The Words of the Kamiyama Family |
I was invited to hear Mr. Kamiyama speak this last Saturday and here is a synopsis of his speech.
There were many many people who came to hear him speak, people who like myself came out of the woodwork to listen to what he had to say.
It just so happened to be his 73rd birthday so Mr. Kamiyama cake cut the cake, we sang him happy birthday much to the delight of everyone there spearheaded by Robert Blue.
Mr. Kamiyama has been compelled to speak out what he feels is the truth and what is happening to the church. He said that the Unification Church is like that Korean Ferry that sank recently killing all 300 young people who were ordered to stay inside the ship.
All these people believed what they were being told even though the first to leave were the Captain and crew leaders leaving the people all alone. Mr. Kamiyama said this is the same situation we have in our church so it is each and every ones responsibility to either stay on the sinking ship or get off of it. Mr. Kamiyama also mentioned that True Mother saying she is the only begotten daughter of God is theologically off. That God first sent the messiah from Heaven to the earth and then from the earth he finds his bride so True Mother comes from the earth and not heaven. He went on to explain that True Mother is making a serious theologically split by saying these things.
Mr. Kamiyama also prophesied that in 3 months to 6 months something catastrophic is to happen. He didn't explain what, where, when he just feels it to his bones something bad is going to happen in 3 to 6 months from now.
He also asked Father in tears why do you listen to people's reports criticizing your son Hyun Jin Nim. Father told him that the fallen world people have doubt when you report to them, but I'm in a position to believe what I'm told since I'm beyond the fallen world.
This shocked almost everyone in the room that Father has this nature that believes whatever his leaders are telling him to be true and acts upon it.
Mr. Kamiyama went on to explain that Father's inner circle as well as Peter Kim knows this is fathers attitude to reports so they take advantage of him. Mr. Kamiyama went on to explain that those people who know that father has that character will pay dearly in the next life especially Peter Kim. (I did not feel there was any love lost between Peter Kim and Mr. Kamiyama, I heard also the Peter Kim has cancer.)
Using the chalk board Mr. Kamiyama style he drew True parents Lineage with Hyun Jin as the one most in lined to recieve the lineage as the oldest surviving son of Rev Moon. He compared the flow of lineage like it is in the Japanese Royal family as the lineage always going down from Father to son.
I was very glad to attend because it finally put a giant piece of a puzzle i was always struggling to figure you out. Why is Father Moon so different in public than he is in private. Even in Nan Sook Hongs book she said in the 13 years she was with Rev Moon she never ever saw him wipe one of his kids runny nose!
The Rev Moon I knew in speaking those early mornings in Tarrytown could talk for hours and hours. He could go on all day if you let him, even if people fell asleep he was a yapper and a very good one at that.
Yet when I met him and directly served him all those seasons never did he say much to me nor pat me on the back, nor to anyone on the boat.
I thought it was because I didn't speak Korean but i noticed other koreans speaking to him and he would just listen. Now I realize that is his nature, a man who doesn't say much behind closed doors. You might even say it is kind of pure to just listen and not throw in your advise.
How many times did you say something to someone and they turned around and said Well what if you did this and what if you did that. Maybe you caused that person to honk at you at that stoplight and give you the finger by going to slow. Or maybe your spouse doesn't love you because it's your at fault or your child is wild because you didn't set a good example.
How many times did you want someone just to listen to you, just to hear your voice. just to speak how you feel about something or someone without there constructive criticism.
Most people are excellent talkers but very few very few are excellent listeners.
So I see Rev. Moon in a different light now not as that indifferent man that spoke almost nothing to me or that cold Father in law Nan Sook saw.
I see him for what he is a manly man a man's man not what I think he should be. There is something pure about someone who just listens to us isn't there? Isn't that what we have been doing all these years with God just talking with him while he just listens in silence.