The Words of the Jenkins Family |
Happy True God's Day
Michael Jenkins
December 31,
Dear Family,
Tears are flowing like a river here at Chung Pyung. Somehow the ancestor liberation that is going on is having a profound effect. True Parents are doing everything possible to liberate our families of any problem in our lineage and ancestry. This combined with the fact the world leadership is going through purification and prayer for 50 days has made this moment before the God's Day Midnight prayer one that is particularly emotional.
True Parents just arrived here a Chung Pyung. Father has come to the Fatherland to begin this historic year of 2003 upon the foundation of bequeathing all he had from his historic course in America.
Let us reflect on 2002 with a prayerful and sincere mind and heart. There were so many victories. Yet we know that they came with a price. The hidden suffering course of our True Parents, manifesting incredible grace and love for us. Also, your own course as a blessed central family in this time of the last days has been one of suffering and trial. Yet greater faith is now manifesting in our families.
America and Christianity are solidly on the road to becoming one with the dispensational will of heaven. All problems can and will be solved.
Please have a wonderful True God's Day with your family. We pray that God's blessing will pour down from heaven like a waterfall upon you and your family in the year of 2002.
Soon, I will post the notes of Father' s address.
Cheon Il Guk !!
Dear brothers and sisters,
Happy 36th of True God's Day!
I would like to express thanks and appreciation to everyone who worked hard to bring victories for the new providential era shining in eternal and celestial brightness!
Today, I am happy to announce you that world mission center will provide the live web casting in English on 36th True God's Day at Chung Pyung.
Web Casting Schedule
1. 0 O'clock Jan. 01, 2003 00:00, Korean Time
2. God's Day Service Jan. 01, 2003 09:00, Korean Time
3. God's Day Celebration Jan. 01, 2003 14:00, Korean Time
4. 20th Day of the Victory of Love Jan. 02, 2003 07:00, Korean Time
Test web casting will start before 20 minute of the main event.
Technical Details
* 56 Kbps in English or higher connection in Korean
* Windows Media Player
* Computer equipped with sound card
May the love and blessing of the Parents of Heaven and Earth be with you leaders and members worldwide.
Rev. Ken Doo