The Words of the Jenkins Family |
John Williams (Wife Masako) Of New Jersey Makes The Transition To The Next World
Michael Jenkins
January 15, 2003
To all our American FFWPU family,
We announce the passing of our dear brother John Williams, of Fort Lee, NJ. He is survived by his wife, Masako san, and 3 children, Minjo, Seoyun, and Nariku. John joined in 1975, served on MFT, was a boat captain in Ocean Church where he was responsible for longline fishing, and was an active member of the New Jersey Family Church.
John also was a missionary to Poland in 1990, where he brought 2 spiritual daughters to our movement. He always humbly served God's proividence through out his life in the church. His brother, Miller is also a blessed member.
He and his family have stood as a faithful and very supportive blessed central family. He was proud to be the first Gypsy to join our church.
The Seung Hwa will be at Edwards Funeral Home in Dobbs Ferry, NY Friday, January 17th, 2003, 9AM. Please contact the Clifton Church at 973 916-0158 for more information.
All donations can be sent to:
HSA Clifton
1231 Van Houten Ave.
Clifton, NJ 07013
Make checks payable to HSA New Jersey and please note for John Williams.
Thank you.
Sincerely and ITN
Rev. Michael Jenkins
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