The Words of the Johnson Family |
Blessing! What is it?
From the indemnity point of view it is salvation. From the original point of view it is the right of passage and the mark of individual maturity.
Jamal Johnson
May 16, 2001
Centered on yourself you say you like your spouse or not. This is not the way of heaven. True love is the way of heaven, centered on God's hope and happiness.
It is as simple as convex and concave. Any man and any woman should be able to marry each other. They should be able to cherish each other. They should be able to appreciate each other in a very deep way.
Why is it difficult to understand our partner in this way, no matter who he or she may be?
The need to find the answer to this question is what is killing many Second Generation children. We are all aware of the trouble that a radical doctrine (Unification Church doctrine) has presented to the youth of our movement, but in some cases we’re too late and this is sad. I personally want to repent about this. We tend to realize that our present expression of the truth is limited, only after we have been horrified by the results of young ones being hung out to fend for themselves without clarification. Without clarification, young ones have fallen prey to the satanic culture, to the satanic model of life, the satanic model of love, and they have been at risk of being romanced by the entire satanic ideal. Certainly none of us want to see this anymore
What is blocking the Second Generation? What is blocking our Family?
Many of us are concerned about what we are going to do now that the responsibility of matching has fallen into the laps of our own family members. We might have been sitting in a chair or pew at church when the announcement was sent forth. Perhaps we received a telephone call from a friend or elder brother or sister. We felt a number of things, but for the most part we were shocked. We have been counting on our Parents for everything up until now. The idea that we can no longer count on them to make decisions for us is a sobering one. There are bound to be more complicated feelings that we have to deal with, but we should understand that God and True Parents, for the sake of healing this world, have entrusted us with our portion of responsibility and we start today, by dealing with this very central issue known as the Blessing.
Hoon Dok Hae - What Type Of Ants Are We?
We have all heard the story of the Ant and the Grasshopper. As preparation for this time (the High Noon Era), Father has given us Hoon Dok Hae. Hoon Dok Hae probably appears to be many things to many people. It may be an indemnity condition, a direction given by the Messiah. It may be the Messiah’s or True Parents’ traditional morning exercise. But for True Father, Hoon Dok Hae is an activity that should have prepared us for this day, for these times. These are the times where the ball is almost completely in our court, and we have to make the plays.
"Through Hoon Dok Hae you should complete the restoration process"
As the Ant and Grasshopper story goes, it is the grain that should be stored up by wise ants. For Father it is an activity that should perfect us, helping us to unite mind and body. As far as Father is concerned at this point, the answers are in the words.
Although this may be the case, Unificationists are not the type of ants that can simply pick up grain and take it home. Even before picking it up, this grain weighs heavy on our minds because we have been taught about the rotting effect of not properly processing and storing grain. And we are a particular colony of ants that knows about the sickening effects of not digesting the grain properly. Because of this, we fear the grain. This means that we, for the most part, are not fully open to receive divine inspiration through the words of True Father. In short, we have been afraid of taking responsibility even when the truth is right in our face.
We live in fear of making mistakes. This fear of making mistakes translates into a hopeless disinterest in the implications and meaning of Father’s words. It is as if we were a group of ants who pass by a perfectly good mound of grain, not believing that we are capable of handling it properly. We pass by the grain not dealing with the idea of the inevitable day of starvation that will surely come. Why is this? Because we have not cleaned our nest? Are we in need of some interior decorating? Maybe we should de-fragment our files?
The key word here is "Hopeless". Like Jacob, we are wrestling with the angel feeling frightened and hopeless. Think about this. Somehow we, like most folks in the realm of the fall, have been dealing with a feeling of fear. Fear that if the higher words of truth, (in our case Hoon Dok Hae material) were to ever imply taking responsible steps, and they do, then we would have to face that reality. What precisely is that reality? We would have to face the reality that God needs us, God needs me and my family, God needs our creativity and he needs us to pull together to save this world. So, in other words, somehow we have been feeling that if the serious reading of Father’s words were to ever imply doing things that we are not prepared to do, then what’s the use. Why not just crawl back to the anthill and conduct business as usual?
Think about this for a minute. When it comes to reading Father’s words, many of us don’t truly engage the content, do we? Certainly ignorance is a more peaceful state than dealing with a gnawing feeling that there is something that needs to be done that we are not prepared to do. So we read Father’s words, and admittedly we may put in our time between the hours of 6:00 and 7:00 am, but do we search the words? Do we truly search the words finding that, in some cases, 7:00 am has come and gone? Or is it as if we are the ants who pass the mound of grain with impotence (performance anxiety)? Some of us may need to ask, "Where has our longing and hunger for the truth gone? Why do we read in this manner?" It is no wonder that Father has said that Second generation outside people may surpass Unificationists in attending God and True Parents. If we do not pick up that premium mound of grain then some other starving ant colony will certainly put it to good use.
