The Words of the Jenkins Family |
Father's Courage
Michael Jenkins
March 7, 2003
Dear Family,
Father is now returning to Korea. Early this morning he will meet the key clergy concerning taking down the cross. Father was very moved by Rev. Dr. E.V. Hill's support of the Blessing. When he heard about Dr. Hill's transition Father stopped everything to write a special calligraphy for Dr. Hill. The calligraphy says, "Congratulations. You are appointed as the Interreligious emissary between heaven and earth." Father mentioned, that this calligraphy has great power for purification. Anyone that goes to the spirit world with Father's banner will have incredible power. Then Father mentioned how Soon Ja McDevitt was able to appear to her son and encourage him to be blessed and even help in the selection. Because of the banner (calligraphy) I gave she is free to do this!!
The key thing for all the Blessed Central Families at this time is to support the clergy education. Either through inviting ministers or helping to financially sponsor ministers to fly to the four convocations. This is our key battle line at this time.
As it was in 1945 - 1948 this is our situation at this time.
Beloved Family, now that we are back, we must be vigilant to protect True Parents. The condition that is most important for the success of the providence is that a significant number of Christian leaders unite with Father's direction to educate 12,000 ministers and to take down the cross.
As you well know the current world affairs at a very critical phase. Whether we achieve peace or not is directly connected with Father's dispensation. Core Christian ministers have already accepted the way that Father has given and have pledged to take down the cross.
"Korea was established under the protection of Christian nations of the democratic world. At that time, Rev. Moon had expected to start in the highest position with the famous leaders who founded a country in order to fulfill it's destiny of the new Providence. Then, because the ministers who were representative of the Christian Church were opposed to Rev. Moon, God's will was blocked everywhere. All this has not been explained until now. The content I am talking about is totally new.
Korea was a nation formed on God's side centering on the Christian Church. Because a few ministers who represented Christianity were opposed to Rev. Moon, a way opened that nationwide the Christian churches could oppose Rev. Moon. Rev. Moon had prepared everything for this for three years from 1945 to 1948. In this period, Rev Moon worked individually. But nobody knew that he had a historical mission. Because I was in that position the Christian Church could oppose Rev. Moon. I knew that God prepared a lot of spiritual groups. Even though God prepared internally, if the Christian Church opposes with the rest of the nation, it is in the position of Judaism and Israel which opposed Jesus Christ.
During the three years from 1945 -1948, Rev. Moon was not welcomed by the Christian Churches and nation. They were frantically opposed to me with the national power and foundation. That was the reason it was necessary to pay restoration by indemnity of Jesus Christ's position. Because the people who led the Christian Church divided with Rev. Moon, it became the motivation to separate as South and North. North Korea established their own government in 1948."
Way of Unification Chapter 3, Section 3
Father is challenging the circumstances in Korea. Our 2400 in every district laid the groundwork for a new "Family Movement". It is on the front pages of the paper. Especially that this movement is already planted in 2400 plus districts.
Know your identity at this time. We are the Blessed Central Families and the Priests of the Third Israel. Sacrifice and God will pour down his blessing for America and the world.
This time Israel will not fail.
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