The Words of the Jenkins Family |
Text of New ACLC Letter
Michael Jenkins
September 12, 2001
Dear American Clergy Leadership Ministers and Friends in Faith,
Our nation remains in profound shock and sorrow in the wake of the devastating destruction that wreaked havoc upon our families and community in recent days. We join with millions around the world in extending our deepest sympathy and sincere prayers for the victims of this heinous act.
The American Clergy Leadership Conference is issuing a call for religious leaders of all denominations and faith traditions to gather for prayer and healing, seeking providential guidance in returning this nation back to God.
Let us join together in the "We Will Stand In Oneness" Revival, Healing and Blessing Holy Convocation 2001 to be held on Saturday, September 22, 2001 at Madison Square Garden in New York City from 10 am- 1 pm. The day will conclude with a March for Peace. We will pray for the affirmation of the human family under God's guidance and seek every possible way to ensure that no further hurt, harm or danger comes to our communities.
Special addresses and prayers of healing and reconciliation will be delivered by some of America's great Christian leaders to initiate a day uplifting the human spirit and the covenant of faith, family and marriage. Through healing, unity of Faith and the Blessing of Marriage we will "Rebuild the Family, Restore the Community, Renew the Nation and the World" and restore to the earth what was lost by sin and hatred.
The disjointing of the moral fabric of America has taken place on our watch. Therefore, its spiritual restoration and healing must occur under our watchful pastoral care. An Ethiopian proverb states: "The ruin of a nation begins in the homes of its people." Therefore, the restoration and healing of a nation must begin in the homes of its people. If we bring the family back to God, we can choose healing over vengeance and raise up a nation of kingdom builders who will hasten the coming of the Kingdom of God on earth.
Let us come together to pray for the unity of the Body of Christ and the healing of our families and nation. We are calling for all to stand in solidarity, united in intercessory prayer. In Madison Square Garden, at the "We Will Stand In Oneness" Revival, Healing and Blessing 2001," we will ask Heaven to send the Holy Spirit to heal our land, anoint our families, anoint our homes and allow our churches to fulfill the covenant that His Kingdom is coming with His righteousness. A 3000 voice choir will be present to uplift our hearts.
On Saturday, September 22nd in New York City, we will gather families from every faith tradition wearing the traditional religious and cultural clothing of our various heritages. The American Clergy Leadership Conference has asked the Reverend Sun Myung Moon, an anointed, appointed and approved man of God, who has made the centrality of the family a hallmark of his ministry, to impart the Blessing to couples from around the world, together with his wife, Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon. He has graciously consented.
As we come together we can feel the love of God coming forth to restore the community and break down racial walls and to renew the world. We feel the work of the Holy Spirit is moving to build a Family Movement based on the faith of Jesus. Beyond Madison Square Garden we believe the families will be strengthened and the churches will begin to march together to end the division and darkness in our community. We envision a day in which our nation will rise to become a shining light unto the world.
It is our sincere hope that you will join us as a representative of your nation and faith tradition on this special occasion. We pray for abundant blessing for your family and nation.
Sincerely Yours In Faith,
Pastor T.L. Barrett Jr.
American Clergy
Leadership Conference
Chicago, Ill.
Archbishop G. Augustus Stallings
Founder and Pastor
Imani Temple African American Catholic
Congregation, Washington, DC
Rev. Don Olson
Lutheran Center for Dialogue
Executive Committee
American Clergy Leadership Conference
Rev. Michael Jenkins
American Clergy Leadership Conference President
Family Federation for World Peace and Unification
Rev. Levy Daugherty
Chairman, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Family Life Institute
Vice President, Family Federation for World Peace
Washington, DC
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