The Words of the Jenkins Family |
Statement: Incorrect Presentation of Unification Teaching
Michael Jenkins
U.S. Newswire
August 15, 2001
Statement Concerning Incorrect Presentation of Unification
Teaching on Jesus Christ
To: National Desk
Contact: Family Federation for World Peace and Unification
Email: admin@familyfed.org
WASHINGTON, Aug. 15 /U.S. Newswire/ -- The following is a statement by Rev. Michael Jenkins, President, Family Federation for World Peace and Unification, USA, concerning the incorrect presentation of Unification Teaching on Jesus Christ:
The Associated Press has recently reported incorrectly the beliefs concerning Jesus and the faith of the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification (formerly the Unification Church founded by the Rev. Sun Myung Moon).
An August 14th article entitled "Vatican Archbishop Giving Up Wife" states incorrectly, "For instance, Moon's followers regard Moon as the messiah who is completing the salvation Jesus Christ failed to accomplish."
The church affirms Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior and that his mission was successful in bringing salvation through the blood atonement. Because of the rejection of the chosen people to receive Jesus, the promised Kingdom of God did not come at that time but was prolonged until Jesus return. This prolongation was not a failure on Jesus part but of that of the people who God had prepared to receive Him.
The Unification teaching doesn't associate the lack of the faith of the people to receive Jesus with any failure on Jesus' part. Their rejection caused a prolongation of his mission and calls for His return.
Unification teaching affirms Jesus as Lord and Savior. In a recent publication of Rev. Moon's teaching, The Life and Mission of Jesus Christ (HSA Publications, 2001), Rev. Moon has stated, "...Jesus is the only begotten Son of God.... That is why He is the Savior. Therefore it is only through Jesus that we can be connected to the lineage of God."
Concerning the title of "Messiah" the Unification teaching affirms the biblical concept of the Hebrew term for "Messiah", Messias meaning "anointed one". Unification teaching affirms that Rev. Moon has received the anointing of Jesus and stands in a messianic role as "True Parents." Unification teaching also affirms that the "anointing" or messianic role is also coveyed to other pastors and leaders who, if called by God, take up the cross and follow Jesus.
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