The Words of the Johnson Family |
"...natural socialism is generated. When free people are satisfied by the love within their own homes, they naturally over flow love onto the streets of their community. This is why Freedom Society clings to the wisdom to protect the family. No social institution has ever repaired the scars created from the breaking of families."
Divine Principle does not give any of us the right to pigeon hole those, who from our reckoning, do not seemed principled. Because of freedom we have the opportunity to manage our lives and belongings in any way we see fit. We can employ liberal management or conservative management styles. Without freedom, all manner of coercion is employed by those with power, to manipulate those without power.
Freedom is maintained through the principled use of our ability to choose. When we use those faculties in unprincipled ways we experience various losses of benefits.
The Freedom society is an initiative to use the universal need for freedom as a common-base to enter into give and take action with those persons who are concerned about freedom related issues. Threats to freedom are very likely to be addressed by such people and groups. The principled reason to protect freedom is that the joy of love cannot be experienced unless an environment of freedom and vulnerability is maintained.
When people do not feel free, they feel pressured and cannot muster authentic love. When people are afraid of manipulation and coercion, they abandon the vulnerability that love requires. Nothing, no amount of reasoning, gives us the right to take the freedom of others. Fear, Hate, and Resentment are some of the reasons why human beings are tempted to violate the freedom of their fellow man. Being the victim of coercion and manipulation is no excuse to engage in manipulation and coercion. Being the victim of a bully is no excuse to become a bully. Being the victim of disrespect is no excuse to engage in disrespect. The Freedom Society is based on "Absolute Respect", the idea that each human being has the value and potential that goes along with being the child of God. The freedom Society exists because of this absolute respect, it exists to support those persons, institutions, and concepts that promote absolute respect for human beings.
The freedom society does not afford the same respect to entities that are not human. It will not treat human fabrications with the respect that the humans themselves deserve. Such fabrications include governments. Governments are not people, they are tools created by people. Money is not people. Churches are not people. Organizations are not people. We will work with Governments, Churches and such, but will never forget that they are not people.
Human beings are members of families and get their core identity from their families. So the freedom society wisely protects families by upholding those principles that sustain healthy families. Healthy families produce peaceful people and this happens organically. People who are experiencing inner peace naturally sustain outer peace. It is because of healthy families that natural socialism is generated. When free people are satisfied by the love within their own homes, they naturally over flow love onto the streets of their community. This is why Freedom Society clings to the wisdom to protect the family. No social institution has ever repaired the scars created from the breaking of families. Even when billions of dollars is thrown at communities with broken homes, the inhabitants are still not restored to self-sufficiency. Only the family can generate those spiritual nutriments that humans need as a basic emotional diet.
Due to the history of pain from the fall, some people's resentments may place them under extreme temptation to be disrespectful of their fellow man. In those events where irrational minds wage war on their fellow man, we support self-defense. We reserve the right to choose to love, not to have love taken, or to not to have the artifacts that would stand as symbols of love taken. When love or symbols of love are taken, by manipulation, force, or aggressive coercion, the luster of love is lost and not even the recipient can rest in his spoils. People who take love by coercion or force have an impossible time feeling loved even after possessing the very symbols of love in their hands. This is why God could not coerce Adam and Eve. He had to respect their free will.
There may come a time when the disrespectful irrational hoards of resentment that started with the Jealous Archangel may possess everything and still seek for more. This is because as crafty as he is, Satan does not know that love comes to the universe through human beings who are the microcosm, center of harmony and rulers of the cosmos. Until Satan and his like-minded forces end their scheming and evil intentions we will keep watch to protect freedom.
One day, when the lack of love filled angel surrenders, we will give him his due and will enjoy peace together with him. In that day Freedom will not be our focus, because freedom will exist in all corners of the cosmos.