The Words of the Jumawan Family |
Dear Central Blessed Families,
May God and True Parents' love and blessings be upon you and your family! Thank you for keeping-up your Jeonseong for True Father's Cosmic Seong Hwa.
This coming Saturday, September 16, 2012 we will be having a gathering at Kuya Nelson`s house at Ichinomiya, back of Takage Hospital to attend the Live cast of TFs Cosmic Seong Hwa ceremony thru Internet. Mrs. Junko Jumawan and Bro. Francis will be the In-charge of the preparation. The Ceremony in Korea will start at 9:00 am, so please come at 8 am sharp for the preparation. Kuya Nilson`s house is limited to 6 cars are allowed to parking so please park your car at Okuwa Super market. Since you need 1 big car to bring everyone to Kuya Nilson`s house, please come earlier than 8 am. Please bring your whole family.
Please wear formal clothes as it was stated in the memo. We will make an altar, banner and offer our flowers and prayers for TFs Seong Hwa.
The ceremony might reach until lunch or over, so please bring your own obento.
On Sunday September 16, there will be a Sunday Service. The venue Suzuka Youth Center. Time is 2:00 to 5:00 PM. Sakurajima home group of families will be the sponsors in terms of technical. For the message through video, it will be arrange and prepared by Sisters. For second generation schedule, it will be announce on Saturday after the ceremony. Please also bring 1,000 yen/family donation for the preparations of flowers and venue on the Sunday Service.
From September 14 until 17, the In-charge in our Region is Mrs. Junko Jumawan and Brother Francis. If you have some clarification you contact them.
May everyone would continuously keeps your absolute faith, love and obedience. Bless your heart this week!
Jun/Junko Jumawan