The Words of the Jumawan Family |
To: All FFWPU Fil-Jap Couples, Filipinos and Filipinas Blessed to Japanese Members in Japan
Dear Philippine Brothers and Sisters,
Warm Greetings!
Please be informed that our beloved Continental Director and Special Emissary for Asia, Rev. Dr. Yong and his wife together with the National Leader of the Philippine FFWPU are scheduled to visit our Philippine Blessed Families in Japan. The main purpose of their visit is to meet all of us and to report about Asia and the Philippine providence.
The schedule for a 1-Day Gathering and meeting in Mie-ken will be on Saturday, October 18, 2014. Gathering time is from 9:00 AM until 5:00 P, Please come on time. Dr. Yong would start his main message immediately without delay. Ichinomiya Home Group of Families and Department Leaders and Group Leaders headed by Ramon Dedase will be the In-charge of the Physical arrangement. This is the first time that they are CD and NL are coming together. So we feel that their purpose is very important and attendance is a must, if possible, for our respective family members. Philippine brothers and sisters from Aichi, Nagoya, Gifu, Shiga, Osaka, Toyama and other nearby places of the said venue for gathering are encouraged to come and attend them. Note;
1. Please bring your own FM radio and ear phone for a simultaneous translation.
2. According to the advance notice information, Dr. Yong`s message might continue until 2 PM with only few minutes break, so we are advice to bring our own bread or rice ball and drink. It would take 10-20 minutes drive(back and forth) to go to the nearby convenience store, so please be advice to bring your own pack lunch also.
3. A minimum registration of ċ 2,000 yen per family and ċ 1,000 for single as our special offering a token of gratitude to our leaders. For those who wants to offer more are very much welcome.
We are looking forward to see everyone on Saturday family gathering.
Jun/Junko Jumawan
FFWPU Fil-Jap District Leader
Noted by:
Rev. Dante Negre
Regional Director for FFWPU FilJap