The Words of the Jordan Family |
Daliat El Carmel, Israel -- Honoring the UN's 2012 International Day of the Family, some 30 community leaders gathered in the Druze village of Daliat El Carmel. The village is located on the magnificent Mount Carmel near Israel's northern coast, amongst lush green olive orchards
In attendance were prominent women leaders from various fields such as education, social work, politics, NGOs, and academia. The event was co-sponsored by the Israeli chapters of the Universal Peace Federation and the Women's Federation for World Peace (WFWP).
Sheik Ali Naim Birani, the host, offered welcoming remarks in which he stressed that the family is the building block of society and thus top priority should be given to teaching family values.
Former President of WFWP-Israel Mrs. Rosa Shmueli served graciously as the MC. After she had introduced some of the dignitaries, she called to the stage Dr. Nurit Skupinski, the current President of WFWP-Israel, to deliver the keynote address. Nurit used a PowerPoint presentation to touch upon core family values. She eloquently pointed out that living for the sake of others is the golden rule to be practiced by the individual, family, and society in order to resolve conflicts and create a peaceful environment.
After a break for a delicious lunch, introductory speeches were given by all participants. It was heartwarming to hear from quite a few participants that it was their life dream to join such gathering. Many also expressed their desire to link their own organizations and offer their expertise to promote true family values.
Mr. Jeremy Jordan, Secretary General of UPF-Israel, opened the second part of the program elaborating on the broad meaning of this UN designated day. He went through the key points of the 2012 theme: "Ensuring work family balance." Mr. Jordan went on to highlight the winning team of a united husband and wife in the family, unleashing the immense power of true love.
The third high point of the program was a special tribute to host Sheik Birani. He was presented with a unique silver statue of Jerusalem by Prof. Eliezer Glaubach, President of the Professors World Peace Academy of Israel and his wife, Rachel, a prominent member of WFWP-Israel, both senior Ambassadors for Peace.