The Words of the Jenkins Family |
Please Support Dr Bo Hi Pak
Michael Jenkins
October 22, 2005
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
I visited Dr. Pak recently in Korea. His health is very good. He looks better than I can ever remember. His bubbling enthusiasm is vibrant and powerful. Most importantly his heart and spirit is totally committed and determined to support our True Parents and God's Providence. I could see that his motives were pure and only for the sake of heaven. The reason he has been jailed from my perspective is that he got into a bad investment deal. He is being held accountable by the investors. If his debt is paid he is free to go. He has paid much of his debt back. He needs our help.
We totally support Dr. Pak and believe in him. He did so much for the work of God and True Parents. Certainly we as Americans are bound to him in heart as he and Mrs. Pak gave everything to educate and raise us to be patriots for America and saints for the world centering on True Parents.
Dr. Yang and I ask that all brothers and sisters who feel the call to support Dr. Pak in any way they can. He is truly a very special leader for American brothers and sisters and has done so much to educate and develop our work throughout America and the world. All of our leaders support and are working for Dr. Pak's release. However, this is all being done privately as individuals.
Please support Dr. Pak. In Jin Nim wrote a heartfelt appeal which we published in the Unification News. We support this appeal and also endorse your contributions to the Save Bo Hi Pak foundation. For a contribution of $100 or more you will receive a special CD of songs from In Jin Nim entitled Crimson Sketches which she also personally signs for the donor. Let us bind our hearts together and unite to help our Elder Brother.
Please send your donations to:
By Wire Transfer:
US Bank
You may pay by wire transfer in accordance with the following instructions:
Bank Name: BB&T (Branch Banking & Trust Co. of Virginia)
Address: 6220 Old Dominion Drive, McLean, VA 22101 -4217
Tel: 703-241-3366
Bank Routing Number: 051404260
Account Number: 5139334282
Account Name: Ki Sook Pak
By Mailing a check:
Please send personal checks, money/postal orders and cashier's checks.
Make checks payable to Free Dr. Pak Trust
(For donation and/or purchasing CD)
Address: Crimson Sketches
PO BOX 520
Lexington, MA 02420
By Wire Transfer to Korea:
Korean Bank
Bank Name: Hanabank
Address: Jamsilyok Branch, 7-23 Shinchun-dong, Songpa-gu, Seoul, Korea 138-726
Swift Code: HNBNKRSE
Account No: 164-910003-25832
Account Name: Ki Sook Pak
Bank Name: Hanabank ( Korean Won Account )
Address: Jamsilyok Branch, 7-23 Shinchun-dong, Songpa-gu, Seoul, Korea 138-726
Swift Code: HNBNKRSE
Account No: 164-910092-71007
Account Name: Ki Sook Pak
For further information see www.savebohipak.org/
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