The Words of the Jenkins Family

GOP Spots Still Available

Michael Jenkins
June 14, 2005

Dear Family,

Mrs. Alexa Ward, President of WFWP in North America also serves as Family Federation Vice President and in that capacity has been overseeing the General Orientation Program in Korea representing FFWPU USA. She has asked the attached memo be distributed widely as the are three slots still available for the next year's program coming in the fall. (Applications are due immediately).

The GOP program is an excellent spiritual and cultural experience in which the tradition and heart of our True Parents and our faith are conveyed through living together with Second Generation brothers and sisters under the direction and teaching of Church Elders and Blessed Central Families. It is a cultural experience that is quite profound as the language and culture of the Fatherland is taught and experienced. Also academic studies are pursued that allow the student to progress in the regular junior high education.

We encourage all families to consider this program for the deepening of the heart and faith of our youth.

Please consider the attached memo.


Rev. Dr. Michael Jenkins

To: Blessed families with children between 12 and 13 years of age
From: Western GOP program
Re: Still 3 more spaces in the GOP 2005/2006 program

As you may know, the Korean GOP program has traditionally acted as a vehicle for instilling second generation culture for our children. While studying the Korean language, the children are in a cultural education program designed to introduce them to the differing mindsets of Eastern and Western worldviews as well as the lifestyle and hearts of the Korean people. Even more, lifelong bonds and relationships have been developed, which act as a substantial support in the faith journeys of our children.

At this time, we have three positions available for the incoming GOP year, 2005-2006. If your child will be between 12 and 13 on September 1, 2005, they are eligible to attend this year's program. We would need your application submitted immediately by June 20, 2005 or as soon as possible. The first complete applications to be submitted will be considered first.

My own children have greatly appreciated and enjoyed their years in Korea and I encourage you to consider sending your children to learn the language and heart of the land of our True Father's birthplace.

If you are interested, please submit your application immediately by going to the GOP website,, and following the instructions. Please contact Jennifer Ang at or 203-333-5572 if you have any questions.

With warm regards,
Alexa Ward

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