The Words of the Jenkins Family |
Blessing of the Second Generation
Michael Jenkins
January 17, 2005
Dear Family,
Once again we encourage all families to consider a historic opportunity to have your son or daughter matched by True Parents. This will occur in February 2005 in Korea.
Please pray together as a family. True Parents are setting the cornerstone of the Peace Kingdom in place through these pure young people. Please do not push your sons or daughters but encourage them to seek God's guidance.
Our Education Department, centering on Rev. Schanker, and our Blessed Family Department, led by Jim and Hiromi Stephens, have sent memos regarding the details. Applications are being taken now. Ask your Regional and Vice Regional Directors as well as pastors for advice or guidance.
Please pray and consider. Father mentioned in Korea that the optimum time for blessing for the Second Generation is between the ages of 18 - 24.
The standards are very high and must be carefully considered. After seeing the young people who came forward on December 26th for the Holy Wedding at East Garden, we were all inspired and reminded that these young people are God's direct heirs and the first fruits of his blood lineage.
Please consider prayerfully.
Sincerely with True Parent's Love,
Rev. Michael Jenkins
Family Federation for World Peace and Unification
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