The Words of the Jenkins Family |
Reverend Jenkins - Concerning His Notes Of TP Words
Michael Jenkins
April 15, 2004
Family Federation for World Peace and Unification
3224 16th St. NW, Washington, DC 20010
(202) 319-3200 fax 202 319-3201 e-mail admin@familyfed.org
North America Headquarters
Dr. Chang Shik Yang, Continental Director Rev. Michael Jenkins, President
April 15, 2004
Dear Family,
This is a letter concerning Father's words. My notes are not to be taken as Father's definitive word. Only the original text can provide that. Translations that are carefully done and reviewed by native Korean and English speakers provide good sources for understanding Father's word. Still only the original text in the original language can be viewed as definitive. I am not worthy to convey Father's precious words and the speed with which I record the translation cannot keep up with the exact wording of the translator. Due to the problems of translation and the recording process, these notes are only for your inspiration and general understanding of Father's focus.
Simultaneous translation, from which the notes are taken is done in summary form and depends greatly on the translators ability to communicate the essence of the message. The note taking sometimes catches the translation word for word and sometimes is done summarizing the essential idea. Our translators, who spend a significant amount of time with True Parents when they are speaking become better with time because many key ideas that True Parents communicate are repeated several times.
Again these are notes and cannot be published as definitive texts and should never be used in the future for some kind of official publication on Father's words. However they do provide a good idea of the "spirit" of the message.
Even if they were notes from an English speaker to an English speaking person taking notes - there would be serious gaps and errors. Therefore these notes should be used for inspiration and to enhance our understanding of Father's spirit and concentration. Specific directions will be communicated through official International or National FFWPU headquarters' memos.
The Korean recordings of key proclamations and historic messages are being carefully translated into English and other languages and published for historic use and current understanding. Still even with careful translation much is lost or not understood. The only way to really understand Father's words is to learn the original language and go to the original recordings and texts.
Again, we sincerely pray that you will benefit from the spirit of what Father is saying and will commit yourself to going to the original texts for a more clear understanding.
Rev. Michael Jenkins
Family Federation for World Peace and Unification
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