The Words of the Joergensen Family |
The Arrival of the Age of Matching by Parents
Inshunor Joergensen
June 10, 2001
In this memo I will do my best to present to you my understanding of the change of the matching. I base my understanding upon the official letters sent out from the Family Federation HQ in Korea, statements by Hyun Jin Nim in meetings with him and on extensive meetings and discussions together with the Korean, Japanese and American Second Generation Departments for almost a week in April of this year.
First of all I would like to present excerpts of various texts. The first is the official letter sent out by Sun-Jo Hwang, the second is my letter sent out explaining a few points about that for Europe, the third is a translated text from the Korean Second Generation Dept. and the fourth is from a very recent workshop booklet.
Text 1
To: Continental Directors, Regional Leaders, National Messiahs, National Leaders
From: FFWPU International Office
Date: January 8, 2001
Title: Information on the changed method of the second generation's blessing
The conclusion of the providence that began with True Parents' 80th Birthday celebration on February 10, 2000 (1.6 by the lunar calendar) will come to fruition with the Coronation Ceremony for the Kingship of God to be held on January 13, 2001. True Parents have guided the blessed families as tribal messiahs, and have blessed them as fourth Adams through the Registration Blessing. Finally, they opened the era wherein we can pray in our own names. Our victorious True Parents, welcoming the age of the family kingship of the original creation, have given their blessing on the era when parents can take responsibility for the blessing of their children.
According to True Parents' instructions, please will all continental directors and national leaders inform the members of the content below regarding the blessing of the second generation, so that all blessed families can embrace and follow this change in the providence.
1. Applications for Second Generation Matching Candidates
1) Leaders of each nation should carefully check the qualifications of blessing candidates in accordance with their identity as second generation.
2) All second generation blessing should be conducted directly by the parents under the good offices of the church leader.
3) Educational qualifications for becoming second generation blessing candidates
a. Attended 21 days Divine Principle workshop
b. Attended 2 days Blessing workshop
c. Individual interview
d. Recommendation letter from the church leader
4) Leaders from each nation should officially announce the list of the blessing candidates who pass all the required educational courses mentioned above and who have the necessary qualifications. According to the list, each family, each nation and each continent will actively exchange information on the blessing candidates for the smooth matching procedure among the nations and continents.
5) No second generation member who has had the problem of the sexual fall can be a candidate in the second generation blessing. He (She) must wait for the special forgiveness blessing.
2. Administration
1) Leaders of each nation should confirm the final list of second generation matching candidates by January 10.
2) After confirming the list, each family, each nation and each continent, and all continents together, must cooperate for the sake of the matching and properly manage the list.
3) Each nation should report its list of second generation matching candidates to the continental office. Each continental office is to work to support the matching process within the continent and in relation to other continents.
4) Each nation and continent should maintain the confirmed list of second generation matching candidates in its continental office in a computer database system.
5) Each continent should organize second generation matching workshops to provide the opportunity for the candidates to meet and confirm their match.
6) The matching should be handled only according to the officially announced list of candidates. In the case that someone is matched with someone not on the list, that couple cannot receive official recognition as a second generation blessed family.
7) Each continental headquarters must send the list of candidates to FFWPU international office (World Mission HQ) in Seoul. Each continental headquarters must also prepare a list of the couples who have been matched where at least one person of the couple is from that continent.
Text 2
Inshunor Joergensen
January 2001
Regarding point number 3) Educational Qualifications. The European Second Generation Department organizes Blessing Workshops for Second Generation Blessed Children on a regular basis throughout the year, usually in May and November. We will keep you informed of these workshops. Please pass this information on to the Second Generation Blessed Children in your nation so that they will be able to attend. Regarding the Divine Principle workshop, we organize a 21-Day Mobilization during the summer. This education includes witnessing, fundraising and ocean challenge in addition to DP study, and so allows the Second Generation to study and apply the Principle.
We see it as our responsibility to carefully verify the qualifications of Blessing Candidates and will not add unqualified candidates to our list. We recommend that you conduct individual interviews with all the candidates and we will also conduct final interviews with them.
The Second Generation Department is responsible for confirming a list of candidates from Europe and for the cooperation with other continents. It is therefore of great importance that you submit the names and details of any new candidates from your nation.
We will keep a list of Second Generation matching candidates here in our office. Parents should request a copy if they wish to see the other candidates from Europe. We will also do our best to provide a list of candidates from the other continents.
Text 3
The Arrival of the Age of Matching by Parents
Translated from Korean Second Generation Department Manual 1st March 2001
As we start the new millennium, True Parents have blessed us by allowing three big changes. The first is the ability to pray in our own name, the second is the Holy Wine that was given in conjunction with the Coronation Ceremony of God, and the third is allowing parents to inherit the right to match their own children.
The arrival of the age of matching by parents should not be something that we lightly consider to be a matter of course as an inevitable simple change in the providence, but it should also not be a responsibility that we consider to be too difficult and therefore avoid. We should consider it the joint responsibility of all Blessed Couples to live up to the standard that our True Parents have shown in the matching and think of it as Heaven's Blessing given to us even though we may not be ready to receive it.
