The Words of the Jenkins Family |
Please Keep Praying For Debbie Taylor
Michael Jenkins
July 18, 2005
Dear Family,
My wife Reiko and I visited Rev. Debbie Taylor today. It was very moving to walk into her hospital room unannounced and to see her husband Rev. Joe Taylor all alone with her holding her hand and praying for her. His heart and attitude is so outstanding and faithful.
Please continue your prayers. They are very important. Debbie had her eyes opened and appeared to acknowledge our prayers and questions to her by blinking her eyes and by moving her arms and legs. That has already astonished doctors.
It is still very tentative, however your prayers and your sincere concern and love for Rev. Taylor are extremely important.
Rev. Debbie Taylor is alive and there is hope.
Please pray for her and Rev. Linda Triggol. They are the finest American blessed women who have continuously graced the front line as daughters of True Parents and leaders of our efforts to unify the body of Christ.
Rev. Debbie Taylor became ill on the front line at the ACLC prayer breakfast at Holy Scripture Church of Christ of Rev. Marshall. She stood on the front line and has offered everything for heaven.
Tonight Mr. Jim Chimes of Denver talked with Rev. Joe Taylor and I. His wife Shirley sent us a beautiful testimony of how she revived from a comatose condition years ago.
His sharing with Joe, Reiko and I was very moving. He shared that he was in total despair and was finally led to the chapel in the hospital and there he offered and his heart to God that Shirley is God's Daughter and shi is in God's hands. He shared with God that before she is Jim's wife she is God's daughter. Jim said he prayed with gratitude for her life and their blessing. He also said he was sorry to God for not doing more for his wife. He felt that in his prayer his heart became completely open and peaceful to face whatever course God had for him and Shirley at that time. It was profound. She revived and Jim told me that their lives have completely changed. (Jim usually drives True Parents when they come to Denver for speaking tours).
With this Joe, Reiko and I went to the Chapel for Prayer. Rev. Joe Taylor is absolutely faithful and standing with such an incredible heart toward God, True Parents and his beloved wife Rev. Debbie Taylor.
We pray for God's special grace to bring Rev. Taylor to full recovery.
Please continue with your prayers and offerings for the family.
Rev. Michael Jenkins
National Pastor
Family Church of America
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