The Words of the Jenkins Family |
This Is An Historic Moment
Michael Jenkins
June 26, 2004
Dear Family,
True Parents have fulfilled all dispensational conditions and have been lifted up by the fulfillment of historic conditions as the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and All Humanity. As the Lord said to Joshua, ( Joshua 1:9 ) " Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the LORD thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest. " Now is the time to exhibit great faith.
The coverage of the March 23rd Crown of Peace Event has gone throughout every community of the world The Clergy and core American leaders and Ambassadors for Peace are standing with Father and Mother.
We sincerely ask that you be encouraged and realize the opportunity that God has given us to communicate on the Message and Mission of our True Parents. All that they teach and do will now be brought to the front. True Love, True Life and True Lineage are essential to the blessed family. Loving our enemies and living for the sake of others and building Ideal families are our core principles. We stand on the solid rock of God's word and the faith we have the all people can be blessed by God at this time.
Encourage your allies in the ACLC and the Ambassadors for Peace to stand up now for True Parents and the Peace Kingdom. Already the core conditions of John the Baptist testifying and standing with our True Parents were set with the Clouds of Witnesses and the stand of the clergy from that time on.
God will guide us. Jesus is with us as are all the saints. The Heavenly host and the Myriads from Heaven have spoken in testimony concerning the Second Coming of the Lord.
Now the ACLC Clergy and the Ambassadors for Peace are rising to testify. They are confident and will not be swayed by challenges or persecution, for the victory has already been secured. They were prepared by God for this moment through the trials of the Clouds of Witnesses. They know that God has anointed Father as the central figure at this time. True Parents received the confirmation and authority of heaven through the anointing of Jesus and this was confirmed by religious leaders and Ambassadors for Peace. This can never be reversed.
As it was with the Jerusalem Declaration - When representatives of Christianity, Islam and Judaism repented together for not having loved one another and for not having understood the will of heaven in relation to Jesus - a new history began in Israel. On that foundation the Fourth Israel could be established - proclaiming that in addition to the beloved Jewish people who were the first to be "chosen" by God, the status of being '"chosen" has expanded to Christians and Muslims and all people of faith. There have been many challenges to our work since that time, however the unity of Muslims, Christians and Jews has only gotten stronger.
It was based on that unity and the reconciliation of the Abrahamic Faiths that the December 22nd, February 4th and the March 23rd events could be held in which Jesus was given the Crown and True Parents were honored. We will not fail in our work to bring peace. As it was with the creation of the fourth Israel in which a new history dawned for the Abrahamic faiths, a new history has dawned in America, the Elder Son Nation in which all faiths, all races and all peoples will be embraced by God and blessed in marriage. The key always is faith and unity.
Therefore we encourage everyone to rejoice and be glad. Pray sincerely that all those who are standing with True Parents are strengthened and given special power to fulfill their responsibility before history. Pray for the healing of America and that war will end. Pray that America will fulfill her destiny to unify all races, faiths and cultures realizing the Peace Kingdom.
Pray for the Kingdom of God.
With Love,
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