The Words of the Jenkins Family

Walk For Peace

Michael Jenkins
June 3, 2004

Dear Family,

Our brother Mr. Matsuo Machida has begun an historic "Walk for Peace". It is to call America and the world to seek peace through repentance and reconciliation. At the same time it is to spark a movement of reconciliation and love highlighting the life and ministry of Father Moon and his path for Peace. As it was with Gandhi and Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. the path and ministry for peace is walked with great suffering, trials and tribulation. Jail and immense persecution and suffering followed their path and has followed the path of Rev. Moon.

Mr. Machida is walking with faith and love for all humanity. He is bringing a spirit of love and repentance, repenting for Japan's history with Pearl Harbor, the Philippines, China and Korea. It is in that spirit that we as Americans love and respect. We are being moved in our hearts through this effort to realize that America and especially the people of faith must repent. Why? We repent that we have not been more vigilant to stop the moral decline of this nation. Though America has fulfilled so much historically and even recently through the Coronation of Jesus and of our True Parents - the fundamental spiritual foundation of this nation has been strengthened and secured. We will not fail.

Still, as Thomas Jeffereson said - "Eternal Vigilance is the Price of Liberty." Must we not be more agressive in our vigilance and more sure footed in our resolve to turn back the tide of immorality for still the moral decline and family breakdown threatens the "soul" of our nation? In addition we know we can lead the way to peace. We are seeing this reality as we walk with the support of Jews in Israel and Muslims in Palestine. We have the power to bring the peace. We want to initiate a new movement that will heal the divisions of the world and unify believes, Christians, Muslims and Jews as one family to support fidelity in marriage and faithfulness before heaven.

We are praying and longing for the day that America will be transformed into the leader of Peace, sending our young people throughout the world as "Young Ambassadors for Peace" and that the we will see an end of war.

This is a great moment for all Americans to rise up and bring the God's Hope for America to lead the world to the age of peace. Let us "Walk for Peace" with Mr. Machida. Let us "Pray for Peace" with our brother. In each major city along the route please join the walk with the ACLC Clergy and the Ambassadors for Peace.

Mr. Machida is getting up at 4 am to walk and going until 10 PM. This was never done by anybody before in past journeys across America.

Brothers and sisters we are moved by this heart and sacrifice. We must sacrifice more to save this nation. Please support our brother. One family member and elder blessed couple became so inspired by Matsuo's determination that he began a 40 Day Fast for the Revival of America as the leader of the World for Peace.

Rise up America and lead the world to Peace.


Rev. Michael Jenkins
Family Federation For World Peace and Unification

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