The Words of the Kim Family |
Blessing Candidate and Parent Workshop at UTS with Dr. Chang Shik Yang
In Soo Kim
April 4 - 6, 2003
We just concluded a very successful workshop at UTS, with about 33 participants, including 6 parents. The presenters at this workshop were Kevin Thompson from Northern California (who came to see how we did it here, but ended up being one of our main speakers-and was great), Tom McDevitt, Betsy Jones and Dr. Chang Shik Yang. We also had four participants who were matched already give their testimonies, which everyone enjoyed. The workshop featured incredibly creative skits and song writing.
Parents were invited to attend this workshop from beginning to end with their children and this will definitely be the model from now on. The following are some reflections from a parent and the participants:
"It was FABULOUS. Even though I hadn't attended a previous workshop, it felt as though this was the best one. The lectures were so informational and the elder 2nd gen (Matt obba) and 1st generation were so inspiring. I truly got so much more than I though I would get. The entertainment segment was the most fun, yet the most touching and endearing was Mr. McDevitt's testimony. I can't wait to get home and share my experience with my parents. The workshop gave me much more strength and confidence to go through with the matching process. It also taught me to keep the faith. I will never forget the intimacy that was shared with everyone. It was one of the best, if not the best, workshops I've ever attended! Thank you so much!" -Rachel Johnson.
"I really enjoyed writing the letter to my future child. I got to think about what kind of parent I want to be. The lectures and testimonies were awesome. Probably some of the best I've ever heard. I'd like to thank all the speakers for their hard work. The entertainment was a blast. We are all talented and it was amazing to see everyone take part in the skits and then "open mic" later. I'm really glad I came. I made some new friends, and of course I understand the Blessing better now. I still have a long way to go before I can tell my parents to start looking, but I'm sure that I am going to go to the Blessing and continue to follow God, True Parents, and my own parents. I'm so happy that you were able to have Mr. Tom McDevitt talk. His testimony makes me want to experience the love he had between him and his wife. I promise that I will do any and everything I can so that I do. I recommend that he talks at every blessing workshop that he can. He has an incredible life and it should be shared." -Sarah Rondon.
"I began the internal process of preparing my own heart and mind to match my oldest daughter. I was unclear how to proceed and so simply decided to follow the process of having us both attend a blessing workshop. This workshop was so rich and profound. Both Kevin Thompson and Tom McDevitt's lectures were deeply moving to me and have helped align my own heart for this wonderful and big responsibility. I was reminded of a realization I had several years back. I grew up knowing many WWII veterans. They were neighbors, friends of my family, and relatives. Few spoke of their experiences, but when they did, I remember thinking, "I grew up living with true American heroes." To be in the presence of so many children-2nd Generation kids who do not know that they too live in the presence of true heroes, their parents, I am deeply moved. I will give this testimony soon. I was also inspired by Tom McDevitt's testimony to his wife and his presentation about 3 generations taking responsibility for creating the substantial Chun Il Guk." Written by a parent.
"At first I was not really looking forward to this Blessing workshop, for many personal reasons. But now that I had the chance to participate in it, I'm so thankful to have attended! I was expecting not so much and that I wouldn't really gain too much out of it. But having the opportunity to have Kevin Thompson, Mr. McDevitt and the testimonies about the matching, I started to see the Blessing/matching in a completely different light. There were so many questions about the church and the new Blessing system that I had, and while listening to Kevin Thompson lectures I felt as though God was directly speaking through him to me, answering my questions. I always knew the basic principles and how to live by them, but if felt like a routine and that it wasn't truly part of my heart, but through these lectures, it truly HIT ME! How important my relationship with my parents is, the power of the principle and the love of God and True Parents and 1st Generation have for us. I knew all these things but I just had to be reminded once again. Through the lectures, group discussions, my own reflection time I started to truly grasp the essence and importance of the Blessing." Written by a participant
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