The Words of the Jenkins Family |
144,000 on True Parents Day!!
Michael Jenkins
April 13, 2002
Dear Leaders, Families and All brothers and sisters,
At 8:40 am EST (9:40 pm Korea) America fulfilled the 144,000 Holy Wine "Blessing" of Clergy. Last night when we finished the day we had 143,800.
This morning when Rev. Heller opened his email there were two reports. One from Boston region that increased the number but didn't finish the 144,000. The other was from Bishop Kim and Chicago Region which was 2000 that put us over the goal. It is truly a confirmation of God's hand that with everyone's sincere and earnest effort that the actual number was fulfilled on True Parents Day in America and in Korea!!
Victory for True Parents, America and our Christian Family. Thank you Chicago.
Thank you to all National Messiahs, Japanese Missionaries and Elder Son Nation blessed central families. We should continue to bless the ministers and prepare them for April 27th.
We should now plan for follow-up. True Family Values teaching in churches and the launching of Service For Peace movement on June 29th in which 10,000 will rally in D.C. Youth and the Christian Leaders together with elected officials to Stand For Family and Save the Nation.
Rev. Jesse Jackson received the Holy Wine Thursday from Rev. Lorman Lykes knowing that Father Moon was giving him the Blessing. Daryl Greene of the Washington Redskins received the blessing and may come for the 27th .
Please Pray for the dominion of the Living God to manifest in America and steer this Holy nation to its appointed destiny.
God Bless you our cherished Blessed Families.
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