The Words of the Jenkins Family |
Los Angeles Report
Michael Jenkins
September 30, 2005
Now is God's Time
12 City North American / 100 City World Tour
It was the perfect conclusion of the 12 City North American tour. During the day just hours before the event Rev. Ku and Rev. Henning organized a very significant seminar to educate 160 Candidates for Ambassadors for Peace. It was the largest group appointment that has occurred at one time. 160 elected officials, religious leaders, Faith based community leaders, business, media, sports, academia and many other professionals have joined together to become the Ambassadors for Peace. Dr. Kaufman taught beautifully concerning the origin of war being the conflict between our mind and body. Rev. Godwin DaSilva, Mayor Keith McCarthy, Ms. Sheri Reuter gave presentations and education to the Ambassadors for Peace. They guided the Ambassadors in the seminar as to the core values of being an Ambassador for Peace, (that we affirm One God and Parent of all humankind, that we affirm the blessed family and marriage, that we promote inter-religious and interracial unity and cooperation, that we affirm the core value of "living for the sake of others". The 160 were most distinguished and accomplished individuals. There was a total balance among the Ambassadors, white, black, Hispanic, native American and Asian. Dr. Yang as Chairman of IIFWP for North America was asked to officially convey the appointments.
The Los Angeles Airport Marriott was the venue for the victory. The 160 Ambassadors for Peace were joined by 240 more for a total of 400 Ambassadors for Peace attending as VIP's. Other dignitaries and guests numbered over 1000 to make an event overflowing with 1400 people. The quality was absolutely outstanding. The opening began with a special choir led by Minister Blinky Williams who worked with Dr. E.V. Hill for many years. Then Keith and Magdalene Milsap led our Los Angeles Hollywood Choir. Many Unificationists sang together with Rick Joswick leading the choir. They sang Peace, Shalom, Salaam Alaikam which was written by Barry Fasman (Noted producer of the hit TV show FAME). They sang so powerfully. It was amazing to see the spirit that has been developed through the work in the Middle East. Rick and Barry developed this off of our "march" theme when we walk through the streets of Jerusalem - "Peace, Shalom, Salaam Alaikam."
The invocation was given by Rev. Dr. Cecil "Chip" Murray, Senior Pastor of First A.M.E. Church in South Central L.A. Rev. Murray became nationally known during the Rodney King incident in which he and First AME became the point at which God could work to defuse the violence and bring calm to a city on fire with racial tensions. Dr. Murray's prayer was as is his leadership, magnificent. He prayed for the unity of God's people and that God would continue to guide and bless Rev. Moon in his quest for peace and the work to bring people of faith together.
Rev. and Mrs. Toldson, ACLC leaders and Pastor and First Lady of Little Mt. Zion Baptist Church came forward to receive the Holy Wine and the prayer of blessing. They were so rich spiritually and such a handsome couple that it brought joy to all who stood together and shared in the blessing. They shared the cup and when I said, "you may kiss the bride" , they hesitated for a moment, then I said, "you may hug the bride if you don't want to kiss in public" then they kissed each other and smiled. They were great. Both dressed in Blue.
The 160 Ambassadors for Peace that were appointed earlier in the day were introduced to the audience of 1500. It was so beautiful to see the Ambassadors stand up with their beautiful Ambassador for Peace certificate bound in a black leather folder with a golden IIFWP logo on it. They stood with great pride holding their certificates in the air. They were so dignified and inspired. They will be part of the Universal Peace Force that will bring peace to the hot spots of the world.
Then the Abrahamic Faiths had a new representative, the Rev. Dr. Wm. Johnson, Superintendent of the C.M.E. Church gave an incredible written and scholarly address. You could feel that another spiritual pillar in history was being laid down, it was like the affirmation of the Early Church Father's of Patriarchs of Christendom.
Then Rabbi Waldman did a special Shabbat service with wine, bread, candles and prayer. It was beautiful then he said the, "the Work of Peace that Rev. Moon is the Work of God may he and his bride Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon live to be 120 years old, as did Abraham. Everybody say AMEN!!" Imam Pasha Salahuddin made it beautiful and clear - Rev. Moon is the man that God has chosen, he is the man of the hour, the man who is the fulfillment of what the Koran calls for… he is the Mahdi the Messiah who is to come." Then Rev. Edwards immediately touched everyone's heart in one moment. He is deeply anointed and filled with the Holy Spirit. He shared, "Father Moon is the only one that can bring the sons of Abraham together in heart as brothers realizing that we are all children of the same God. Father Moon is the Peace King."
