The Words of the Jenkins Family |
San Francisco - Revised
Michael Jenkins
October 1, 2005
San Francisco:
From the moment we arrived in San Francisco we knew it was going to be an overwhelming success. Rev. Kim and Rev Thompson have become very close in heart and among the team of community leaders, Mr. Bento Leal of AFC, Nick Buscovich, the other 40 community leaders and neighborhood family church leaders, the unity is very strong. Because of that, Rev. Kim felt they had to go beyond the past to really please Father. Of course they've always done excellent events, but this time they put their necks on the line and took a great risk. They went to one of San Francisco's most prestigious hotels, the San Francisco Hilton. That meant that their budget would go way up. It also meant they had to challenge what normal people would think is impossible -starting a banquet at 5:30 p.m. on a Thursday evening, with the majority of Ambassadors for Peace and key clergy coming primarily from Oakland - meaning they had to cross the Oakland Bay Bridge at rush hour. This was risky. Rev. Kim set up the hall with overflow seating that allowed for 2,000 to participate. They filled all the seats. But more importantly, they filled True Parents' hearts.
When the event began at 5:30, the banquet hall was packed. We had just concluded a press conference with Amb. Phillip V. Sanchez and our Abrahamic faith leaders, along with Archbishop Stallings, giving various statements. Four media outlets were there. Mr. Nicholas Buscovich is one of the key community leaders who did our media work. He did a great job. An article will come out Sunday in the Sunday Morning News. (Nick's family brought a lot of joy to True Parents at breakfast the next morning, Hae Young his wife is a beautiful Korean sister who served True Parents for years and who True Parents feel such a warm feeling for. It was beautiful to see all their children line up before True Parents. Father asked them all to sing together - they sang very well. One addition to the family is K. husband Mira Mickler - What a beautiful couple. it was joy !)
Mr. Bento Leal emceed the first part of the program and the banquet began. This hotel was quite formal and so every move by the stage crew in relation to the banquet had to be worked out with the union managers. They cooperated very beautifully and did everything they could to make our event successful.
Amb. Phillip Sanchez opened with the first address. Amb. Sanchez is a long-time friend of True Parents and the movement, as well as a strong Catholic who is very comfortable with the ideals and practices put forth by the IIFWP and the Ambassadors for Peace. He was US ambassador to Colombia, and a Nixon appointee to head the OEO, the Office of Economic Opportunity. For a long time he was the highest level Hispanic official in the history of the United States. His predecessor was Donald Rumsfeld.
Amb. Sanchez has a long history with our movement, especially in the media area and the education of high-level officials. He shared with the audience "this is a movement that I believe in. This is a movement that brings forth the ideals and puts them into practice. Rev. Moon continues his consistent focus on bringing strength to the family and support for America to make America a better nation." Having such prestigious high level officials supporting True Parents and the work for peace is very significant
As I mentioned before, America is changing. People of influence - black, white, Hispanic, Asian, Native American - who have accomplished great things in their lives are coming to understand Father Moon, and not just superficially saying he's a nice person or a great peacemaker, but realizing that Father is "the most important central person to bring peace in our time - they are understanding that somehow he is the True Parent for all faiths and all peoples.." Many of them understand even more deeply that True Father is the one anointed by God to fulfill the Second Coming.
What I see is the blurring of lines of denomination, faith and background to allow everybody to come together as one family. Also the Christian leaders are making a quantum leap in supporting Father Moon. Dr. Amos Brown and many others truly understand Father's ministry and know it's consistent with Jesus' work to bring unity within the body of Christ. They're confident Jesus initiated this and is blessing it. They only have to come and see - that's what Archbishop Stallings has been emphasizing: if you feel the Holy Spirit and you understand the logic of Truth you'll know it's true.
At lunch Father met the Abrahamic faith leaders, expressing how much he appreciates how they have stood with him during this 12-city tour. He expressed his heart that he hoped that they would be able to come onto the world tour. (This was more from the heart rather than a direction, but it was pleasing to see that Father was encouraged and strengthened by their sharing each night.)
