The Words of the Jordan Family |
to right: Adam Dickson, Rev. Gil Jordan, Martine Paris, and Keiji
Taken from a sermon given in March 1987 by Rev. Gil Jordan of Willow Springs, Missouri, at the Unification Church center in St. Louis
First I would like to express my sincere gratitude for Rev. Moon and for the sacrifices of those who have allowed ministers such as myself to attend these wonderful ICC conferences in Korea.
In Acts 2:17-18, Peter recalls the words of the prophet Joel: "And in the last days it shall be, God declares, that I will pour out my Spirit upon all flesh, and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams; yea, and on my menservants and my maidservants in those days I will pour out my Spirit; and they shall prophesy."
Please notice that it says "all flesh," regardless of color, creed, or anything else. Christ wouldn't have referred to this unless it were actually to become true. I believe that we are already living in those days.
Anybody can have the gift of prophesy, and in fact, I believe that we do have living prophets with that gift now in our midst. And today, Rev. Moon is one of those prophets.
I had several experiences in Korea that testify to this. When I was in Pusan, I heard a voice telling me to go further up the hill toward the Rock of Tears. There I saw a familiar- looking face whose eyes were very bright, like glowing coals, and I couldn't look directly into them. I thought it was the Lord. Then Heavenly Father spoke to me and introduced him to me saying, "He is my Son. Please listen to him. You have been obedient and you asked me in fervent prayer about Rev. Moon. I choose to speak through whom I may, and I am using Rev. Moon. Yes, he is a prophet. He has a messianic mission, and, just like many others in the past, is meant to complete the work of Jesus Christ. The spirit of Jesus Christ is guiding Rev. Moon."
The voice said that Rev. Moon has a multifold mission and that he is of the tribe of Benjamin. One of his tasks is to gather the tribes of Judah and Simon and teach them their responsibilities. At the same time he has to bring those who have been given jurisdiction over the other tribes to a better understanding of what their missions are and how to be good stewards, because if they can't fulfill their responsibility, their missions will be taken away from them and given to somebody else. This was quite a testimony from the Lord Himself to me, and none of it contradicted what I see Rev. Moon doing right now.
Then I had another beautiful experience. Suddenly I started to see the Lord's creation through His eyes. I saw a struggling fly with its wings broken, and I felt compassion for it.
I told the lady next to me that because we were on holy ground, we shouldn't kill even a fly. Then I saw a wasp, and I reached down and petted it and had communication with it.
I felt incredible love for the Lord's creation, and I knew He created all of it with a purpose.
During the rest of the conference it became very evident to me how important man, even in a fallen state, is to God. God is our parent, and as a parent He has an intimate fatherly love and concern for every one of us. I know for sure that Jesus Christ as the son of God is mindful of each and every being on this earth.
I had one final experience. One lady who was there at the Rock of Tears asked a few of us to pray for her son, whom she was very worried about. As we were praying, we all started to weep. Suddenly I saw what appeared to be a red ink blot in the middle of the rock. It began to bleed as if it were coming out of a wound, and it expanded to the size of a quarter. After I prayed intensely, I felt that it represented the Lord, who is suffering and weeping so much that his wounds open up again and again.
I and four other participants dedicated that whole area at the Rock of Tears as a place of sanctuary for the Lord, a place for the Lord's oracles. We felt the Lord wanted us to do that, and we feel that someday this place will actually become a sanctuary -- not just symbolically, but physically.
I believe God commissioned me to share these experiences with you. I would like to encourage all of you to pray and ask God about the depths of His love for each one of us.
When I was in the Orient I experienced deeply that the people there really live what they believe. We also have to do the same and let our light shine so that people can know what we believe. It doesn't matter what people may say about us, because eventually they will come to know the truth.
I believe the time is at hand. The Christian churches have to repent for their sins, and that is why these conferences are so necessary, so that we can all come and do it together.