The Words of the Jenkins Family |
Letter To The Washington DC Family
Michael Jenkins
February 4, 2005
Dear Washington D.C. Family,
I pray that all is well with your family and your work. I am writing to ask that the 50 families from the Washington Area join my wife and I in offering $500 for the development of our Washington Family Church Educational Activity centering on Rev. Hong and Rev. McCarthy.
I have been moved by the efforts of our Washington Community during True Parents speaking tour in October and the beautiful event that was held on December 13th as well as the healthy development of our ministries and communities. The Washington Community is covering so many areas that are needed for the strengthening and developing of our Blessed Families, Youth, as well as the religious leaders and Ambassadors for Peace.
The pastors of the Washington Family church are uniting in heart and sincerely coming together with Rev. Hong, Rev. McCarthy and our True Parents, seeking God's blessing upon this city, its communities and our nation. True Parents see the Washington community of Blessed Central Families and the various organizations that they founded as being absolutely central to the health of this nation and in turn the whole world.
In this fifth year of Cheon Il Guk I can see great advancement in our community and the effect it will have on the future of our nation. We just completed our national meeting in New York with 120 FFWPU leaders from all 50 states. It was encouraging - there is growth -
It is still small but there are beautiful new full time members starting to come. Washington set a very good example with new full time members this past year. It is a beginning. Most importantly God's love is flowing throughout the Washington area. Please continue this. There are no walls that we cannot dissolve if we have such love. We need every family that was touched by True Parents. We need every person. We need each other and most of all True Parent's need us.
True Parent's feel hope and trust in you and in America because every major goal we were asked to accomplish last year was fulfilled in the Washington area. From the Women's Middle East Peace Initiative, to the Pilgrimage to Israel in September to the 2 million and 8 million blessing. Washington made the goal.
Please join me in setting a condition to strengthen the Washington Family Church movement. My wife and I gave our offering to Rev. Hong last week. If you can't give $500 now, pledge that amount and give from your heart. If you do this from your heart you will be blessed by heaven. Please give and set another "condition" to empower our pastors to fulfill their God given responsibilities to bring True Parents love to every home and family in Washington. This is a most positive and hopeful time. The opportunity is set before us to completely take this nation through another victorious step in the providence. Washington will set the condition that can affect the whole nation. Please pray for the President of the United States, our various leaders - religious and civic and pray for America. That her light will shine in such a way that gardens of peace will flourish from her touch.
Dr. Yang and I sincerely thank Rev. Hong and Rev. McCarthy and the whole community for your support for America. Thank you Washington Family.
Rev. Michael Jenkins
Family Federation for World Peace and Unification
1610 Columbia Rd. N.W.
Washington, DC. 20009
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