The Words of the Jenkins Family |
Los Angeles Report on True Mother's Eight City Tour
Michael Jenkins
December 19, 2001
Dear Leaders and Families,
Sorry, these reports have been delayed due to extensive travel.
True Mother's Speech in Los Angeles.
The Los Angeles Family led by Rev. Ku is extremely well organized and very comforting to our True Parents. When we arrived Rev. Ku not only has detailed photo albums of event preparations but a beautifully prepared list of every VIP, Ambassador for Peace candidate and detailed organizational charts. In addition, four or five professionally done photo albums of various prayer breakfasts and other events are there to be reviewed by True Mother. Rev. Tim Henning and Billy Ann Sabo prepared well. As always wherever Mother is you can find Mrs. Sheri Reuter. She has an unchanging heart of attendance.
The International Leadership Seminar was convened earlier that day with 170 participants. Dr. Yang gave the opening address and Mr. John Gehring of the Religious Youth Service gave a great IIFWP presentation. John was rather evangelical and the heart with which he has served over 40 countries with the Religious Youth Service showed through.
We could tell that the event was going to be a great success. The ILC had a very high standard. Potential Ambassadors for Peace had to submit resumes of their work and career to be accepted. About 170 attended the ILC. Bob Spitz and Andy Wise of the American Family Coalition co-chaired the conference. The AFC presentation was powerful as the nationally known pastor the Rev. Dr. E.V. Hill spoke on morality and the family. He was very universal in his approach and a very embracing soul toward the many Muslim participants. Our Kodan leader, Naoko had diligently visited Pastor Hill's Church for 2 years. She never gave up and on this day a great accomplishment was made. Dr. Hill spoke years ago, on True Father's behalf, at the Sen. Hatch Judiciary hearings declaring that the government had unjustly singled out Rev. Moon for persecution. At the ACLC presentation, Rev. Jack Ashworth read Father's words and Rev. Henning gave a presentation on the Spirit World. I was quite amazed as Bishop Stallings and I sat on the panel. I had the Bible and Bishop Stallings had the Divine Principle book. His presentation completely captivated the audience. Who would imagine that such a day would come when prominent clergy would come to understand Father and his message and then preach it in such a way that everyone become united in heart with the mission of Christianity to welcome the Completed Testament Age. Bishop Stallings testified about his blessing and how he discovered that we are 'Little Gods' as Psalms 82 says. Muslim, Christian, Jewish and all religious leaders could understand his message and feel the hope that the Kingdom is coming. We are all to be His temple.
The spirit of True Mother's speech was really great. Proclamations from Los Angeles Mayor, California Governor Gray Davis and surrounding cities of Downey and others honored Mother's Peace tour. Rev. Kene Holliday who is the former well known TV star 'Tyler Hudson' of Matlock was the MC. Dr. Holliday really testified to the sacrifice and love or our True Parents and how the blessing that he and his wife, Rev. Linda Holliday, received.
Rev. Ku had everything perfectly orchestrated. It was truly beautiful. The Samoan Choir was outstanding. Then there was a truly Universal Bridge of Peace Ceremony led by WFWP National VP Shari Reuter, Kimiyo Anceny and Claudalina.
Rev. E.V. Hill gave a beautiful message. He testified that Father Moon has planted thousands of 'righteous trees' that are growing up now to change the world. His heart was very sensitive to the unity of the 1000 seat VIP banquet. Rev. E.V. Hill was recognized as one of the top seven Christian leaders in America by Time Magazine.
Bishop Stallings did another brilliant introduction to True Mother. He is truly a son to our True Parents. He testified how happy he was that Mother had a hand in selecting his wife Sayomi. It was a beautiful moment.
The Los Angeles family is on a very steady track of solid growth with the Christian ministers. The movement there is beginning to have national impact and the heart of the ministers towards our True Parents just gets stronger and stronger. Special thanks to Naoko Rev. Hill's 'missionary' and our Kodan leader there. Also Ricky Joswick and Jack Ashworth are doing much to unify Christianity.
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