The Words of the Kasbow Family |
Three Days of Celebration in Michigan
David Kasbow
January 9, 2006
I God’s Day Dedication of a New Monument at Holy Ground
II Day of Victory of Love Card Tournament
III Jesus’ Birthday Dinner
I God’s Day Dedication of a New Monument Marking the Holy Ground in Detroit
Michigan’s Holy Ground is located on an island in the Detroit River called Belle Isle. This name is fitting because this "Beautiful Island" is indeed one of the most beautiful parks anywhere. I remember going there to the huge tree to pray when I first joined the church in 1973. Unfortunately, we lost the tree that same year; it was cut down to a stump. Through the years the members who have worked in Detroit have had to pray at this stump. When we returned as Tribal Messiahs in the early ‘90s we rectified this by planting a beautiful new ash tree. It has been growing nicely for 10 years until last autumn. Michigan has been infected with an insect called the emerald ash borer. And sure enough, it got our ash tree. We felt doubly bad because this was during the 40th anniversary year since Father blessed the Holy Ground in 1965. After we lost two trees one member, Scott Howard, said, "We need a rock". Another member said, "Yes, and a plaque." We all agreed and reported our plan to our regional headquarters. And Don LaLonde’s family offered a donation to pay for it.
We were ready but we had to get permission from the park management. To our surprise they liked the idea. Of course we had to have the content of the plaque approved. We were worried what they would think when they saw the words, "Consecrated by Rev. & Mrs. Sun Myung Moon". The landscape architect said nothing about Father’s name and he liked the quote we used, "True love is to give and give and give; to forget that you have given and give again."
The location also had to be approved. It so happens that, near our Holy Ground, a new walkway, a concession stand and play area have been installed. When we showed the location of the Holy Ground to the landscape architect he suggested we move the rock closer to the walkway so people can read the plaque. Further, he suggested we have the history and meaning of the site written up and given to the park office. The reason for this, he said, is because people often call the office to find out more information about the monuments they see in the park. We were thrilled; not only do we get a monument; we also get a chance to have it become a teaching experience for the public.
To find the rock we looked at several landscape companies. We finally found the best one at a landscape company’s warehouse, which happens to be connected to the property of one of our families. We took it as a confirmation that this was indeed our rock since it was literally in the backyard of Harry Mazei, our member who does landscape work. It took most of the year to get all of this done. The rock and plaque were finally installed in late November so we decided God’s Day would be the best time to dedicate them. So on God’s Day, after our 7:00 AM pledge, we took our traditional pilgrimage to Holy Ground. And, at 8:00 AM, a time symbolizing a new beginning, with songs and readings, we dedicated the site. We concluded with a prayer that ours, as one the 120 world Holy Grounds, would be connected to True Parents’ victorious 120-city world tour. We then went on to have a great celebration at the church.
II The Day of Victory of Love Card Tournament
Of course we have always celebrated God’s Day in a fitting manner and we have always had pledge service for the Day of Victory of Love, but we felt this year all three of the Holy Days should be substantially celebrated. So for the Day of Victory of Love we decided to have a message, a meal and activities. We gathered our 2nd generation together at the church and let each family help decorate the offering table with pictures of Heung Jin Nim that they brought from home. This in itself was a nice experience because each picture had a story to tell. For example, one sister was friends with the artist Jan Parker. She brought pictures of him teaching Heung Jin Nim to paint.
To begin the program we gave the history and meaning of Heung Jin Nim’s sacrifice based on Father’s Jan. 15, 1984 speech, "The Necessity for the Day of Victory of Love." We then showed a wonderful video of Heung Jin Nim’s life that was produced by Kodan. It was so moving to see him grow, from an infant to a tall 18-year-old, before our eyes. It also was a glimpse for our children into the life of the True family and of the history of our church in America. It was a reminder of how much history took place in the original East Garden home. And scenes, such as True Children arriving at the airport in America for the first time, were so touching. Some of us were moved to tears at the end. After the video we had two of the older teens present flowers to Heung Jin Nim and his wife Hoon Sook Nim, placing them on the alter.
We continued the celebration with pizza for lunch. Since the children played Yute on God’s Day we tried to think of other activities for this celebration. We wouldn’t have really thought of it ourselves but we decided to involve our children’s interest in card games. We had one table playing Fish for the younger children; three tables playing UNO for the middle group and the older teens competed in Euchre. Prizes were given out for the winners at each of the five tables. For our first full-scale celebration of this Holy Day, it went very well. It was moving, educational and fun.
III Jesus’ Birthday Dinner
This was also our first formal celebration of the Coronation For the Kingship of God and the Commemoration of the Birth of Jesus. Since most of the children were back in school on Jan. 3rd, and since they already had very active celebrations on God’s Day and Day of Victory of Love, we decided that this celebration would be for adults. We decided on a Korean restaurant. We reserved a room, set a place for Jesus and set up his picture. We did a HDH reading and remembered the great victories in Chung Pyung on Dec. 13, 2001 with the Coronation of God and in Israel on Dec. 22, 2003 with the Coronation of Jesus. It felt so good to go beyond Christmas by honoring Jesus not only in his birth but also as a victorious Jesus in being welcomed home by the Israeli people. We gave an offering of flowers and dedicated ourselves to the day when all people will feel the joy and hope these three Holy Days at the beginning of the year have to offer.
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