The Words of the Jumawan Family |
TO: All Blessed Families in Our Region (Osaka, Shiga, Nagoya and
RE: Information on the Foundation Day Registration
Blessing Ceremony
DA: February 19, 2013
Dear Blessed Families, Brothers and Sisters, Warm Greetings!
This is to announce the details of the Foundation Day Registration Blessing Ceremony to be held in different groups or as individual family in our area via Internet Live on February 22, 2013.
I. TITLE: Cheon Il Guk Foundation Day Registration Blessing (tentative, referred from Phils.)
II. VENUE/TIME: The main venue of the Blessing will be at Cheongshim World Peace Center in Korea from 10:00AM -- 1:00 PM(Korean Time), February 22, 2013.
III. In our area, please be notified of the group venues; Sakurajima (Francis Prodigo`s House and Carumba`s House), Kawage (to be announce later), Ichinomiya (Nilson Sabanal`s House), Nagoya (Tuballa`s House), Osaka (it will be announce by Kuya Rey Gloria).Other Families may hold their own blessing ceremony in your respective homes.
IV. In special cases, like for those who are at works, according to Rev. Park, please offer a prayer at least 3 minutes at 10:00 AM.
V. ATTIRE: Men should wear dark-colored suit with white shirt and red tie and women a white dress.
VI. PARTICIPANTS: All blessed members including those who have and have not started their life should attend the Foundation Day Registration Blessing. They need to take first the Foundation Day Holy Wine and complete the necessary requirements before attending the blessing. Please always monitor your e-mails or in Face book (PUCMJ or FINICA account) for the announcement of the link in English and Japanese.
For our General Ceremony or Video Blessing as instructed by Rev. Funami. It will be held on February 24, 2013, Sunday. The time is from 2:00-6:00 PM. The venue will be at Shokugyu Kunren Center(the Big Hall).Attire should be the same as required. You can also invited your children and friends to witness our FD blessing.
Each families and members attending are required to bring snacks and drinks for the banquet after the ceremony. We are also asking for a registration of ¥ 1,000 per family to offset our venue and others preparation expenses.
For the details of the working committees, please expect for the further announcement soon. Thank you very much for all your hard work and dedication. Let us keep forward without stopping until we create a Unified Cheon Il Guk Nation. May God`s Blessing and guidance be with you your families on our preparations.
Sincerely yours,
Jun/Junko Jumawan
Noted By;
Dante S. Negre
President, PUCMJ