Unification Sermons and Talks |
by Reverends Kamiyama |
Day Of Victory of Love
Reverend Takuru Kamiyama
January 2, 1989
Unofficial Notes from 9:00 am Speech
I'm grateful for the chance to be here and to share with you. True Parents arrived in America on November 7 and they returned to Korea on December 26. Father made a condition symbolic of going around the world by travelling around the Big Island of Hawaii. Since Hawaii is mixed both east and west Father made a condition centered on those islands, also they are in the center of the Pacific Ocean. [Mr. Kamiyama then showed a map of Hawaii with an outline of the route they followed signed and dated by Father 12-24-88 5 pm.] The drive took 5 hours, it ended at 9:45 pm. This trip was symbolic of a world tour. It is the last public condition Father made before he left the US. I felt Father was pushing himself beyond the maximum for a sincere condition to love America and the western world. Father said "According to the amount of sincere effort you make, that same amount of result will come." This was a special, unforgettable experience with Father to make this condition with him.
Around Kona it is like driving in spring there are many flowers and the ocean is beautiful. Father pointed to an area in the mountains that looked out over this beautiful ocean scenery and said he wants to buy land there for an international training place. The connection of east and west is here.
Mr. Terada drove up to Hilo and then I started driving. It was already dark so we could drive very fast. Father wouldn't allow any car to be in front of us, he'd say "Pass it! Pass it!" It was just a two lane local road , it was very dark and winding. I was doing 75 to 80 mph, no car could pass us. It felt like a roller coaster in this narrow winding road. I couldn't believe any car could pass us , but one Toyata truck with four wheel drive finally did. Up ahead we saw that he had met up with a policeman, so he had paved the way for us!
We experienced a phenomenon in a pitch dark mountain area. We saw something that even Father, none of us had ever experienced before. We saw a rainbow in the dark, made possible only by the light of the moon. Father expressed his amazement, never having seen such a thing. We know the story of Noah, about God's promise through the rainbow. As I looked at this rainbow with Father I felt God had designed it just for us with this same hope for the future. On the 24th of December we were out fishing from early morning. Even though very tired, right after fishing Father took off on this trip. Even without dinner, even though one person was already in the shower they couldn't finish, we had to go. That was Fathers strong desire to do this condition. Later at the airport at the end of True Parents visit I saw that Father was making utmost, sincere effort during this whole visit.
If I speak of the heart of Father, I have to say that he wanted to go fishing- even at night. But, on Christmas Eve, which captain would go fishing? There was no one who would go out. On the 25th, nobody works, but Father wanted to go. I was ordered to find a captain. I found one captain who just lost his wife, she didn't die, she just took off with somebody else. He was lonely with nothing else to do so he decided to go. We were after blue marlin. Believe it or not Father and Kook Jin Nim both hooked up at the same time! Can you imagine fighting two fish at the same time? Previous to that Kook Jin Nim had lost one big fish so he was extra serious to catch this one. Actually Kook Jin Nim hooked up first and as we began to pull all the other lines in, Father hooked up too. The two lines were crossed, going all over as the two fish came closer to the boat. Since Kook Jin Nim had hooked up first he got the center fighting chair. Even though Father is Father there was no other chair so he had to hold the fish and fight it just moving around. These fish are so big that you need chairs, with straps to hold you in, but Father had nothing. Fathers fish came in first. We didn't say who Father was, but this captain was so impressed. Its not exactly the Hemingway story, but the captain said "This old man must be very experienced in fishing!" There were two blue marlin landed, Fathers and Kook Jin Nim's, both the same size fish, a victory for Christmas Day. I felt great, good sized fish, lets go home, but Father didn't have that mind at all. He just wanted to stay there.
It was getting late but Father wouldn't budge, he was concentrating with total dedication, holding the pole, staring out at the ocean. The captain wanted to go in, so I approached Father, but Father wouldn't budge, he wouldn't say anything. Even though the sun was so hot and strong Father stayed out in it. Finally the captain announced that it was time to go in and to begin pulling in the lines. At the last moment Father got another big strike, the line went out very fast. So far, it is the biggest marlin that Father has caught. Now it is at the taxidermists being stuffed, so you will be able to see it soon. It was the most unforgettable fish of the tour I think.
From 1985 to 1988, Father created a three year dispensation centered on the United States and the western world. For the next four years Father has to dedicate himself in the same way to Asia. I had very strong feelings as I witnessed the last days of Father's three year effort, he was totally dedicated and committed. Please think of the kind of spirit and tradition that we are to inherit from Father at this time. Only if we can inherit and comprehend Fathers internal and external effort and condition can we make this world change.
This is the Day of Victory of Love. I feel we should grasp and understand what we are to inherit and catch from the meaning of this day before we can really celebrate it. Usually when we speak of history we do so chronologically, but I've been speaking of the most recent moments first!
