The Words of the Jenkins Family

God's Providence 2000 Years Ago And Its Fulfillment Today

Michael Jenkins
January 25, 2004

Dear Family,

In studying Father's words we find the secrets behind history. Here are Father's words concerning what would have happened if Jesus had been received 2000 years ago. Now that on December 22nd the representatives of the Jewish Faith embraced history Father's words give us insight into how the course of history will go victoriously. Just as Father predicted upon the embrace of Jesus, the door will open for massive reconciliation between Christians, Moslems and Jews. This process has begun. Imam Bundakji and other key Islamic leaders, including those from Jerusalem that the work of December 22nd and the trip to Gaza and Ramallah has generated a huge wave of news in the Arab world towards the work of the IIPC. It is fulfilling what Father said would happen if Jesus was received. The Arab / Muslim world will be embraced and then will unite together with all believers in the one God of humanity. The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, also known as God, G-D,Jehovah and Allah. Now a new nation of "Covenant" with God has been established centering on the Cheon Il Guk - Father calls it the "Fourth Israel". It is a new nation of "Covenant" that includes Muslims, Jews and Christians and all believers who stand as Blessed Families before heaven and earth.

Please study Father's words and share your insights and discoveries concerning the glorious path we are on today to build God's Kingdom.

Thanks America.


Way Of Unification - Part 1 by Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Section 3. The Current Of God's Providence
2) What if the Israelites had Welcomed Jesus Christ?

If Jesus had not died, what would have happened? His hope for world unification would have been realized. He would have completed God's Will.

First, Jesus would have united Judaism, the Jewish tribes and nation, and the Arab region in which the descendants of the twelve tribes were living. Jesus' goal was to bring unification, centered on one religion, of all tribes, nations and the world. Even though this was Jesus' mission, he was killed just three years after he began it. He should not have died at the age of 33.

Rather, he should have lived until he had completed the Will of God by saving all the people and the world and becoming King of Kings.

The Bible clearly states that God sent his only begotten son Jesus Christ because He loved this world. If the Israelites had united with Jesus, God would surely have realized His Will.

Let's look at the situation of Israel at the time of Jesus. The Roman Empire, the strongest empire in the world, was declining and becoming spiritually impoverished. A revolt or radical revolutionary change was likely. This was the situation at the time of Jesus' birth. At that time in the Orient, Indian civilization had developed centering on Buddhism and Chinese civilization centering on Confucianism.

In other words, if the twelve tribes of Israel had united with Jesus in walking this religious way, the entire Arab world would easily have united with him. Upon this foundation he would have won over the Roman Empire, Europe and all of Asia. Jesus would have established a new religious realm and would have become the King of Kings. Even if the Roman Empire had opposed him, with the support of the Buddhist and Confucian powers in the East, Jesus could have united the world in his time.

Unfortunately Jewish people rejected Jesus and he was sent to his death; the hope of the unified world was lost.

Let's think over what would have been established if the Israelites had welcomed and united with Jesus. If that had happened Jesus would have become the King of Israel, united his disciples, and brought unity among all the descendants of Abraham including the twelve tribes of Jacob and the Arabs. They all would have become part of the family of God's children.

Jesus would have secured the sovereignty of God centered on the nation of Israel, and established the Constitution of the Heavenly Kingdom. At that time, once God's sovereignty had been substantially realized in a nation, no one would have dared to challenge it. The nation that God wished to establish through Adam would have been realized through the second Adam, Jesus Christ the King. The Roman Empire would have knelt down before God as prophesied in Isaiah Chapter 9:7-9: "The Lord thunders; He sits on the throne of David; He has set up His throne and His judgment seat. He will judge the world with justice and try the cause of the peoples fairly. So may the Lord be a tower of strength for the oppressed, a tower of strength in time of need."

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