The Words of the Jenkins Family |
General Directions
Michael Jenkins
October 26, 2001
Thank you for your sincere and heartfelt attendance to True Parents and the victories you are bringing in your work. We want to express our congratulations and gratitude to Father and Mother, Rev. Kwak and all responsible for the successful conference sponsored by IIFWP called Global Violence - Crisis and Hope held in New York on October 19 -22. Christian, Muslim and Jewish world religious leaders as well as many of the top political leaders of the world dealt with the current global emergency and came out of the conference greatly strengthened and encouraged concerning the hope for unity and peace. True Father's address received great acceptance and support. Now True Parents are going to Korea for a special speaking tour there for "Cosmic Peace and Unification".
International Leadership Conference:
Father has initiated a series of conferences to appoint 2000 Ambassadors for Peace in North America by December 15th. The International Leadership Conference is a cooperative educational effort that is being guided overall by Rev. Kwak. The IIFWP under Rev. Kwak, the FFWPU / ACLC under Dr. Yang and the AFC under Mr. Joo are the three primary sponsoring organizations. Representing those three organizations for implementation and curriculum development are respectively Dr. Tom Walsh, Rev. Michael Jenkins and Mr. David Caprera. The first one-day conference was held last Saturday, October 13th in Washington, D.C. All three organizations, as well as many others cooperated to make it a success. Over 120 leaders became Ambassadors of Peace through this program. Rev. In Hoi Lee and Mr. Michael Smith coordinated the support from many organizations that True Parents founded; i.e. Women's Federation, IIFWP, Summit Council, RYS, Religious Freedom, the Ambassador outreach team in Washington, AFC, ACLC and many others. Rev. Michael Leone will be the FFWPU field coordinator concerning these conferences.
These conferences will now be held throughout America following the Washington model. The guests should be people that are comfortable with True Parents vision and effort for peace. Primarily the Ambassadors for Peace should be leaders who have already graduated from past conferences. (i.e. WFWP, ALC, ACLC, We Will Stand, IIFWP, PLA, Lasting Love, WANGO etc.). They should come from the academic, religious, political or media backgrounds, or from positions of leadership in the society/community, business, sports, youth organizations and women's organizations. The AFC Regional Leader will set up and manage the conference with total support and cooperation of the FFWPU and all organizations that True Parents initiated. AFC and FFWPU leaders will work under the guidance of the Regional Directors. Goals and dates are being set with the agreement of the Regional Leader, AFC leader and Vice Reg. Dir.
144,000 Clergy Couple Blessing: The next blessing will occur sometime in the spring. The tentative date is April 27th. The 12,000 blessing will expand to 144,000. Religious leaders and leaders from all fields will be invited. The central location is still being discussed, either New York or Washington D.C. To achieve 144,000 couples we will have sites throughout the United States and the world via satellite.
United Federation of Churches Building Fund Drive
Father again recently emphasized that American Blessed Families (all Blessed Families in America / Korean, Japanese, America etc.) should sacrifice to raise the headquarters for the religious embassy for America the same way the Pilgrim Fathers first built their church. It will house the ACLC/UFC, the FFWPU headquarters and headquarter offices of many of our providential organizations. It also is being considered as a potential site for the Ambassadors for Peace embassy.
Centering on the Regional Director, we strongly encourage all regions to organize this fundraising drive so that all donations can be completed by December 31, 2001. Each family is asked to raise $1200 for this historic providence. Every family that donates $1200 or more will have their name permanently mounted on the wall at this headquarters. Please consider giving more. Make checks payable to HSA-UWC and send to 4 W. 43rd St, New York, NY 10036 C/O UFC building fund. Credit card payments should be sent or forwarded to the same address. Tel. (212) 997-0050 x246 or fax (212) 575-5105
Special Workshop at the Chung Pyung Heaven and Earth Training Center (Change Of Direction For American Husbands.)
Due to the many educational seminars in the U.S. during November and December Dae Mo Nim permitted all American husbands to attend the January 9 - 16th. All American husbands (all blessed husbands from any nationality whose mission is in America) are encouraged to attend at that time. This will also allow those participants to attend the 1st anniversary of the Coronation Ceremony for God's Kingship.
Blessed husbands special workshop schedule
1 2001.11.21 (Wed) ~ 11.28 (Wed) 36, 72, 124, 430 Couples Blessing (American Husbands May Attend in January.)
2 2001.12.05 (Wed) ~ 12.12 (Wed) 43, 777, 1800, 118 Couples Blessing (American Husbands May Attend in January.)
3 2001.12.19 (Wed) ~ 12.26 (Wed) 2075, 6000 Couples Blessing (American Husbands May Attend in January.)
4 2002.01.09 (Wed) ~ 01.16 (Wed) 6500, 1275 Couples Blessing
5 2002.01.23 (Wed) ~ 01.30 (Wed) 30,000 Couples Blessing
6 2002.02.06 (Wed) ~ 02.13 (Wed) 360,000 Couples Blessing
7 2002.02.20 (Wed) ~ 02.27 (Wed) 40 Million Couples Blessing 360 Million Couples Blessing 400 Million Couples Blessing
Please note: Previously married blessed husbands and other blessed husbands should ideally attend the workshop that includes their blessing group.
2. Candidates: All blessed husbands from all over the world.
3. Workshop venue: Cheong Pyeong Heaven and Earth Training Center.
4. Workshop fee: US$500.00 (600,000 Won)
5. Material to be prepared: Hoon dok books (Father's Prayers volume 1 - 12),
True Parents, Life on Earth and in the Spirit World), Donation, FM radio, white t-shirts (required for clapping sessions and prayer in the Jeongshimwon Prayer Hall), footwear bag, any necessary medicines or personal things, etc.
Additional Information about Special Workshops for Blessed Husbands
1. First Day of the Workshop: Registration is to be completed by 5:00 p.m. The opening ceremony will be at 7:00 p.m.
2. Final Day of the Workshop: The official schedule will finish by 1:00 p.m. Members attending from overseas are welcome to delay their departure until the following day if they do not want to be rushed. If someone wishes to stay more than one day after the workshop is concluded, he should make a donation of 13,000won (US$10.00) per extra day.
3. Participants: All blessed husbands from all nations You should try to attend the workshop according to your blessing group, but if that is difficult for some reason you may attend a later one. A husband whose wife has not yet attended the "blessed wives' special registration 21-day workshop" may attend this special workshop even so.
4. If you wish to liberate your ancestors (from the 43rd to the 49th generation), then you need to bring a separate offering for their liberation.
Thank you very much,
Rev. Michael Jenkins
President, FFWPU - USA
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