As soon as Father arrived in America he mentioned that he'd be going fishing. November is a cold time and not so exciting for fishing. We went out for two days in rough cold weather in Montauk. There were big waves and strong wind. From November 17 to December 26 Father went fishing. Father has set up two major industries- the machine and the ocean enterprises, to be used to solve the future problems of mankind. Father dedicated himself to going to all the oceans of America. In the future many brothers and sisters will go fishing in these areas. His prayer and dedication will protect them. This time I spent fishing with Father lasted over one month, so I can't share everything, but I'd like to tell you of one more experience.
One time we flew directly from Seattle to Alabama. Father wanted to go out right away, but we still had to make a lot of preparation, and drive some distance. We started to drive to Venice Mississippi at 2 am and we arrived there at dawn. This town has a big fishing industry for long lining tuna.
We went out on a 90' boat, travelling 50 miles offshore to fish. Father stayed sitting in one chair more than 20 hours in prayer. Fathers age is now nearly 69, even a young man can't do such a thing, yet Father kept on going.
What does the Day of Victory of Love mean? What are we to understand and inherit? When was it established? January 3, 1984. (It is now officially celebrated Jan. 2)
From 1945 to 1952 was Fathers first seven year course. If Christianity would have united with Father at that time the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth could have begun. Heaven had prepared a day of triumphant victory but the chosen people could not meet that expectation and failed. So Father had to start again.
Father prepared in particular the 3 years before 1985, the end of his 40 year course. 1983 was particularly important. From November 24 to 27 the ICUS was held in Chicago. Father wanted to set strong conditions to protect the 2nd year (1984) which was the growth level and so, had the possibility for Satan to invade. Father announced a plan for a speaking tour of Korea. God told him strongly and directly to do this. Father gave the order to mobilize scholars from 72 nations. He gave this direction at the airport as he left to Korea on December 2nd 1983. The VOC rallies were to be held December 14th through 23rd 1983. When Father announced this plan, staff members struggled to follow. The professors who had attended the ICUS had already sacrificed their Thanksgiving to attend that, now they'd have to cancel Christmas with their families to travel to Korea. The staff struggled with the idea that this could be accomplished.
Father knew the importance of this time. The last three years of the 40 year course were crucial. 95% of Gods effort was complete, now Father had to make his 5% effort to unite to make 100% unity with God. Based on that God and Father had made 95% preparation so it was up to us to unite with our 5% responsibility and make complete 100% unity. With that all vulnerable or accusable conditions of the past could be erased.
[Here, Mr. Kamiyama reads from Gods Will and the World, "The Necessity of the Day of Victory of Love" pg. 670] No one truly believed that these rallies could be successful, Father was the only one. Members explained many reasons why they could not hold this rally. Father showed them a note from his personal notebook and said this was a direct order of God, so we must do it!
Here we can see clearly that there was a bad condition set up. We were vulnerable to Satan's action and accusation. Father had no problem, he was determined to fulfill this order from God absolutely. But members already had so many problems and difficulties to unite. Father kept the standard but we were vulnerable. There are 4 levels that must unite with Father. The Korean government, the Korean people, people of the world ( represented by the scholars from 72 nations) and UC members. That is who Father was seeking to unite through this condition.
Satan came to confront Father saying, look if you're making this indemnity condition, to unite this world, what's going on here? Look at this disunity. How are you going to restore this? What price will you pay? Because of this disbelief and disunity with Father, this happened. From a human point of view these rallies were impossible, there were no reservations for speaking halls or hotels, it was winter time so it was very cold, everyone was busy with Christmas preparations, and there was no money funded by Father.If you were there would you have had the faith to carry this out? Also, top level scholars were to be told , before you even return home, turn around and come to Korea. Could you do it? Everybody opposed this, only Father believed it. "The price of disbelief is the sign of indemnity, this is what the Divine Principle teaches."
For this reason Hueng Jin Nim was hit and Father then arranged the ceremony of unification. It was very clear if the people of the world ( the professors), Korean government, Korean people and the church had united and supported Father, all past conditions would have been eradicated and Father could have made incredible advancement for God.
On the contrary, if the condition went the other way with everyone disunited, then Father was vulnerable, he could have been attacked directly by
Satan. But what happened? These scholars did come. Some while in an airport had received the call to come and they did, even without going home. Also the Korean people came to the rallies in huge numbers, the halls were jam packed. The Korean people united with Father. Father called this an unforgettable day. It was December 18, the day the scholars proclaimed and signed Pledge #5 declaring their unity with Father. This was the anniversary of a day that Father had once been released from prison. At his release there had been a crowd of many people who were laughing at him and mocking him. This was a total turnaround of that day. All people were uniting with Father. Since the people united, Father could not be struck by Satan directly, but the membership had still failed in faithlessness, so a condition was still there for Satan to use.
The last rally was to be held in Kwangju, a very liberal, leftist city. Before the speech there, the hall was packed full. Even if assassins had wanted to enter the building there is no way they could have gotten in. Because people united completely even in this leftist city, Satan couldn't attack Father directly, but Fathers family had to pay some price.
