The Words of the Kim Family Before 2008 |
Religion came about in existence on the assumption that God exists. If there were no God, religion would have no meaning.
Does God really exist? It is possible to prove the existence of God logically, but Man would not be completely convinced by logical explanation alone.
In science as man proves the cause of existence of things by studying its phenomena and effects, in our lecture we will prove the existence of God by studying the historical phenomena and facts and systematically explaining them. (Refer to part II Principle of Restoration.)
On the assumption that God exists we will precede our logical explanation, and when all the questions of life and universe are fully explained the listener himself will judge the existence of God for himself.
Our desire is inclined to do evil rather than to do good because of evil environments and circumstances
Unrighteous desire does not come from man's original mind, because when our unrighteous desire is fulfilled we feel pangs and agony in our conscience. Even evil parents and teachers do not teach children to do evil things. Original mind hates evil and is destined to do good. Fallen man has a contradictory nature.
There is a war between the original mind and evil mind, this is the contradictory nature of fallen man.
By this struggle he comes to the state of destruction. We call this the Fall of Man.
We may compare man with a cup.
Cup is designed only to contain liquid, not to spill, and, when there is a hole in the cup it will be no use, because this cup will have 2 opposite purposes.
Man was originally created only to do good and not evil. When man comes to have 2 opposite purposes, good and evil, man will be of no value. This is fallen man. Fallen man -- contradictory nature -- destruction -- history of struggle and misery.
Man is created to have only one directional purpose. He cannot have 2 opposite purposes.
If man's contradictory nature were created from the beginning of creation, man could not have come into existence, because man's purpose is only one way -- not two ways. Therefore man's contradictory nature came after the creation. Christianity calls this the "Fall of Man".
a) Fallen man does not know exactly what good and evil is.
b) Fallen man does not know where the original mind and evil mind came from.
c) Fallen man does not know the fundamental cause of his contradictory nature.
d) Fallen man fell into ignorance.
History is the restoration course from ignorance to knowledge
To explore internal truth -- religion came about
To explore external truth -, science came about
People have said that religion and science are contradictory, this is not true. When religion and science are united in one like mind and body united in man then true happiness comes about.
Solving human problems were done in 2 ways by fallen man.
1 By studying the world of result and phenomena----in order to solve all the problems of life, science has been the almighty God. Material things alone cannot satisfy spiritual desires. Science must develop its dimensions fully to eternal cause and essential internal world.
2 By studying cause and essential world --
To solve fundamental problems of life, so many philosophies and religions with many isms and ideologies came about. Diverse isms and ideologies confused many students, so they became a burden.
They became formalized.
It lost considerable power of performance.
Their salvation work has almost come to a standstill,
1 Materialistic ideologies (Communism etc.) came about. Christianity has no truth and ability to overcome the materialistic influences.
2 Racial discrimination struggle is its height
This means Christianity almost lost true love for people and its power of performance.
3 Immorality is prevailing, This means considerable loss of salvation power or ability of modern Christianity, to overcome this problem.
1. Ideal world can come when the spiritual world and the physical world are united.
There is no spiritual world which is separated from the physical (reality) world.
There cannot be spiritual pleasure without true happiness of the physical body.
Present religion deny reality (physical world), and they only look for the world after death.
Physical life must also be happy.
2. Man's intelligence became highly developed through science. For man to act he must have logic -- proof -- acknowledgement -- knowledge --,faith- to perform (act).
Purpose of giving Bible is to give us knowledge of God.
Miracles of Jesus were to give us the knowledge that He was the Son of God.
Modern religions are the same as at early times and they lack scientific and logical explanation and they cannot lead modern man.
Human history is the providential history of restoration.
By man's perfection -- restored world of creation.
By the fall of man -- fell into ignorance -- sinful world.
By the providence of salvation man comes from ignorance to knowledge, by uniting the spiritual world and the physical world into one, by removing evil mind and following after the original mind -- ideal world -- perfect world of God's purpose of creation.
From above we can see the history as the providential history of restoration.
1 Religion -- go overcome internal ignorance
Science -- go overcome external ignorance
In order to achieve the purpose of goodness we need new truth which can unite religion and science.
2 Truth is unique, eternal, unchanging and absolute.
The Bible is a textbook in order to know Truth or God and is not absolute in itself. Man's spirit and intellect develops as time passes, therefore the textbook of truth must also develop in its expression and teaching methods.
3 The object of religion is to lead man to follow his original mind -- to seek after God -- to achieve the purpose of goodness.
Religion came to exist as the means to achieve such purposes. High class religions have the same goal of goodness.
By the difference of their mission, people and age, diversity of religion came in existence.
Modern religions have almost lost their ability to lead man to life.
Therefore if God does exist He must give new truth to make these religions to fulfill their original intention.
4 Biblical Foundation
John 16: 25 I have said this to you in figures; the hour is coming when I shall no longer speak.to you in figures but tell you plainly of the Father.
John. 16: 12 I have yet many things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now. When the spirit of truth comes, He will guide you into all the truth.
1 To solve internal truth which is the object of religion and the external truth which is the object of science and to solve the contradictory nature of man.
