The Words of the Kiely Family |
Dear 1800 Blessed Central Family,
Most of us 1800 couples are 40 year veterans of the providential trenches. Those of us who are, are invited to be honored guests at the Gala Dinner and Dance Friday, December 10 at the Manhattan Center to be hosted by Rev. In Jin Nim Moon. Only one of us needs to be a 40-year member (that is, to have joined by December 31, 1970) for both members of the couple to be honorees.
All couples and second generation are warmly invited to attend! For family members and others who are not honorees, the cost is $70 per person -- think true heavenly inspiration, a scrumptious dinner, and a delightful evening of ballroom dancing! Value? Priceless! Let's fill up Manhattan center with our families and friends to honor our veterans and spend a memorable evening with In Jin Nim! This is what memories are made of!
While you may already have received an invitation, we want to be sure you know about this wonderful event. If you have already received an invitation, please pardon the duplication. Just consider this a reminder to cross out absolutely everything else on your calendar that evening, mark "40-Year Gala MC" in red felt pen, and prepare to come celebrate with us!
Please see the attached letter (which is addressed to Maria and me but contains the details you need to know about the event). Hopefully you have received or will receive yours soon. Also, if you haven't already done so, please fill out the attached form and fax it to 212-997-0054, or register online at www.unification.org or www.blessedfamilies.org. If you like, please also include the Fellowship Luncheon and the Traditional Bus Tour on Saturday for $25 and $15 respectively.
Make checks out to "HSA-UWC-40 Years." Credit cards (Visa, MC and Discover) are fine, too. The deadline is December 1. That's really soon! Why not take a moment to register right now while the thought is still hot in your mind? This is a not-to-be-missed occasion!
We are looking forward to seeing you and dancing next to (and with?) you!
Let the music begin!
Sincerely, Michael and Maria Kiely
P.S.: While this is a United States (mostly East Coast) event, all 40 year veterans from anywhere on the planet are welcome to join us for the celebration.