At the exact time of Father's speech, Hueng Jin Nim was hit. Exactly 12 days later, after 12 days of hanging on in a comatose state, Hueng Jin Nim breathed his last breath. This 12 days is significant. If during this time members really repented and shed tears for disunity, I believe Hueng Jin Nim could have survived. Even though Father heard of the accident, he couldn't return until the condition was finished.
When I heard of the accident I rushed to the hospital. I will never forget the scene I witnessed. It was very painful to see Hueng Jin Nim's body lying there, he was covered with many marks and cuts. The car was totaled. True Parents must have been going through so much at that time when I myself was so distressed.
My honest reaction at seeing Hueng Jin Nim was to look back and find the cause of this tragedy. I might be able to find who caused this accident. Who was the truck driver? He wasn't driving correctly. It was the drivers responsibility- that was my humanistic view point. My next thought was, who's fault is it that the road conditions were so bad? There had been many accidents in this area before, the city was to blame. Then I thought, where were the security brothers that were supposed to be taking care of the True Family, what were they doing? Another thought was- this car he'd been driving, a Honda, who bought this car? Its no good, he should have had a Mercedes or BMW, then it might have been strong enough to survive an impact. I wanted to sue the Honda company, those are the kinds of feelings that I had. I felt like the entire environment had become an enemy working against Hueng Jin Nim and what had happened in this circumstance.
Finally True Parents returned and Father went to visit Hueng Jin Nim. He was in such terrible shape. Father knew the real cause of this tragedy I'm sure. If UC members united with Father completely then Father knew he didn't have to see this loss of his son. Father knew the internal, spiritual cause. At that moment UC members were an enemy against Fathers family. We were the enemy of love against Father as he witnessed his beloved sons terrible state and immanent death.
How would I have felt in that situation? I'm sure Father went through a lot, even though he said nothing. He asked just one question, "What kind of car was he driving?" My backbone froze, I knew it was a Japanese car. I knew what kind of anger I felt against this company, I wondered how Father was feeling.
Even though Father knew the internal cause of this accident he said nothing. Instead of saying anything negative, Father turned this tragic situation into an offering. Father sent Hueng Jin Nim to spirit world announcing unification of all levels, within Fathers family, the church, Christian churches, democracy and the communist world, everything. He aggressively made the offering of this sacrifice. Father on his own made this kind of offering. I was there on December 31, 1983 when Father conducted the ceremony of unification, with Hueng Jin Nim's life given for that purpose. Father was absolutely calm, tranquil, not one tear all of this for the sake of the world's unification.
Father digested the enemy of love completely. Because of all this could he proclaim the Day of Victory of Love. Because of this our future was promised, it was opened up and secured.The Day of Victory of Love wins by digesting the enemy with absolute love. This is even more than Jesus forgiveness of those who crucified him. No one in history has ever set this kind of day. Jesus' situation was different. There was a disagreement of beliefs, the Jewish belief was different, so the people went against him. At most they could maybe be called the enemy of ideologies.
But with Father, it was members lack of faith which caused the problem. We're supposed to be the closest and most loving to True Parents, but we went against them. Fathers family digested this completely. In establishing this day, many doors have opened up. On top of this victory, Father was then incarcerated in Danbury. He has forgiven America, and has loved the world, making conditions for the west until December 26, 1988. 43 years of effort and accomplishment given for our sakes. This is the time for us to re-comprehend what Father has done in the last 43 years, particularly culminating in Danbury. We have to use today to seriously think, what have we inherited? Not only what Father has spoken but what he has shown. If Father could not go over the hill of this Danbury and many others there would be no hope for this world.
Before we can attend a celebration for this day, we have to understand the sacrifice and suffering that went behind it. Then with a deep heart of appreciation we can celebrate it. If as brothers and sisters all over the world we can embody this love of God, I know Cain's world will begin to shrink. We can remind ourselves of this years motto, "Unification of Korea". It can only be done through a true love standard. Father has shown this to us through the vertical love of God and the horizontal love of True Parents. We have to receive and multiply this for the rest of the world. If this point is really well understood by everyone here, we can begin to move the world. Punctuate 1989 with this effort.
Father left his word and deed here in the west. By pouring out our effort with sincerity and depth of heart, God can work through that to bring result in accordance with your effort. Let us inherit this internally as well as the external lessons. Even to the point of digesting the enemy of love.
Father has made it clear that during these four years from 1989 until 1992, he will be dedicating himself to the Asian world. By the year 2000, just 12 years from now, Father will be 80 years old. It will be the time for the colonization and consummation of the Kingdom of God on Earth. This is the Heavenly timetable. But if the human world doesn't catch up, God and True Parent's efforts will have been in vain. As you know, this month many young brothers and sisters will be going to Korea. We will have less members so even more faith is needed.
Unite together now with our remaining leadership. They represent Father, residing with us. Will victory come automatically without effort? No! Lets go, lets make a victory for 1989! Shall we? Yes!
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