The Words of the Jenkins Family |
Peace Kingdom Has Come And It Now Expanding
Michael Jenkins
October 2, 2005
Dear Family,
One thing that inspired True Parents on the tour: The profound acceptance of Father in all circles is growing. The dam holding back the flood of people of influence from True Parents has a huge break in it. Father could see that it wasn't just a repetition through all our activities, Prayer breakfasts, Ambassador for Peace Seminars, Middle East Pilgrimages, Clergy meetings and Blessings in Korea. They are continuously coming to understand True Parents more and more.
Special leaders in great numbers are streaming to True Parents. It is increasing rapidly. It is now possible that someone can come to the level of confidence in Father as the center of history in a very very short time. I can see clearly that it is inevitable that the dam will break and we will be flooded with support from the highest levels of influence and integrity within America and throughout the World.
Rev. Ku, Rev. Henning, Rev. and Mrs. DaSilva and all the Los Angeles region, Hawaii and Arizona Region with Rev. Kwan and Rev. Berg did a fantastic job.
Rev. Kwan and Rev. Berg have led Arizona to make such an outstanding contribution It couldn't be better. Now is God's Time. Rev. Betty Tatalasjki has become Co-Convener of the ACLC and has brought many of the clergy from here Universal Temple to the movement. They understand True Parents. Rev. Bello and other fine people came from Arizona. They brought a huge contingent to LA. Their heart pleased True Parents. Also Rev. Berg brought a young person who he met on inspiration and taught the Principle to Hoon Dok Style over 30 hours. This fine young American joined the movement. It is a sign of the times.
On every level people are about to stream through the gates. That's why the Hoon Dok Family Church / meaning every Blessed Families' Home in America must become a center through which the millions that are ready to join us can study and be strengthened and then multiply.
Father and Mother were so relaxed at breakfast this morning. It was overwhelming the feeling of confidence Father has in us.
Bishop Stallings did such an outstanding job as John The Baptist. He restored it all when he said "WE NEED NOT LOOK FOR ANOTHER !!!"
Archbishop Stallings knows Father's heart. He just wrote me this post....
Dear Rev. Jenkins --
WOW!! This train is rollin' and there ain't nothin' that's gonna stop it!! We are living in the age of the Messiah.
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