The Archangel Must Be Fingered
We are not to blame. Who is the culprit? The problem is that we still think like archangels. Most members have not been feeling empowered enough to deal with the problems of the world unless a direction comes from "above", by way of the "vertical pipeline". This is an angel’s thinking and is what keeps an angel in his respective position. But in addition to this thinking, and with good reason, we do not fully trust the purity of the vertical pipeline. Even if the vertical pipeline was totally pure (having totally principled membership), this is still not the position of Children of God. This is not the thinking of a Filial Son or Daughter, and the feelings associated with this position are not the feelings of Filial Sons and Daughters. This might explain why so many people leave this movement feeling that there is a dictatorial spirit propelling this ship. The problem is this angels’ thinking, and dealing with this thinking may be the way of indemnity, but it is not the original way.
Individuals and small groups might find that their creativity is challenged by words such as, "Who gave such a direction? Who is the center of such a direction?" or "I cannot agree with anything that does not come from my central figure". It is possible that the critical eye line of their fellow members dampens their creativity. Eyes that seem to say, "What is she doing, that doesn’t seem to be in line with anything that I have seen before". This is especially difficult when such an eye line originates within the hearts of members that are emotionally close to them.
Perhaps it is the fear of being ostracized by the collective. A feeling that could be created by the buzz that surrounds the mention of their name, a buzz that is created when two or more friendly critics are gathered. It might seem strange but these are significant things to mention. Perhaps the reason why our movement is not buzzing with creative solutions for the problems of this world, and why we have not taken responsibility off of the shoulders of True Parents, lies in our not being able to deal with our feelings as archangels. Such feelings at this point are crippling.
There is one other obstacle. Our thinking is Restoration Age thinking. Restoration Age thinking is religious thinking, or Indemnity thinking, and we should collectively begin to change our thinking to fit the Age of Settlement. But what’s holding up the roadblock?
1. Unfinished Business- We are paralyzed by our lack of understanding of things such as the Spirit World, and the Law of Indemnity. This ignorance translates into fear. Specifically, it is the fear of not knowing precisely what actions will make or break the much needed, precious indemnity conditions. We cannot even say conclusively when a particular condition has been absolutely satisfied. Perhaps it is our ignorance and fear that sustains the so-called collective. With such ignorance we have not been able to allow ourselves to move forward into Settlement Age thinking, the thinking of filial children. Indeed we cannot allow ourselves to move forward. With the need to master our understanding of indemnity, we have the feeling of unfinished business and do not allow ourselves to move into the settlement age frame of mind.
2. I Need You To Sign This- Restoration Age thinking is also archangelic thinking. This thinking demands that the fruits of such thinking are required to have the approval of a higher central figure. Ultimately, this thinking requires the approval of a Messianic Figure. Approval is needed before truth is accepted. Before any (so-called) "Good" action can be taken, and before we can begin to restore a relationship with God we need the approval of a mediator (higher central figure), a Messiah. This is because we (angels) do not wish to take responsibility at all. As far as we (angels) are concerned, only God ultimately takes responsibility. We want someone else to choose. As angels, we want someone else to put their stamp on our activities, like signing a liability waiver.
We cannot move forward under such circumstances. God will not allow it. He will not give ownership to anyone but his children, and children perform actions under a different set of directives.
Second Generation Speaks
Speaking of children, these are the issues concerning one Second Generation Brother that offered his point of view, and why he has not dealt with the reality of the Blessing until now. Let’s call him Toojie.
Am I Qualified?
Why have you not gone to the Blessing Toojie? "Not loving God as much as I should" This is how Toojie began to describe his feelings and the reasons why, even though he is eligible, he has not applied for the Blessing up until this point. He admitted that he is not sure whom he needs to love more. "When I am married, should I love God more, or my spouse?" This may not seem like much, but make no mistake, for Toojie these thoughts have caused him not to go forward and receive the Blessing. We cannot say to Toojie that he is being too heavy, "Why don’t you just go to the Blessing Toojie?" That would be sending him a mixed message. For years our movement have presented a very serious point of view about God and Marriage. When Toojie weighs his understanding of himself against the "STANDARD" he cannot allow himself to go on. The list of issues that will not be addressed go on, and problems like this do not have to exist. Perhaps we can find the common denominators. When we solve these sorts of problems for Second Generation we will be on the road to passing on True Parents’ tradition to our young ones, and we will be closer to securing the purity of our respective lineages. i.e. Engrafting our lineages to True Parents.
