The Words of the Kim Family from 2009

120 Nations Assignments

Ki Hoon Kim
October 9, 2009

NHQ20091009 No. 27

To: District Directors, State Leaders and all Blessed Central Families
From: Archbishop Ki Hoon Kim
Re: 120 Nations Assignments
Date: October 9th, 2009

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

As you know, True Parents have recently given important directions to all blessed central families regarding assignments to 120 nations. Please make every effort to respond to this direction to the best of your ability. If we are not able to fulfill such directions immediately and completely, it is always best to make sincere effort as best we can. Following are some recommendations of how you can do so:

1. Top priority is of course to respond to Father's direction by moving to your assigned nation by October 14.

2. Since there could be significant obstacles to moving immediately, including visa / work permit issues, etc. you could plan to go to your nation for an initial period such as 21 or 40 days to get oriented to providential work in your assigned nation. That would also give an opportunity to research practical issues related to relocating there.

3. Each family should minimally know their assigned nation, and ideally connect with the Boon Bong Wang (BBW) or American National Messiah (NM) for that nation. You can begin by studying the history and background of your assigned nation, as this can be very helpful preparation.

4. BBWs and NMs in America could at least host one or more conference call before October 14 for those assigned to their nation. This would give an opportunity to explain some background about the work of our movement in that nation, and to discuss ways in which families can support that work.

5. One important opportunity in the USA is immigrant communities. If your family cannot go at this time to your nation, you could look for immigrants from their assigned nation living in your city or state. Very often there are ethnic groups and organizations that you can connect with, both to learn about the culture and background of that nation as well as to establish relationships and build a contact base.

6. In working with immigrant communities here in America, there is much that can be done through educating and appointing leaders as Ambassadors for Peace. These leaders very often have strong connections to their home nations, and thus can directly help in supporting the work in that nation. Special note for those in New York or Washington DC: Please be sure to coordinate with the UPF Office of UN Relations (Taj Hamad in NY) or the UPF Office of Embassy Relations (Tomiko Duggan in DC) before contacting ambassadors or diplomats, as these two offices have extensive experience in working with the diplomatic corps.

7. You could work with other American families with the same assigned nation to financially support the providential work in your nation. As we know, in many nations a small amount of money can make a significant impact, especially if given consistently.

To assist you in connecting with the leaders assigned to your nation, I have also attached here a list of the BBWs and American NMs with email addresses, where available.

Thank you for your dedication and sincerity in responding to True Parents’ direction.


Rev. Ki Hoon Kim - Continental Director
North America Region 1 

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