Archbishop Stallings shared at lunch how profound Father's message is. No one has ever understood lineage and how important it is that we come into the lineage of God, that also lineage is more important than life and love. Also Archbishop Stallings was moved that Father's stamina and energy is far beyond all of ours, which is absolutely true. I must say on the 12-city tour, though the inspiration is great, when you truly join with Father's schedule from morning to night, you can fall asleep standing up, at any place, at any time. Yet Father's energy and stamina, and Mother's also, is just incredible. They are our True Parents.
Rev. Edwards shared at lunch in such a beautiful way that on the 50-state tour many white leaders, particularly of the Pentecostal persuasion, really criticized him, shunning and rejecting him. They couldn't understand why he would associate with Father Moon. He also mentioned that many of those leaders also have strong feelings of difference with Catholics and other Protestant denominations. However, the evangelical/Pentecostal dimension of Christianity is the fastest-growing in America. Rev. Edwards expressed that when they saw him get stronger from study of the Divine Principle, their hearts started to change. Now four years later many are calling him and are beginning to discuss and understand the Principle, reading it on their own. And many are starting to join Father Moon publicly. Four years ago it was impossible for them to even consider associating. However, today the doors are open and the white leaders are starting to come in. "When they understand the Principle", Rev. Edward's shared, "They know that it reveals the hidden truth of the Bible. As they see me getting stronger over time and more confident and more anointed they have become curious and what to understand what is going on. Many men are beginning to search deeply and they are calling me for answers."
We sincerely thank God for Rev Edwards, that he could overcome all the persecution and suffering. But his heart was always clear with Jesus, and Jesus guided him to True Parents. Also when he studies the Principle, it opens the secrets of the Bible. Therefore, as he shared, the foundation of your faith based on the Bible is strengthened greatly. He also shared how his wife, Tanya, had the most difficulty with his association. He shared, She struggled for years and couldn't understand. Then last year when hearing the Principle in Ocean City, especially when Rev. Jenkins taught the parallels of history her eyes opened and she could understand. That helped bring everything together and she stood up and gave a powerful testimony. She has been strong with ACLC ever since." Rev. Edwards was so happy because once his wife understood, she became very strong in the Principle. Now they are rebuilding their church based on teaching the Principle in relationship to the Bible.
It was such a confirmation to see the strength with which Rev. Edwards testified to True Parents. I would have to say honestly he's 1,000 times stronger than ever before. I know it's not simply an inspiration, but is based on study and experience in Israel and his experience in activities where Muslims, Christians and Jews come together that continues to confirm for him that the Holy Spirit has abundantly blessed this work. He knows it s real and he said, "Thank you True Parents, I'm so grateful to God that I met you and I believe this is the work of God to save America and the world.
It was with that heart that the Abrahamic faith leaders could give their presentation that night. Rabbi Mordechai Waldman has been such a precious brother. He also has been prepared. He felt years ago that Muslims, Christians, and Jews are all people of God who should come together with no barriers. If every rabbi was like Rabbi Waldman, much would happen to bring us all together. He really loves all people and feels no threat from different faith traditions. But most importantly, he loves Father's speech, sitting every night for three hours laughing and clapping, overwhelmed with the dimensions of Father's message.
The San Francisco event was one of great prestige and substance. Congressman Matt Salmon, former congressman from Arizona, who's also a strong person of faith from the Church of Jesus Christ-Latter Day Saints, shared he understood why Rev. Moon was criticized - Rev. Moon was doing the work of God, and when any reformer in history steps up to bring the people and the nation closer to God, always controversy and persecution comes. He mentioned -look at the Bible stories. They're all the same. Congressman Salmon is particularly special in that he has four children and 2 grandchildren, although he looks too young to have a grandchild. He has worked with the American Family Coalition in the past and is doing much to bring understanding between America and other nations that could be potential friends or enemies, depending on how we treat them. This is his attitude and heart.
That's why he sees relating with China as very important. Interestingly, in his missionary experience he had to learn Mandarin Chinese. (When he spoke some Chinese during the event, it brought quite a reaction from the 30-50 guests present from the Chinese community, connected with Ms. Samantha Chou from the Purple Lotus Society.) His heart is that we should never stop communicating between all and any nation. Only when we communicate do we have a chance to change the leaders of other nations into some level of a respectful relationship. To help in the work for peace he would meet Prime Minister Sharon and Chairman Arafat. His idea is to communicate and teach. He brought such support and strength to the message the IIFWP and the Universal Peace Federation is seeking to promote. That is an understanding leading to mutual respect and cooperation.