So, how is it that Toojie has come to adopt what seems like a crippling point of view regarding marriage? Why does this point of view affect him in the way that it does? Time is ticking and the time has now passed wherein he could have received the matching from True Parents themselves. That time has passed him by. It is especially a shame if he sincerely wanted to be matched by True Parents some day.
Let’s think about this. Toojie must wonder as we all must be wondering, "Aren’t I supposed to be matured before I can get married? Don’t I need the First Blessing before I can receive the Second Blessing? At the same time he must be wondering what is supposed to happen if he cannot attain individual perfection. What model does he have to believe that the 1st Blessing is at all possible? For many of us, the only victorious model seems to be True Parents themselves. A statement that does seem to liberate the conscience a little bit, is when Father says things like "attending ones spouse is attending True Parents". If this is indeed true, then we should have no problem making God and True Parents happy. Right? Certainly we can come to love our own spouses. I can do that one.
Continuing along these lines, Father has said that if the entire providence failed then there would still be hope if there were to remain one Blessed Couple, and on a separate occasion Father has said, "You should realize that your spouse has the value of the world". These later statements seem to emphasize the importance of cherishing ones spouse as if he or she had the value of the world. There seems to be two attitudes, so what should we do? Should we suffocate under the tremendous debt that we have incurred by getting married without attaining Individual Perfection. Or, should we go for it knowing that what God wants from us is simple and doable? On the one hand we have the denial point of view, and on the other hand we have a very gracious point of view. One seems to bring judgment and the other seems to bring liberation. We must all agree that, not knowing God’s viewpoint can not only seem debilitating, but actually is debilitating.
Toojie is what should be considered a high standard Second Generation. Problems such as his own are created within the mind of other conscientious Second Generation as well. Why? We’ll hear more from Toojie later.
Only If I Have To
Let’s consider the opinion of another Second Generation. Let’s call him Cobie. Cobie is a bit more of what Second Generation call "real".
"I think that Parents matching their own children will bring about within Second Generation Unification Church members, a desire to be better people. Since Blessing candidates will have to demonstrate their standard in front of the church community in order to be matched with the children of other Blessed families, they will endeavor to at least play good, and this might actually make them better people. I mean, no one will want to match them with their kids if they have exhibited bad behavior."
Cobie’s point of view is a bit more cynical. Although it is not the most cynical that there is among Second Generation, Cobie’s opinion gives us enough of a look into a certain Second Generation mindset for us to realize some things. There are Second Generation kids who do not yet understand Goodness. There are Second Generation who do not yet understand the purpose of keeping certain so-called good habits. If in fact certain traditions are actually good, they have no grasp of why that is the case. Cobie’s opinion makes us see that there is a lot of explaining to do on the part of parents and elders.
Even though there have been numerous Sunday-school events and workshops for Second Generation, there still exists a gap between what we wish the children of this movement to understand and what they actually do understand. Often times they will seek a satisfactory answer for any given question, but they are not often as successful as we would hope them to be. In other words, they are brought to the point of needing to fill the gap on their own, in spite of our efforts to educate them. This shows that our curriculum is not as sophisticated as Second Generation need it to be. It should erase their cynicism all together, because their cynicism doesn’t have to be there.
The fact that Cobie is himself involved in the administration of Second Generation education, should help us to realize that something more has to happen. To say that it is very possible that we need a new curriculum is an understatement. We absolutely need a new curriculum with Second Generation input.
It may seem to be a slap in the face to the brothers and sisters who have worked beyond themselves in order to provide Second Generation with spiritual food, but we must do something more. Whatever remaining barriers need to come down. No one should feel insulted. We just need to step up to the plate and do what it takes to hit a homerun, because the bases are loaded. A baseball coach sends in a pinch hitter when he needs to get a good hit. He doesn’t feel sorry for whom ever he had to pull out of the game, because playing the game is a team effort.
I Can’t Stand This
A third brother also offered his opinion. He is a very sensitive Second Generation brother that we can call Dizzie. Dizzie is the type of guy that we all call very heartistic. This is a problem for BCs like Dizzie who are also pretty attractive externally speaking.
These are Dizzie’s words.
I am glad about the fact that Father has made the announcement about Second Generation matching. I think that it is a huge step forward for our movement. I really like the example of two Second Generation members that arrange their own engagement and then get approval from their parents, and then from True Father if that’s possible.
