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The Words of the Jenkins Family For 2005 |
An STF Morning in Minneapolis
October 9, 2005
At around 10:00 this morning, STF came to the Minneapolis church center for the second time this new year. As the three vans rolled into the parking lot, STFers walked into a church full of welcoming smiles and open hearts. Filling up three rows in the front of the service hall, members could really feel the love and support from this community.
An amazing Sunday Service was delivered from Rev. Keith Anderson, entitled "Who Would You Be?" Speaking passionately about the mission of our movement, Rev. Anderson called on all, first and second generation, to simply not be satisfied but to take action; to go out and witness by "being love." First year member Sarah Groenendyk from Rhode Island was deeply inspired, "...it was powerful, something that needed to be said. I was amazed to hear such a good, powerful and spirited service which applied to all of us."
At the end of the service, STF members went up and introduced themselves, and presented the local members with a song. The STF video was shown, and three members gave testimonies to inform, inspire, and share their past experiences on "the frontline." Rebecca Araki, (1st year member from Seattle, Washington), shared about her struggles, victories, and the preparation fundraising gave her to meet True Parents. Matteo Tosto (2nd year from Italy) also shared about how STF helped him experience the "living God" and Amerika Coryell (3rd year from Boise, Idaho) talked about her decisions to come and to stay on STF for a 3rd year as captain.
When the service was over, a wonderful brunch and birthday cake (a Minneapolis church tradition for all birthdays of the month) was prepared. A special thanks goes out to all those great cooks for helping us keep healthy. During this time, local BC’s and members got to introduce and hang out. Overall, the atmosphere created was comfortable, and excited.
As we did "Teambuilding" activities, 13 local BC’s and 20 STFers met at a nearby park, attempting to accomplish the nearly impossible events, organized by Kazuyasan, an STF Commander. Bonding with the Minneapolis Second Generation was so natural. I was reminded of something Hyun Jin Nim Opa said about blessed families and their connection. He said we must be so close in spirit that we can recognize each other in different situations. In the course of two hours, a relationship of closeness, appreciation, and love was already present.
When we had to leave, I could only think about the next time I would see my younger brothers and sisters again. Vicky Pehling, a sophomore in High School, shared with me about her good experience and how she was grateful that we could come. I was so moved. Visiting them, I could clearly see the purity and heart they have, compared with all the people I meet everyday. It gave me a deep sense of hope for the future.
This day held many new experiences and examples of God’s love for us all. I hope to keep this beautiful community’s spirit and power in my heart for the years to come. Thank you Minneapolis Church.
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