The Words of the Jenkins Family |
Concerning Our Sister Phyllis Loum
Michael Jenkins
November 24, 2005
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Here is the bio of one of our finest sisters. She has made the transition to the heavenly realm. She was a spiritual child of Barbara Boroughs.
Her Seung Hwa is Saturday.
Love to you Phillis and to your husband and three beautiful children.
Rev. Michael Jenkins
National Pastor
Family Church of America
From Rev. Jim Edgerly - Boston
Our dear sister Phillis Loum passed on last Friday, November 18. Her passing was related to two earlier strokes. The Regional Seung Hwa Ceremony for Phillis Loum will take place at the Faith Christian Church at 301 Harvard Street in Dorchester on Saturday morning, November 27th from 10:30 AM. Family friends and Unification members will be traveling from Guyana and New York to participate in this important event. We encourage all who can to come an join us to support this remarkable sister in her ascension to the spiritual world. Attached is a brief biography prepared by Philllis' brothers and sisters. Please take a moment to read her story. Phillis' husband is Souleyman Loum, originally from Senegal. There children are Guillinda Loum (22 years), Soonia (20), and Hyo Sung (18).
Rev Kil Hwan Kim
James B. Edgerly
Biography Of Phillis King Loum
Phillis Loum was born on Friday June 14, 1946 in Georgetown, Guyana. She is the daughter of Iris Muriel King and the late Lawrence Alexander King, the fourth of thirteen children.
Phillis attended Salem Congregational School and British Guyana Educational Trust High School. She became a Certified Nurse at the Public Hospital Georgetown in Guyana. She was also Manager at L. King & Sons, Ltd., a Lumber and Hardware Store owned by her father.
In 1971, Phillis was introduced by Barbara Burrows to the teachings of the Unification Movement. Phillis migrated to England in 1972 to further her studies in Nursing. She became a full time Missionary of the Unification movement while in London, England.
Phillis was a leading fundraiser and helped raise funds for a Church Center in London where she became the Church Leader. She was a highly successful evangelist.
As a result of her success in London, Phillis was eventually selected to travel to the United States of America to work on the bi-centennial projects of the Unification Movement in 1976. During 1976 she assisted in the preparation of major events conducted by The Reverend Sun Myung Moon at Yankee Stadium, on July 1, 1976, and at the Washington Monument on September 18, 1976.
She also worked in the United States with News World Communications in New York and the Home Church Providence.
Phillis was matched to Souleymane Loum of Kerene, Senegal, and was blessed in marriage to him by The Reverend Dr. Sun Myung Moon in Seoul, Korea in October 1982.
Phillis and Souleymane are the proud parents of three fine children, all born in New York. Their first child and daughter, Guillinda Grace, was born in 1983, their daughter, Soonia Iris, was born in 1985, and their son, Hyo Sung, in 1987. The Loum family continued with Home Church activities until moving to Boston, Massachusetts in 1990 to be closer to other members of the King family.
By dint of hard work, love, strict discipline, and sacrifice, Souleymane and Phillis were able to instill high spiritual and moral values into their children. They motivated their children to set high goals and to aim for academic excellence. After graduating from private and public schools in Brookline, all three children graduated from Medford High School. Gullinda and Soonya are currently studying at the University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth, and Hyo at Syracuse University
The entire Loum family has been active in the broad activities of the Unification Movement. Guillinda and Soonia both did missionary work as part of the Special Task Force before attending college.
While in Boston, Phillis worked as an evangelist, with a particular emphasis on teaching Christian ministers of greater Boston. Phillis introduced many people, including numerous religious and political leaders, to the teachings of the Unification Movement. Her work contributed to the development of True Families Conferences and the formation of the Boston Chapter of the American Clergy Leadership Conference.
Throughout the 1990's Phillis was active in the leadership of the International Sisterhood Ceremonies of the Women's Federation for World Peace in Boston.
Souleymane and Phillis were also owners/managers of Guyana/Senegal Arts And Crafts, an import retail business.
Phillis, a gregarious person, is known by all for her warm, loving, generous nature and hearty laughter. Her life exemplifies great Love, Commitment and Sacrifice to God and Family. We thank God for you, Phillis, for being a loving and dutiful daughter; a loving, devoted, committed wife and mother; a loving and generous sister; a loving relative and friend.
Phillis leaves behind her mother, Iris King, her husband Souleymane Loum, her children, Gullinda, Soonya, and Hyo, her brothers and sisters Irma, Noel, Margaret, Claudette, Lennox, Patrick, Peter, Andrella, Susette, and Lancelot.
Her brothers Clarence and Kenneth departed this phase of life before her.
We thank God for you Phillis. We will miss you. You have touched and blessed our lives. May God Bless you.
Prepared by The King Family
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