Dizzie is by no means a dim whit. In fact Dizzie is very intelligent. But like the nickname "Dizzie" implies, Dizzie himself is spinning around and around and cannot come to a concrete conclusion about what to do in his life of faith. Not only with the issue of the Blessing, but other doctrinal issues as well. Being quite sharp, BCs like Dizzie see the truth for what it is, but their Divine Principle understanding of reality is seriously challenged by the lifestyle choices and examples that are set by the people around them. This is because they, being the so-called heartistic types, easily form attachments to any person around them, and harbor nostalgic feelings about the things that they have experienced and the places that they have had these experiences. They are very sensitive and easily respond to people. In their daily life, relationships mean the world to them, and most of their object partners happen to be of the satanic matrix. ("…anyone hard wired to the system is potentially an agent" - The Matrix). The emotional attachment is a very significant part of how they function in their daily life.
Blessed children have inherited a certain responsibility from their predecessors. They are responsible for finding deeper meaning to the issue of marriage, and centered on that meaning they are to create and settle, a new marriage culture which is incomparable to any satanic adaptation. For Dizzie, perhaps the change over from Father’s Matching to his parents matching is a welcome thing for a reason. Knowing Dizzie, he quite possibly wishes to give up struggling against his external point of view and hopes that he can have more say in who he marries. This providential change in the matching is a welcome relief for BCs like Dizzie, who have been fighting the good fight and have not been able to make any headway. The change is a welcome relief for Dizzie, and in his case we would hope that he sees it as God’s grace rather than seeing it as a chance to pass the aforementioned responsibility on to someone else (his children). We would hope that he could seriously sense the responsibility that his parents now have.
In all seriousness, Second Generation young men and women fight almost everyday within themselves. They fight back the tendency to use their sharp intellect for the wrong reason, which would be for the sake of justifying their feelings. Feelings mind you that have been seasoned by fallen culture. In a bad spell it’s possible that their rationalizations can get quite complicated. Going to school or college with the rest of the world, they are often in need of someone who truly understands their feelings, and they often need to unload their rationalizations and replace them with deeper understanding of the truth. If they could dig up a credible person and acquire a complete and principled assessment of their daily drama, then that would be like gold to them. Sometimes they are unsuccessful at locating such a person, and are at a loss for relief.
With a healthy concern for their spiritual life, parents want to make sure that their children become part of well-rounded couples. Couples that are made up of a man and woman who can help each other erase their differences with God.
I Guess I Sort Of Need This
Recently, some second generation Unificationists were gathering at their usual meeting place, a place called Belvedere. They were about the business of sharing and trying to make sense of the issue of the Matching and Blessing. The spirit of the entire affair was rather high, and it seems that Second Generation are taking a sober look at their understanding of truth.
What It Is And What It’s Worth
When we discuss the issue of the Matching and Blessing there are varying levels of understanding. We should go directly to the nitty-gritty of it all. Why do we go to the Blessing? We go so that we can expand the tradition of living for the sake of others.
The center of God is Heart. Heart is the irrepressible urge to seek joy through love. This is going to be the root of the discussion from here on out, as it should be. We are no longer talking about the Blessing from the indemnity point of view. Admittedly, from the indemnity point of view there are specific reasons why the Matching and Blessing should be conducted. Many of us have not yet come to terms with this, but these days God’s providence calls for us to step up and have new reasons. The bible says that "As it was in the beginning, so shall it be in the end." So, we are going to go back to the original purpose behind Matching and Blessing. We are going to talk about the Ideal. These are the oldest concepts that there are to speak of, and yet coming to terms with them will seem like a breath of fresh air. What are the reasons to attend Matching and Blessing from the Heartistic point of view?
In the past when discussing the purpose of things, we have asked many times, "What was God’s original plan?" But we’re going to start off with a more specific question this time. Before God made a plan there was a desire. We are trying to think about what God’s Original Desire was. What did God want? We cannot help but to bring into the discussion the "Four Great Realms of Heart" (FGRH). Behind FGRH is God’s Heart and Desire. Also, within this content (FGRH), there is an amazing opportunity to find our own Original Nature, and express our own True Creativity. We will focus on God Desire, Man’s Original Desire. The Four Great Realms of Heart, Living for the Sake of Others and finally, building God’s Kingdom. The Matching and Blessing is a fundamental part of it all.
