The Words of the Johnston Family |
Archangelic Economics
Gunnard Z. Johnston
October 20, 2000
The economic system as it is now is clearly a master-servant -- or archangelic -- system. The emphasis is clearly on the physical value of the person, not his or her eternal value as a child of God's creation. A banker who has good connections can command a salary of millions of dollars each year, purely because he/she can collect much more than that for his/her employer, the bank. Same is true for prize athletes. Any body who doesn't like Michael Jordan? (Yea, I know he's already "yesterday's news", but bear with me, as I am out in the hinterlands); you get the point of his "commercial" value, though. If he gets $30 million from the Bulls, it's because the Bulls owners know he will make the Bulls ten times that amount. "Lesser" workers are likewise compensated according to their perceived "commercial" value. This is the modern economic -- and indeed even ideological -- world we live in today: your "worth" is measured in dollars and cents.
And yet, there is still the surviving almost instinctive notion that people have a value that cannot be put into monetary terms. As much as the "system" tries to break us down into purely economic "units", we rebel and chafe at this notion. We want to break out and assert something higher, deeper, more in line with our sensed "eternal value", not simply our temporal "commercial" value.
This then is the end-game of the establishment of the true world ideology, one that is based squarely on finding the actual, real, and true value that humans have. As a world culture, we are in the midst of "finding" this value. As people who recognize not only our earthly physical life, but also our even more important eternal spiritual life, we press on with the message: we must include the long-term, even the eternal, effects of such-and-such a policy. If our policies do not lead us to our true original home, they are not good and should be modified. We should only make and live by policies that lead us to _where we want to end up; we must never compromise our eternal life for the sake of temporary pleasure.
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