The Words of the Jenkins Family |
Easter Sunday - Resurrection
Michael Jenkins
April 20, 2003
Dear Family,
Throughout America through services held on Good Friday, Saturday and on Easter Sunday, we are marking a transitional moment in history. The desire of God for the second Israel is now being realized. Christian pastors are uniting with the Lord of the Second Advent and taking down the cross. They are embracing the blessing and coming forward to build the Kingdom of God on Earth. These pastors are standing on the foundation of direct experience with Father during the 50 state tour and the profound leadership he has given to the ACLC through the Blessing of Marriage movement and the courageous public proclamation of the revelations of Jesus and saints from the spirit world which confirm that True Parents are the ones anointed by Jesus to fulfill the second coming.
These pastors are now standing on the foundation of the Divine Principle combined with the fires of immense persecution that each and everyone of them have experienced and overcome. They are standing together with a profound understanding that the Cross must come down because it represents the secondary course that Jesus had to walk to pay indemnity due to the failure in faith of the chosen people to receive him 2000 years ago. They feel a sense of history knowing that they are walking a path as the Second Israel to restore the path of the First Israel. Now step by step, though almost unknown to humanity an enormous transition is occurring in which each condition of failure is now being restored substantially with a condition of victory. Just as it was with Jesus victorious resurrection, just as it was with the blessing of True Parents in 1960, most of the world doesn't even know what happened. But history will mark this moment forever, as the Pastors (priests) of the Second Israel obeyed the voice of the Lord in his most significant hour. The hour in which the gateway to the Cheon Il Guk was opened.
Over 220 pastors participated so far in 56 services across this nation. We want to express our profound gratitude to True Parents for setting the conditions through the Cheon Il Guk Blessing and Coronation Ceremony that allowed for this historic providence. By the end of this Easter day of resurrection, 12,000 will have been touched directly by True Parents words and message concerning the cross.
We also want to thank Jesus on the Easter Morning for the path of suffering that he endured not only on the cross but for 2000 years in which he carried the heartistic cross of preparing the Second Israel for this day. True Parents are now ending the history of tears in the heart of Jesus.
We cannot fathom the anguish of God over the cross and the rejection and humiliation that he felt over the rejection of his son. If you read the story of Jesus in the book of John in Chapters 18 and 19 you will be overwhelmed at what happened. The King had come to his own and his own received him not.
Today however, Easter Sunday is the day of resurrection!! This is the day that Jesus is totally liberated. A new day has dawned. Our original goal of 120 pastors was surpassed and an outpouring of spirit, tears and heart are now combining with overwhelming joy over this time. The cross is coming down in full public view, with clarity of understanding that this was not what God originally intended for his son.
We cannot imagine the relief and release that God must feel when he sees the crosses coming down from his churches. We cannot imagine the comfort that God experiences when he sees the Second Israel grafting into to True Parents through the change of blood lineage and the Blessing.
We will now walk this path to Israel and on to the 38th Parallel. We will see the day of the Glory of the Lord.
We realize however that God's heart is still in great anguish over the fact that he still has no sovereign nation to call his own. Therefore let us go forward with great confidence to carry out the dispensation leading to securing the Fatherland as the nation of God's sovereignty.
True Father will receive the reports from Dr. Yang in a short time.
Thanks America.
Let us bring the Kingdom substantially on the earth through the Sovereign nation of Cheon Il Guk.
Happy Easter, Happy Resurrection Day!!
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