You Are the Lord
We have all read the bible passage that says that man was made in the image and likeness of God. This does not literally mean that God and Mankind look alike physically. To be specific it means that human beings have the same core as God. In the center of our being is the same desire that is at the center of God. In man, this desire is yearning to be fulfilled, as it is in God. It is in this sense that we are created in the image of God. Do you want to find your Original Nature and True Creativity? Your Original Nature and Creativity is like God’s. You are supposed to be like God and your life is supposed to be an expression of God’s Desire.
When we talk about God’s Desire we are talking about a vertical concept. This means that God’s Desire is beyond time and space. That is to say that before time and space were realities there was God’s Desire, or one could say that behind The Beginning, there exists God’s desire. In other words, God’s Desire is Absolute, Unique, Unchanging and Eternal. God’s Desire is more real than anything in the created universe. God’s desire is unaffected by any change in time or anything that happens. If there were not time or space to speak of, there would still exist God’s Desire. No matter where you are or what time period you observe God’s desire is the same everywhere. God’s desire is the same no matter what time period a person might exist in, and no matter what life course he or she is destined to walk.
When we say that we are the children of God, we are acknowledging that we are the one creature in the cosmos that have apprehended this central Desire of God and that it has become our own. In all truth God’s Desire cannot become our own, rather it is the deepest part of who we already are. We are God’s long sought after children when we become aware of this. That is to say that reality seems to change when we realize this. When we apprehend the Desire of God, we can begin to see who we truly are, the lineal connection that we have with Him, and we begin to see our true connection to each other as well. It is amazingly true to say that everything begins with God’s Desire.
When we walk the Christian walk we are expected to come to a life changing point of realization. It is an incredible opportunity that is provided by mimicking the efforts of Christ (the True Parents). It is our chance to have a similar realization to the one that Adam and Eve were supposed to have about the purpose of life. Christians call it being born again. Psychologists call it ‘having a paradigm shift’. It all means the same thing. Life seems to change and we become different people who have a different set of directives than before the realization hit. We are all in need of such rebirth and a new way of looking at things.
Everybody Wants True Love
What is God’s Desire? How can we begin to relate with the concept of God’s Desire? Father has said on many occasions that God wanted to have a love partner.
Since the beginning, God has wanted to share love with a partner. God is indeed omnipotent and can do anything. So why didn’t God simply create any old object, like a teddy bear to hug. The teaching known as FGRH familiarizes us with the idea that God’s desire is to behold his own image, and in this regard it gets more specific than the Divine Principle text.
God not only desires to observe the reflection of his own form, like a marble statue carved in His likeness. He wants more. God not only wants to behold an object that is programmed to exhibit behavior patterns that are like His own. He desires more. God wants to behold an object partner that is at liberty to express love, from a heart that is like His own. In fact, beholding is not enough. God wants a love partner that He can become completely wrapped up with, inside a multi-dimensional love relationship. And would you believe there’s more?
God hopes for more. God hopes for the deeper joy that comes with being able to step back and watch His object experience for itself, the fulfillment of the desires that God Himself has sought to fulfill, the desires that were mentioned above. This means that God hopes for His object to eventually inherit His joyful point of view (the point of view of a subject of love). This also comes to mean that God hopes to witness His object, watching an object of its own (a third being), in its (the third being’s) own state of enjoyment. It might sound technical for us to think of things in this way, but this is a way of understanding why God made human beings to be as sensitive as He is. God made human beings no less sensitive than He is, because it is a requirement if God’s ultimate desire is to be fulfilled.
So the absolute desire of God is to behold an object partner that not only expresses love, but also experiences the fruits of loving, deep within a heart that is like His own. This understanding is closer to what is meant by the words "God wants to share love with an object partner". But unless human beings develop such a heart, God’s Desire and our own deepest desire cannot be fulfilled.
Incidentally, this is another way of looking at the concept known as the Four Position Foundation, which has as its base the Three Objects Purpose. When we consider the Four Position Foundation it is especially useful when we now consider the heartistic necessity for an object to have objects of its own.
The Way to God / The Way Of God
Let’s look at things in another way. As human beings, when our desire is not very sophisticated or when we are children, we desire things that seem to be simple to adults. We might have the desire for a rubber duck. We want to possess it. Later on when we become more aware of ourselves we would want a more sophisticated toy. We want something to identify with, something more like ourselves, maybe a doll. Later on after becoming more aware of ourselves, when we’ve become more aware of others, we wish to solidify relationships with people. We want attention, praise and the respect of equals. Incidentally, most people in the fallen world never make it beyond this point.
