The Words of the Jumawan Family |
Dear Central Blessed Families,
May God and True Parents' love and blessings be upon you and your family! Thank you for keeping-up your Jeonseong for True Father's Cosmic Seong Hwa.
This coming Sunday September 9, 2012at 2-5 PM, our Sunday service will be a special dedication ceremony for our True Father's Seong Hwa in Shiroko Community Center. Please Bring your whole family. There will be no 2nd generation class, all will be joining the ceremony. Please wear semi-formal clothes. We will make an altar, banner and offer our flowers and prayers for TFs Seong Hwa. For those who did not yet deposited the 120 dollar donation for TFs Seong Hwa donation you can directly bring it so that you can offer it during our ceremony. Please put it in an envelope and please also write your name.
Sakurajima Home Group of Families will be the sponsors. Please take note of the gathering time is 1:30 PM.
I am requesting all the group leaders, council of elders and wives to please help the arrangement of the altar.
Please bring simple snacks and drinks.
I am reminding once again for those who will be going to Korea to please fill up the attachment herewith regarding your fight schedule to Korea and send it to HQ c/o Amy and please don`t forget to send a cc-copy furnish to my email add.
Note; The Seminar Workshop for 2nd Generation is canceled due to TFs Seong Hwa. The lecturer is going to Korea. The next schedule is not decided yet due to availability of venue and lecturer. Please just prepare your children for the next schedule.
See you and your family on Sunday!
Jun/Junko Jumawan and Family
Regional Minister