The arrival of the age of matching by parents, rather than a development of the process of the Blessing, can be considered the arrival of the original procedure of the Blessing. Therefore we must be aware of and carefully consider the hope of heaven as this original procedure of the Blessing is established and the problems that could arise if the original heart and attitude of the Blessing is not observed when this new procedure is now initiated.
Therefore, both parents and children will need to understand their responsibility that comes with this freedom through thorough education about the original meaning and value of the Blessing. The difference to an outside marriage starts from the fundamental difference of the purity of lineage and further depends upon the standard of heart and principles that the parents and children display at the time of the Blessing.
The Second Generation Department will employ a thorough selection process when sorting out Second Generation Blessing Candidates. It is clear that persons who have had an exclusive relationship with a person of the opposite sex and have committed the fall cannot under any circumstance be approved as a Second Generation Blessing candidate. Only after a Second Generation Blessing Candidate is approved by the Second Generation Department as ready to receive the matching will he/she be matched by their parents. (Please refer to Family Federation for World Peace World President Rev. Hwang's letter dated 8th January 2001.)
Text 4
Excerpt from the booklet of the most recent Blessing Workshop held by the European Second Generation Dept. in Seebenstein Austria, April/May 2001. Welcome to this Hee Won Hwe and Blessing Workshop!
The importance of the Blessing cannot be understated: it will be one of the most crucial decisions that you make in your life. Especially in this time that there are new directions concerning the formalities of the Blessing, it is important to remember that the internal attitude of preparation needed and the challenges that you will face will not change. The Blessing, as well as of course being just that, is also an important responsibility, a responsibility that has become even more important now that we have entered the Settlement Age. Hyun Jin Nim clearly emphasizes the importance of this responsibility that we have as Second Generation Blessed Children in this age, and it is therefore that we also include two of his most recent speeches in this booklet. The Blessing, originating from our True Parents, connects us in a very intimate way to the True Family. This connection is a great duty and privilege at the same time.
At this 4th Hee Won Hwe workshop, for the first time, we have decided to have some separate sessions for those members who are already Blessed. We have recognized this need and as the number of Blessed members attending these workshops continually increases, we want to take time to deal with the specific challenges that are faced by those who are already Blessed and have time to share with each other. As such we hope that those who are already Blessed will find this workshop as useful as those who are here to prepare for the Blessing.
The workshop will attempt to deal with both the spiritual and relationship aspects of the Blessing, and this is reflected in the booklet. The internal part is mainly composed of guidance by True Father and Hyun Jin Nim, and in addition there is a recent speech by Dr. Chang Shik Yang on the Blessing. The relational aspect is covered by an outline of Mr. Klammsteiner's lectures on how to make the most of the marriage partnership. Finally, you will also find the schedule of the workshop, and we have included a brief report about the previous Hee Won Hwe workshop.
I hope that you will find the workshop inspirational, educational and very helpful, and that you are able to take home with you a better understanding of the meaning of the Blessing and the role of the Second Generation. I also hope that the workshop will provide you with the opportunity to clarify any questions and concerns that you may have brought.
Let us together take responsibility for establishing the families of the Kingdom of Heaven!
For me, the following points are important:
1.) Parents have inherited the right to match their children, but not to conduct the Blessing. This means that they still have to wait for the Blessing to be officially announced (until further at least).
2.) Parents and matching candidates should prepare themselves in the same way that they have until now. The only difference is that, at the time of the matching, rather than it being done by our True Father on behalf of the parents, it will be done directly by the parents. This means that parents should not match their children in advance, rather they should send them in as candidates (when that time comes), and only after they are confirmed by the respective Second Generation Dept. as candidates should parents ask for Heavenly Father's guidance in matching.
3.) Matching candidates ABSOLUTELY still need to be confirmed by the Second Generation Dept. Those who are not will not be recognized as matching candidates. This serves as protection for parents to know that a certain minimum standard needs to be kept in order to attend the Blessing.
4.) It is important that parents do not already now look for candidates for their children. This will easily lead parents to look at indicators from their own perspective. Only Heavenly Father can know which two individuals can complement Him fully and who our children need to be married to in order to fulfil their unique mission in life. Rather, parents should prepare themselves through prayer, conditions, and serving those in need (for example children that are less privileged than their own) in order to understand Heavenly Father's desire at the time of the matching. 5.) The most important preparation that matching candidates can make is to strengthen their life of faith. In my experience this is what allows second generation couples to be successful in their Blessing. Second Generation matching candidates should understand that their own Blessing also involves restoration, and is therefore different from an ordinary marriage.
6.) Parents should not push the responsibility of matching upon their children. They should do their best to fulfil their responsibility as parents and match their children when the time comes. This means that they can of course consult their children, but they should not just leave the decision completely up to the children themselves.
7.) The matching by parents is finalized when their children are Blessed. There will be no re-Blessing, not under any circumstance, even if one is rejected. This is important to understand, because it means great care must be taken at the matching.
8.) Finally, Hyun Jin Nim has emphasized that the standard should be that we would want to get married (or in this case match our children to) our enemy (or the children of our enemy). This is the standard that our True Father has always mentioned, and this is the way to achieve true world peace.
Please see Hyun Jin Nim's speech from 27th and 28th March 2001 for a comment about this (available on www.e-sg.org under guidance).