As time passes we can begin to develop the taste for a completely different sort of joy. This is the start of filial piety. Filial piety is unquestionably linked with the desire of parents, a desire that, for important reasons, transcends our own self-centered desire. Among the many hopes that parent’s have for their children, is the hope that they will harmonize with and care for one another. So with the help of parents (or God), we should become conscientiously aware of the effect that we can have on others, and we begin seeking for ways to bring joy to others.
With regards to filial piety, the amazing thing is that we begin to remove ourselves from our own point of view and begin to taste a joy that we cannot experience apart from giving. Our joy at this point is the joy of tasting, the joy of another. One could say that we begin to enjoy tasting the joy of the beloved brother or sister, but more specifically, it is the joy of tasting the joy of the hopeful parent (or God) who may or may not be in the wings watching.
As our desires become more sophisticated, the situations that we take delight in become more other-centered. We can see that we are made to grow to resemble God by this amazing sensitivity to the needs of others, and our own need to deny ourselves for their sakes.
This is heartistic development and at its peak there is a name for the state that one would come to occupy, Individual Maturity. What we are discussing is the foundation of living for the sake of others, the beginning of total oneness with God, feeling His heart as if it were our own.
The Cosmos Is Our Hometown
Perhaps God could not foresee any other object, that he could share love with completely, other than human beings. And we can understand that within God’s desire to have the best object of love, there are specific needs and requirements, such as the need for Man to develop a heart as sensitize as God’s.
At times we think about why God created All-things first and human beings last. We should understand how God wants to prepare the way for His object of love, and to provide an environment for them to inherit. We should understand how God wants to provide for His children’s complete physical, spiritual, and heartistic development. And we should understand that this is why the Divine Principle emphasizes that All-things were made through the pre-existent conceptualized, ideal form of man. It is comparable to a rich man who, in expectation of the birth of his children, prepares for them a nursery, builds an athletics training center and hires a coach, opens a school and hires teachers, tutors and mentors, arranges for them to have access to book of poetry, and fine works of art, and finally arranges visits to the finest museums.
God, Adam and Eve - A Joint Project
So now let’s talk about the original providence of God and what the Divine Principle gets into, in the section called Predestination, when it states that God contributes 95%, and Man contributes 5% toward the fulfillment of God’s Providence. In this case, we are contemplating God’s original providence to bring about the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth.
From the bottom of His heart, God’s hope was for His children to come to know His will, His word and His heart. For the sake of creating the world of True Love, the creation was made to help man, to point the way that man should go. The creation was meant to hold the clues to what man should be. And God hoped that through reciprocating with the Original Beauty, Truth, and Goodness that can be observed within the things of the diverse physical universe, Adam and Eve would grow to respond to Him in a harmonious way, from the bottom of their hearts.
This is like the story of the man who baked cakes all of his life. When he had taken every opportunity to demonstrate every ounce of his hearts desire, he left the defining steps to his son to accomplish. Upon accomplishing the final step, the son along with the father, assumes credit for creating the cake. Likewise, God didn’t have to see his children accomplish all of the things that God Himself had accomplished. In the realm of heart the smallest gesture can have the value of an entire dance. For Adam and Eve to have taken the proper action in one moment, would mean that they understood everything. Cham Arasumnida. God made things this way.
Like all of us they started-out as selfish beings, but Adam and Eve should have realized something and should have united with God, with absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience. That is to say that they had to first, come to understand and then live fixed on the way of God’s providence. God had set aside the most critical expression of his heart for his children to handle. God knew that with all that he had prepared for His children, it was possible for them to abandon their self-centered way of looking at life, and invest everything for the sake of the building of the kingdom. For Adam and Eve, learning what to do meant that they had to digest enough of God’s nature. As a given, the contents of God’s nature were there to be plucked from the physical world around them. They had to proceed step by step, growing through three stages.
At the climax of creation, it was up to Adam and Eve to create their true selves, as God’s children. By continuing to follow the right course of action, it was up to them to validate the rest of creation as well. It was up to them to prepare the place for God to come and for Him to reside as subject over the cosmos. All of these things, which had started out as the work of God and the angels, had been placed in front of Adam and Eve to complete.
Icing for My Son
He fought hard to learn how to create what he knew to be the best cake ever. His masterpiece was a particular fruitcake that had whole slices of various fruit within its many layers. And as its signature feature, there was its single strawberry, which was always placed on top. He was a baker who loved the art.
