The Words of the Jenkins Family |
Blessing News
Michael Jenkins
April 12, 2002
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Thank you all so very much for the efforts that you are making for the success of our 144,000 Interreligious and International Clergy Blessing on April 27th. The response of our community has been a most inspiring sight. Many families have welcomed our Japanese sisters into their homes and are visiting a very large percentage of the churches in Virginia, Maryland and D.C. with quite positive results. We are excited and happy to be able to report to you that we are seeing a new level of commitment in the clergy and their wives to bless their congregations and speak out for fidelity in marriage.
We are also happy to announce that very important clergy have agreed to be our Co-Chairmen for this blessing. They are Rev. Dr. Wyatt Tee Walker of Canaan Baptist Church in Harlem (Chief of Staff for Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.), Dr. Walter Fauntroy of New Bethel Baptist Church, Rev. Leon Lipscombe of Allen Chapel A.M.E. Church, Rev. T.J. Baltimore of People's Community Baptist Church in Maryland and Rev. Don Olson of the Lutheran Church. These names are known and respected throughout Washington D.C. as well as the nation.
I'm writing also to thank Rev. In Hoi Lee and all of you for the kind welcome you have given me as the Senior Pastor of the Washington Family Church. Our Continental Director, Dr. Chang Shik Yang, established this role for me following the pattern of the President of our Korean FFWPU, Rev. Hwang in Korea, and President of our church in Japan, Rev. Oyamada. They stand as Senior Pastors in the national headquarters churches or their nations in addition to the national and international responsibilities. Our teaching pastors, Rev. Lykes, Rev. McCarthy and Rev. Marshall will continue to guide our local services performing, together with our associate pastors and youth ministers, the care and pastoring of our congregation.
Recently Rev. Lee has requested a $600 donation for the April 27th blessing. This donation is the only financial offering requested for this April blessing and is totally supported by Dr. Yang and myself as our family portion of responsibility. I'm writing to underscore the importance of this offering as a sacrificial condition for the success of this historic blessing on April 27th. This is an offering which, when given with the heart, will not only aid our success with the ministers but will also set the condition for your family to receive a blessing. I sincerely request also that you pray to ask God directly what He would like you to offer. I believe that there are some among us who are financially blessed to the degree that they could offer $10,000 or even $20,000 at this time. Please ask God what His wish is for your family. He will bless you abundantly based on your sacrifice.
Rev. Michael Jenkins
Senior Pastor
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