Archbishop Stallings gave his heartfelt testimony. This time he added one statement that sent a chill up many a spine. He is anointed, appointed and approved of God. He is the one walking in the shoes of the Messiah, with the Mantle of The Messiah. Make no mistake, I present to you now the man that God has sent, the one we have been waiting for 2000 years…. The Rev. Sun Myung MOOOOOOOOOOOONNNNNN!!!!
We are living an incredible history. We are fulfilling the will of heaven.
Father took the stage. Is it the last time he will speak in America???? Perhaps not, but the feeling is getting strong that every moment with him is more precious than ever.
Father shared more profoundly than ever. Father shared from his heart, why am I doing a 100 city world tour. Why? Because I want to give every ounce of my energy to the world in sharing God's message. Father gave his heart to LA and to America. Many of those in attendance were stunned with the truth that he spoke. Father was quite strong about how real religious leaders must rise up now and challenge the ungodly things that are going on. He challenged Hollywood saying that the actors and actresses are pretending in their performances. They do not represent what humanity is really all about. We cannot pretend or act, we must have the heart to fulfill the will of God and to build relationships of heart and love that don't break down.
How about step children, step parents. He shared from God's view point there should be no "step". Through the principle and True Love and the Holy Blessing of marriage we can bless and link families under the blessing of God. With this spiritual linkage to God's lineage we will have the spiritual power to end the culture of divorce. We should end the concept of "step" anything. The fact that 400 Ambassadors for Peace were there with such strength made an incredible foundation for the audience to receive the truth. The ACLC clergy of Los Angeles were out in strength. Rev. Gatson, Rev. Briggs and the beautiful San Diego clergy, Rev. Nichols of the Church of God in Christ. Rev. Milsap our National Executive Committee members. Many of the clergy have completed a weekly course on the Divine Principle that lasts for 12 weeks. They have understood and developed their strength centering on the Word.
The Ambassadors for Peace were deeply attentive. Such outstanding people were there. The head of the NAACP came as was very pleased with the spirit. Also Darrin Bo Taylor who became nationally know as the man who brought peace between the famous gangs of LA - the Bloods and the Crips. He was moved by Father's courage to love all people and call for reconciliation of all humanity. The Ambassadors for Peace understand. Father at one point with great appreciation for Dr. Cecil Murray asked Rev. Murray and his sister, what do you think?
Father said do you believe in what I am saying. Rev. Murray was all smiles, you could see how much he appreciates and understands the revolutionary power of truth. Rev. Murray has been a warrior for goodness and has worked without fear of being controversial. That's why he stands with us today. He is truly a man of God. Father smiled and said, if there is anything you don't believe or agree with just go home and sincerely pray to God about it and God will give you the answer. Dr. Murray and his sister laughed and said YES !!! We were all on Common Ground.
Father and Mrs. Pedro Contreras (newly appointed Ambassadors for Peace) and pastor of St. Thaddeus Old Catholic Church presented congratulatory flowers. Then a gift of an impressionist painting was given by Mr. John Modesitt and his wife Toshiko. It was beautiful. John made the painting especially for the 100 city World Tour.
Dr. Wm. Johnson, ACLC Co-Chairman, and CME Superintendent joined Ms. Norma Foster National board member of the Women's Federation for World Peace and President of the United Nations Association presented the Declaration of Support and Resolution endorsing the Universal Peace Federation. True Parents joined the 400 signatories in completing the document with their signature.
Then the Hollywood Choir lifted our hearts with music and we concluded with a profound sense of victory and a rock solid Foundation of Substance that Father created with the key leaders of America as a foundation for the world tour. The foundation is set. Father is in tip top health condition and stronger than during the 50 state tour of 2001.
Rev. Dr. Nicholas Benson, ACLC leader and Pastor of Summit Evangelical Church, Professor of the renowned Azusa Pacific University gave the benediction.
Congratulations to Rev. Ku, Rev. Henning, Rev. DaSilva, Mrs. Sheri Reuter, Keith McCarthy and all the Los Angeles Region and supporting Regions. Thanks to Hawaii (who were there with strong representation) and Arizona and Nevada.
Father did a special signing of many programs and maps of the 12 city tour. Father commended Dr. Yang and the American group and gave all his blessing to work with the leaders of America. In particular he shared that the wealthy people are totally ready in America to support us. He mentioned how ACLC, IRFF should now work with the Points of Light Foundation. We will now expand this victory of True Parents in America to the Whole World.
Thanks America.
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