The Words of the Johnson Family |
On day the angel said to the son of God, "You're doing it wrong". The Son of God said, "Oh thank you servant for your consideration of my situation". "According to my code of conduct...", the Angel says, "you should fix such a problem with a certain method. You should fix this problem that you made by doing this, that, and the other". "So are you gonna comply?" says the angel. The son of God says, "No".
Perplexed, the angel says, "Why wont you fix this problem?". The Son of God says, "Because it's not my problem". The angel says "what do you mean it's not your problem. Did you not create this situation that you're in?" The Son of God says, "Yes I created the situation that I'm in, but I don't see any problem". Then the Angel says, "The code of conduct says..." "I don't care about your code of conduct" interrupts the Son of God. The Angel says, "Ha, I've got you now. You're in violation of the code". Then patiently, the Son of God says, "Who wrote the code?". The Angel says, "God did!" Then the man asks, "Who was the code written for?". The angel says "For us! The code was written for us." The Son of God then says, "Who is 'US'? Was that code written for angels? Am I an angel?" That is when the angel said, "No, but the code is universal". "What makes you think that the code is universal? That it applies to me? Do you know God's will for His Sons and Daughters?"
This is when the angel recalled overhearing a conversation between God and His Son. The angel remembered that God told His Son not to eat the Fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. The Angel reminded the Son of what he'd overheard. The Son of God told the angel that it was none of the angel's business. The angel, presuming to have regulating authority over the Son of God, said "Hah! the other day I saw you walking close by that Tree of Knowledge. I suggest you walk a different path in the Future". That is when the Son of God said, "As I said, go mind your own business like a "Good" Angel!"
The End