The Words of the Jumawan Family |
Dear Blessed Families and Brothers and Sisters:
Warm Greetings! This coming Sunday, August 12, 2012 we don`t have Sunday Service. But I encourage everyone, blessed families including children to witness and participate the Sports Fist that will be held in Seibu Taikan, near Suzuka Inter.
This a collaboration activity between UFPA and Catholic community. It is a whole day activity. It will start at 9 in the morning and finish at 4' clock in the afternoon. Pls. Bring the following: 1. extra clean shoes to be used inside the gym. 2. ¥100 for the registration (elementary children are exempted) 3. food for lunch and drinks for your own. 4. If you will play badminton, bring your own rocket. Badminton is open. From ages 13-23. 5. Exhibition game -- Volleyball is open for all women (2 teams only). Our National President of PUCM-J, Kuya Dante Negre will visit us on Saturday and Sunday to witness the event.
Follow-up reminder for those who did not yet sent confirmation on the invitation for family camping, please send your message directly to my cell phone for the arrangement.
For those who did not completed yet the donations for Visayas Interfaith Blessing, please be reminded once again of the deadline, August 12, 2012…Onegaishimasu! Note; Bro. Roy Carumba is posting on face book regarding EDP 3 Hour Lecture at 400 yen per copy. For those who wants an order please communicate Bro Roy for the ordering in the Phils., Nichol`s family will be visiting Phils on August 18 and when they comeback, they are willing to bring it, but if the orders will go beyond 20 kilos, please include on your payment also an extra baggage charge.
Thank you for your full support and cooperation. Have a Bless week to everyone! I`m looking forward to see your families on Sunday.
Respectfully yours,
Jun/Junko Jumawan and Family
Regional Minister