The blessing of marriage is lifted up in each program. As I mentioned before, Father has was very pleased the the Holy Wine ceremony became and official part of the program. Once he saw us doing the holy wine ceremony, he emphasizing that we should do it everywhere on the World Tour. So it has become a standard part of the program. This should be the standard part of our whole lives. Father has asked that all Ambassadors for Peace and blessed couples reach out and bless their relatives through the holy juice ceremony, allowing them to engraft into the Tree of Life as a couple.
Bishop and Mrs. Chatman of Faith Temple Community Church of Sacramento received the holy wine as the representative couple, along with the thousands of others gathered. This program has become so powerful and interesting because everything we teach - the blessing of family the unity of faith traditions, breaking down barriers between nations, and the meaning of True Parents - is not just words but is also demonstrated on the stage. Everybody participating is not someone brought onstage suddenly, but is the fruit of Father Moon's 34 years of cultivating relationships with people of character in all 50 states. That's why so many civic officials are readily recognizing and commending his work
Letters of commendation were read from Oakland Mayor Jerry Brown, Mayor Jose Esteves of Malpitas, Mayor Mark Green of Union City, Mayor Dennis Johnson of Alameda, and US Congressman Richard Pombo of Stockdale, Calif. Again, these were secured in one week, and also the great deal of controversy and criticism over the last year after the Crown of Peace ceremony on Capitol Hill. But over time and through consistent advancement, that has all changed and become positive, and the majority of leaders have come to understand that Father is a peace king, a spiritual leader that does not seek any secular power or authority but simply wants to give the inspiration from God that allows people to build true families and true nations.
Father Moon's hope is that the religious leaders and the various Ambassadors for Peace and elected officials will understand the fundamental principles by which our nation prospers - that is, by living for the sake of others, sacrificing our nation for the world. This has been the condition through which America has been blessed.
Archbishop Stallings poured out his heart in his introduction of Father. Father commented on it the next day at Hoon Dok Hae. He felt clearly that Archbishop Stallings' introduction was from the bottom of his heart. This not something just from the mind, but is grounded in the theological training and experience that the archbishop received in the American University in Rome under the Vatican, certainly one of the finest educations one can have. The Roman Catholic Church is to be commended for developing such a great religious leader.
Receiving appointments as Ambassador for Peace that were the Honorable Matt Salmon; Mr. Matt Jimenez, Hayward City councilman and founder of the Matt Jimenez Community Center for boys and girls; Master Samantha Chou, Buddhist leader, direct of Purple Lotus Center in Union City; Bishop Lamar C. Gibson, bishop of the Church of the Living God in Oakland. A special presentation was made to Dr. Charles Townes, UC-Berkeley, who won the Nobel Prize for inventing the laser. He is now an Ambassador for Peace. (For health reasons he couldn't attend that evening, but was grateful to receive his appointment.)
Key ACLC leaders had organized well and hundreds of ACLC clergy were in attendance. Dr. Amos Brown, co-chair of ACLC, Rev. Leland Harrington, and Rev. and Mrs. Andre Jackson also helped organize, and the ACLC was commended for their leadership in bringing peace. It was so beautiful to see Mother Wright of the renowned Mother Mary Wright Foundation there. As always she gives True Parents her whole heart. She gave mother a box of chocolates. We love you Mother Wright!!! Rev. Thompson, Mr. Bento Leal and Rev. David Rosenblum, Michael Allen and others who work on with the clergy are doing an outstanding job. Michael Allen was so excited to introduce me to Bishop Gibson of the Church of the Living God. (Nice work Mike!!).
Father's sermon went to a new level, with incredible revelations given about what was done to try to destroy Father over the years. Father went into some detail about how he was tested over his course of 34 years in America. Even governments who were against him not only sent assassins but sent spiritual assassins through temptresses to try to bring him down. (None of us knew about government sponsored seductresses - there is so much that we don't know about Father's course). But each time Father could understand the challenge through the Principle and there was no possibility of him going the wrong way. That's why he stands before us this day at 85 years old, stronger than ever. He is definitely looking stronger than the did on the 50-state tour.
