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World Speaking Tour Of True Mother And True Children - Second Testimony About Second Generation Preparation For The Tour In Europe
Stephan Johansen
June 24, 2006
From: European Office
Sent: 24 June 2006 09:59
To: European Office
Subject: M E M O 4 1 a - Second Testimony about Second Generation Preparation for the Tour in Europe!
M E M O 4 1 a - World Speaking Tour of True Mother and True Children
Second Testimony about Second Generation Preparation for the Tour in Europe!
Fundraising Testimony
We met at the church office on Saturday 10th of June, and read President Song's speech and prayed before going out fundraising. 11 HARP members came, several for the first time. This was a record for us! This month we decided to offer the money to support True Mother's speaking tour. (HARP members in Norway fundraise one Saturday every month. The money is used to support HARP activities and projects. Last month we used the money to pay school fees for a blessed child in Congo.)
Here is Stephan Johansen's (16) testimony:
Hi, my name is Stephan Suwon Johansen and I'm 16 years old. I love to go FR (Fund Raising), and I got so much good out of it every time I do it. It's incredible and sometimes also really exhausting, but in the end it is so nice when you know that the people that gave money are laying a condition so that they can come closer to God and True Parents.
There was a time when we went FR, it was in the summer, and we were almost done with doing it, so we decided to go to only a few houses left and the first house we went to there was a nice old lady. She ask about a lot of stuff and we answered and when we had answered her questions and told her about what we are doing in our organization she came with 500 kr (Norwegian money) (kr short for kroner) and she said that it was a donation, she didn't want any cards. We were so shocked. That was one of my very special experiences from Fundraising. And the 2 or 3 other houses also gave money, they gave donations or bought cards, that was the work of the spirit world!!
Sometimes it goes really well and some other times it doesn't go at all, but even if you can't sell any cards or whatever the product may be, you must always be positive and keep going forward. That's what I'm doing and it works, maybe not the first time or the second, but one day when you're FR you will see that it help to be positive and just kept going forward, because your attitude will grow strong and God and the spiritual world can work through you. My point here is, with the right kind of attitude you will surely be doing good, never give up.
In the winter session it's really cold here in Norway, but we won't be stopped because of that. My friend Mikael and I was FR in a place we're there was a lot of people that was possessed of evil spirits, there was someone that threatening us if we didn't disappear from their sight, and there was also people that was screaming bad words to us. So FR can be a little dangerous, but you must never forget that God is by your side, and that he will protect you. This was another one of my special experiences.
Some experiences I got when I FR for True Mother's tour was that there was a lot more difficulties, because the evil spirits wants to get in our way to build a kingdom on earth. It was really hard to go FR in such hot weather, but as long as you fight inside you and say to yourself that you can continue then the weather won't be a problem! I was in that situation, but I thought about what TP had to go through so I didn't give up, even if I just wanted to lay down because I was tired, warm and I have a knee injury (my knee cap has dislocated 3 times!), but I didn't give up because I knew that TP has gone through a lot more than I have. And I was teaching the one I was walking with how to FR, but he was very shy so, anyway I think he did a great job (it was his first time). So that was also one of my experiences when I FR for TM tour, that it's easy to learn others to FR, they just have to be willingly to talk. FR for TM tour was really special it was like, yeah like I told it was really hard because of the evil spirits, but it was also a lot of good spirits around helping us all. We all did our best to FR so it was a nice experience for us all!!!
The first time I went out to FR I was with a really good one, his name is Jan Widenhofer. He taught me how to say the stuff that we usually say when we FR and all that, but when it was my turn to talk, it was like I was paralyzed, but after three houses I walked all by myself from door to door, I was so proud of myself at that time! Well I hope everyone can go Fundraising with a good attitude and be positive.
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