When the man had gotten married and had children, he always baked silently in their presence. He hoped for the day that he could pass on his recipe and love for baking to his children, but for a time they did not even show interest. And as they got older they began to pay more and more attention to detail, but never participated in baking itself. Day after day he would mix batter and spread icing hoping that a certain day would come, a day that would end with his being able to say that his children genuinely care for and know something about baking. Did it occur to him that it might take some time for his children to be able to do what took him decades to perfect?
One day, in the middle of his baking routine with his children, he got an idea. He halted production of a fruitcake that he was in the process of baking. The man had stopped with only one step to take, the application of his signature feature. He then took a strawberry in hand, and placed it at the bottom of a bowl that was filled with the various other fruit used in the baking of the cake. He turned toward the door, placed the bowl on the floor near his first son and said "Take care of this for me and don’t spoil your appetite", and then he walked out of the kitchen.
This was a first. Outside in the hallway, the man looked transfixed upon the kitchen door in expectation. "Had he learned anything all these years?" he thought, "Does he even have the desire to participate in baking with his dear old Dad?" The next few moments seemed like an eternity as the boy sat in wonder. And when he had reflected of his father’s eye’s, he could no longer think. He began digging diligently through the bowl of fruit searching. Finally he came up with the single strawberry, and like a veteran baker, he placed it atop the waiting cake with a smile like the sun.
At that very moment the man walked back into the kitchen and was never the same again. From then on the baker knew in his heart that he had children who could bake as good as he.
In Pairs Is Where It Counts
What was it that Adam and Eve needed to come to realize? Yes, as filial children they may have come to know that they needed to offer life for the sake of others, but with respect to what? This is the critical issue. Where? In what aspect of life was it most important for Adam and Eve to practice living for the sake of others?
Father has made the clear correlation between True Love and the reality of convex and concave in the speech called "In Search of the Origin of the Universe". It is in this speech that we find out that love is simply a lofty concept that can only find a resting place in the absolute sexual organ.
Adam and Eve needed specifically to understand that living for others is most profoundly practiced where it regards the usage of the sexual organs. We should never let it out of our mind that Hell and Heaven were determined by the motivation behind the usage of the sexual organ. If ever we regarded the teaching of Absolute Sex as a random teaching amongst the many lessons that were taught by our True Parents, we should now come to grips with how central the Absolute Sex lesson is. To trivialize the topic of the usage of the sexual organ, is to sigh at the notion of Heaven.
All things reproduce through subject/object relationships. Subject and object on any given level come together and are absorbed into higher manifestations of God’s Dual Characteristics. Beings on a high level absorb the fruits of subject and object relationships on lower levels. If subject and object fail to come together on any given level, then beings on the higher level are at a loss.
When it comes to mankind, the relationship of man and woman is very powerful. It is a creative force that cannot be rivaled. The key point that Adam and Eve should have come to figure out was that their relationship had the potential to produce something in the realm of heart. It was made to be the resting place of God Himself. It is the place where God appears and consumes the offering of a man and woman’s heart. For God, this offering is the sweetest fruit. Within this offering is a man and woman’s hope for the Kingdom of Heaven. When man and woman come together under God in true love, it is in agreement to help God create the kingdom. It is the source of life. It is a solidifying condition to set kingdom building in motion. When man and woman come together it is not for their sakes. It is so that joy can go on, and shower everyone and everything forever and ever.
It is the palace of True Love, True Life, True Lineage, and True Conscience. As stated above, here is where man and woman truly offer themselves to God’s ideal. It is the powerhouse of altruism. Eternity is grasped at this place as we set forth lineage. And right and wrong are to be judged according to the sanctity of this ritual dance of husband and wife.
The Culture of Heart
If Adam and Eve were able to grasp the heart of God, they would have been approved to go forward to the next stage of life. Adam and Eve would have realized that there is nothing that they could do except come together in sexual oneness. They would have conceived and would have given birth to children in the sight of God, and would have passed on their foundation of experience to them. The world of all-things would have been influenced by the family of Adam and Eve, and would have begun to reflect their beauty. All-things would have been found to possess deep and meaningful insight into the hearts of Adam and Eve, True Parents. The world of complete harmony would have been mastered by, and absorbed within the love of Adam and Eve. The government of True Parents would have added flavor to All-Things. The world of God’s ideal would have blossomed within and without. As the First Parents, Adam and Eve would hold a special place in the hearts of all human kind for all eternity. Parents would go to be with God when their time on earth was done. Like God, they would have watched with delight, the ever-expanding, never-ending world of love.
Life in the Kingdom would be centered on heart. What does that mean specifically? It is the world where all activity is centered on meeting God. Everyday life is a celebration connected to God’s ideal, but there is no other way to express the heart of God more fully, than when Husband and Wife come together.