As mentioned in earlier reports, we were quite concerned because Father had a bad cold at the start and it seemed very dangerous. We still need much prayer; however, I must testify that Father is looking like he did 25 years ago, with incredible strength and energy, not only in the event but also at hoon dok hae, and at lunch when we arrive in each city. Each day he energizes all the Ambassadors for Peace, religious leaders, blessed couples and all others to really feel this is the time of the Kingdom of God. It is real and it's really happening before our eyes.
Father highlights the fact is that the most important thing is lineage. The essence of peace is to be connected to God's lineage. This is the day the Lord has made. The engrafting into the Tree of Life is occurring before our eyes. He also spoke strongly about homosexuality. Though he expresses love for all people and the door is open for everybody, he also is quite strong that the image of God is male and female, and other lifestyles cannot be blessed and will eventually lead to breakdown.
The flower presentation was given By Rev. and Mrs. Andre Jackson of Carriage Hill Community Church in Richmond, California. At morning breakfast the next day Andre got a special blessing as he came to give a gift to Father and Mother Moon. (Andre is not only a successful pastor but he and his wife guide a successful medical supplies company.) When we gathered participants for the philanthropists conference in Korea last July, he was one of the first to make a pledge. It was beautiful to see him on a subsequent trip with his wife for the August 1st blessing. He presented the donation to me for the Bering Strait world peace king tunnel, giving it in Father's prayer room in Chung Pa Dong, our first church in Seoul.
I have to say, my brothers and sisters, this whole thing is like a dream. I was in Chung-pa dong when we brought the first delegations of ministers in the early 80's to Korea. I remember ministers going through Chung-pa dong. We've come a million miles from that point. Here I was standing in Father's prayer room on the 2nd floor, above the church worship hall, with Andre Jackson, an African-American clergyman from San Francisco and he wanted to give the donation for the world peace king bridge/ tunnel there in that prayer room, of $1,000. He pledged that he wanted to bring the profits from his business to dedicate to this work of the Bering Strait peace bridge.
Father was moved, taking the gift Rev. Andre gave him, which was a special water bottle that has inscribed on it, gospelworks.com, and after signing it Father gave it back to him. I know it was because of sacrifice that Andre could receive the blessing.
The gift of the trophy congratulating True Parents on their victory was given by Dr. Amos Brown, of 3rd Baptist Church in San Francisco. (Recently with just a weeks notice, Dr. Brown opened the door for us to meet one of the former U.S. Presidents.) Joining him in the presentation was Ms. Stephanie Mann, a beautiful Ambassador for Peace who's head of Community Peacemakers. Her nephew was killed in a roadside bombing recently in Iraq. Her response - she made more effort to embrace and love Muslims in her community. She felt that we've really got to bring love to the Muslim community and end divisions, and Father Moon is the one who's doing this. (We are moved by your heart Stephanie - you are a great American!) Joining them were Master Samantha Chou of the Purple Lotus Center, and another outstanding Buddhist leaders and another Pastor Rev. Dorothy Shanks, head of the Educational Organization and Youth Consortium.
As the program concluded by Mr. Bento Leal, the joy was so enormous that we began to sing together peace, shalom, salaam aleikum. Bento is really leading the Ambassadors for Peace. He is at the prime of his life now reaping the harvest of all the years that Father invested in him and America Bento is a leader that all people can follow. He is working from the streets with Rev. Brandon Rheems to stop gang violence and and working with the top elected officials of California. Father is so happy to see Mr. Bento Leal. (We are also proud of Bento's family - Yong Sung his son is a national cross country champion and will one day lead our movement. We believe in you Yong Sung.)
>From True Parents' room on the 44th floor we could se the Golden Gate Bridge, as well as the Twin Peaks where True Father created the holy ground in 1965. How moving it is to see San Francisco as a place that gave birth to our movement. Father mentioned that the Twin Peaks (where Father made the holy ground there in 1965) represented the breasts of a mother and the bay represents the mother's womb, and that's why San Francisco is key to give birth to millions of believers who can understand True Parents. We must always remember the life that Dr. Mose and Mrs. Onni Durst gave our family. Thousands of our key members and leaders came through that womb. Thanks to the Dursts - we owe them much. We could feel from San Francisco and from the unity of Rev. Kim and Rev. Thompson and all the community leaders that a new birth of believers is now occurring from this same womb. This time it will be millions !!!!
Thanks San Francisco.
Thanks America !!!!
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