True Parents. (August or September)
7. We will call for the healing of marriage nationwide and call on the congress and the White House to make family the main focal point of concern. Then we will also seek to tear down the walls of racism and denominiationalism.
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