Life in the kingdom would result in a marriage culture because no other single act expresses God’s Desire more responsibly than when Husband and Wife unite sexually.
The children of Adam and Eve would have been raised by parents who were one with God. Even though all children start out selfishly wanting what they want without regard for others, these children would not be like children of a fallen world. They would receive love that is true from their parents, and this means that they would never doubt weather or not they where loved. They would develop true confidence as a result. Their parents would be in their blood. With such love being poured out over them and with such confidence, the Second Generation would easily grow to transcend their own selfishness.
Children in the kingdom would have walked this path more easily than Adam and Eve, because the eternal First Parents would have given more guidance than what Adam and Eve had. There would be no fallen culture to rot away at a parents’ foundation of total giving. On the contrary there would be the Culture of Altruism. Naturally, children in the Kingdom would always be occupied with the thought of bringing joy to their parents.
Many times we cannot avoid finding extreme differences among siblings. As a brother or sister, we do often find that there is no need for this person (our sibling), and we can naturally avoid each other. Sometimes we seek to deny the other for our own satisfaction. But in Heaven we would grow out of this. Brothers and sisters would absolutely come to see each other’s beauty from their parent’s perspective, and would take good care of each other. On behalf of God and the First Parents this type of consideration would be extended beyond ones own family and would include all people of the world. This would be the world of attendance.
In this world, how would young man and women relate with each other? Young man and women relate with each other as brothers and sisters. Even though there is the natural curiosity when young men look at young women and vise versa, there would be no suggestion of premarital sexual expression within the culture. They would satisfy their curiosity naturally within their friendships. Due to Adam and Eve’s victory, the Second Generation and every subsequent generation would never be in doubt in the way that Adam and Eve were in doubt. Young men and women would come to understand about the purpose and centrality of lovemaking, long before they were of age to get married. And within an altruistic marriage culture, young man and women would be more concerned for one another’s future marital joy, than for the satisfaction of their own sexual desire, centered on their own personal preference.
They would think it tragic, for themselves and others, to corrupt the experience of first love. It would be unheard of. Brothers and sisters could not help but to encourage each other to approach that day with care. They would know fully that the joyful world they lived in, hinged upon the quality of heart expressed within marriages. They would have inherited such wisdom from their parents, and would have passed it down to their children, for it is the realization that Adam and Eve where responsible to come to in the Garden of Eden.
How would individuals approach the great day of their wedding? The answer must be that they would approach it without too much concern. They naturally would be destined to attain the qualifications. The concern would be more on the part of their parents. There would be no greater joy than for parents to bestow the joy of married life upon their children.
Perhaps it should go something like this. A parent would approach their most promising filial child, their eldest son (or daughter), who would be going along with the normal life of a true individual. With the heart of giving they would ask, as they were accustomed to, if the child would help them with something. The child would say yes, of course. "What can your son (daughter) do for his parents?" They would tell him/her how they needed help in taking care of a certain family’s situation. I the case of a boy, the parents would tell their son how that particular neighboring family had wanted to bring joy to their eldest daughter. "Our neighbors daughter is a lovely sister who is not yet married. Her parents really want to bring the joy of marriage to her. Would you marry this girl and become her and her parents joy?" The young man would shed tears at the thought that his parents thought so highly of him, and he would say "Yes, I will give all of our love to this one sister. I will do this for you my parents." The young man would commit himself to loving the young lady without even knowing who she was, as if it were his parents dying wish." This is the motivation that would bring about matching, marriage and lovemaking.
Marriage is the pivotal point where the ripened fruit of Man’s love is offered to God and the world. True marriage is founded upon filial piety (Eldersonship), children’s love and brother/sister love. True marriage is one with God’s Desire and His eternal hope for man. When a man and woman embrace in this way they are embracing eternal hope. They are dancing with all couples (of past present and future) and the First Parents (True Parents) together in oneness. God’s Love is leading the dance. For the husband, he embraces all wives, and for the wife, she embraces all husbands. It is great to be alive, and it is great to be the child of God. Mansei!
True marriage sets the stage for True family, and children are seen as the bonus. They are a gift from Heaven for a job well done. Mansei
All thing bear witness to the eternal goodness of our union as man and woman. The creation seems to never let us forget our first love. Mansei!
It may seem difficult, judging from the perspective of traditional Unificationism, to deal with the change in matching and blessing, but with a fresh look at True Parents words, and with a fresh look at our lives we can pass this class with an excellent grade.
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