The Words of the Jones Family |
Dear Father,
Our warmest greetings from America. We are very busy here and gradually our work is advancing. Betsy and I recently visited five centers in the Western part of the United States and now are planning to visit the East Coast centers. Based on that trip to the West, and my knowledge of the situation in the East, I would like to tell you how we are doing.
On the spiritual level, I feel hope in the new programs that are being instituted. Many of the centers are now conducting week-end training programs in which the entire Principle is taught in one week-end. This is having a much bigger impact on the students and I believe it will be a more effective way of winning members. Also a second-stage program is being developed in Washington; it should be ready by the beginning of April. Once it is underway, here we can decide on a method to bring it to the other centers. I feel this also will be an important element in establishing the spiritual foundation in America.
Economically, businesses are being established in several centers and all centers have a goal of establishing a business by the end of the year. Most notably, the print shop in Berkeley last month took in almost 6000 dollars of business and acquired an IBM computer with which to do typesetting.
At the Directors Conference we resolved to try to help Young Soo Im [Oni Durst] sell the guns which were imported last year. Fred Stock of St. Louis is in contact with her and is working to see what he can do. Unfortunately, in a recent article of "Shooting Times", a very unfavorable report of our gun was given. I don't know how much such a report will influence the sale of these guns. Nevertheless, we will try to help Young Soo. If you want us to sell other guns, we would be happy to do so.
Politically, we are in the process of establishing an American branch of IFVC. The trip that Neil Salonen was planning to Viet Nam, Japan and Korea has been delayed several times. Now it appears that the group he was going to travel with may not be able to raise the money. So, the trip is indefinite…
We are all very much awaiting your arrival. Do you know, Father, how long you will stay? We will be very happy to be with you again.
Our love and gratitude,
Your son,
Farley Jones