2 To let man know the existence of God and introduce the heart of God to man.
3 By developing an ideology to absorb even materialism and to unite all the ideologies and religions.
4 To lead whole mankind in brotherhood and to attend God as Parents and to make one family over the whole world. (Kingdom of Heaven)
5 To explain all the fundamental questions of the Bible.
a) Meaning of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.
b) Reason why the providence of restoration has been prolonged.
c) What the true meaning of trinity is.
d) The reasons why the Lord is coming again.
Man wants to know the fundamental questions of life and universe, but nobody could give answers, and this was because man did not know the fundamental principles of creation by which man and universe were created.
In order to know the world of result we must know the cause, therefore the key to solve all the questions is in knowing God, the Creator.
By knowing the Principles of Creation we can solve all the fundamental questions of the universe.
The Polarity of God and the World of Creation Polarity of God
God is invisible and cannot be perceived by the 5 senses of the physical body.
Therefore modern people who emphasize only the physical 5 senses cannot know the existence of God.
Relationship between God and man is like that between mind and body.
God is invisible and mind is invisible
Man is visible and body is visible
Body is the expression of mind Man is the expression of God
1 Body cannot move without the relationship with the mind.
2 Without knowing the mind we cannot foresees the behavior of our body.
3 When our body moves according to the directives of our mind, the mind will be pleased.
These are the relationship between mind and body, and the same relationship exists between God and man.
1 Perfect man cannot move without the relationship with God.
2 Without knowing God, man cannot live properly.
3 When man lives according to the directives of God will be pleased.
Mind is subject (The value of character is in man's mind) Body is object.
Likewise God is subject and man is object.
From man's ignorance of God --,man became ignorant of the problems of life.
Physical diseases are often treated by psychic methods in modern medicine because mind is the subject of body. Then how are the substantial bodies made?
In one's work maker's mind is expressed, and therefore his work is the expression of worker or author's mind.
a) To study man we study his works and behavior
b) When we study deceased historical man in the past, we study his works and achievements IN HIS LIFE TIME
c) Likewise to know God we have to study His works that is His creation and His role or behavior in the history.
Therefore Apostle Paul said in Romans 1: 20;
Ever since the creation of the world His invisible nature, namely, His eternal power and deity, has been clearly perceived in the things that have been made. So they are without excuse.
a) By the study of God's creation -- owe can perceive God's nature -- external nature of God.
b) By the study of the history of Restoration -- we can understand God's nature -- internal nature of God (Heart, Love, Goodness etc.)
We will investigate the universal common factors among all the creation.
Particles |
Positive elements |
Negative elements |
Atoms |
Protons |
Electrons |
Molecules |
Anion (Ion with +Charge) |
Cation (Ion with -- Charge |
Plants |
Positive nutriments Stamen |
Negative nutriments Pistil |
Animals |
Positive nutriments Male |
Negative nutriments Female |
Man |
Positive nutriments Man |
Negative nutriments Woman |
Heavenly bodies |
Sun |
Planets |
Conclusion: We can draw the conclusion from above that every creation is made of 2 essentialities, positivity and negativity. We call this God's dual polarities of male and female.
We call God's original positivity male and God's original negativity female.
New theory of 1968, smallest particles such as electrons and protons are also consisted of smaller elements of dual polarities.
Biblical foundation
Gen. 2: 10 It is not good that the man should be alone I will make him a helper fit for him.
Gen. 1: 27 So God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.
If there were no male and female characteristics in God's nature there cannot be male and female in man which is the image of God.
All the beings have another more fundamental dual essentialities besides the dual essentialities of positivity and negativity.
Sung-Sang Is the invisible internal essence which is the cause and determinant of any external form.
Hyung-Sang is the visible external form which is the expression of the invisible internal nature.
Internal nature |
External Form |
Man |
Mind (Spirit) |
Body |
Animals |
Instinct |
Body |
Plants |
Instinct |
Body |
Molecules |
Instinct |
Body |
Atoms |
Instinct |
Body |
Particles |
Instinct |
Body |
Energy |
Instinct |
Body |
Every being has internal nature and external form
The internal nature is invisible but it has a certain invisible form.
Therefore the external form which is made after the internal nature becomes to have a form.
We call the internal nature Sung-Sang and the external form Hyung-Sang, we call this together dual essentialities of Sung- Sang and Hyung-Sang.
Example: Mind and Body
Mind has an invisible form, therefore the body has a form.
Palmistry, reading of faces and bone-structures -- Palmistry, reading of faces and bone-structures -- we can read one's mind and fortune, this is because the body is the expression of the mind.
Sung-Sang |
Hyung-Sang |
Internal |
External |
Cause |
Effect |
Subject |
Object |
Vertical |
Horizontal |
Mind |
Body |
For the union of men their minds must be united first, likewise the union of anion and cation comes by the uniting of their Sung-Sang parts which aim to form a molecule.
God: The extreme cause which let energy of dual essentialities of Sung-Sang and Hyung-Sangs make all the beings must have all the Sung-Sangs and Hyung-Sangs of these beings. We call this first cause God and we call God's Sung-Sangs His original Sung-Sang and God's Hyung-Sang His original Hyung-Sang.
Positivity |
Negativity |
Internal |
External |
Subject |
Object |
Gen: 2:22 said: And the rib which the Lord God had taken from the man He made into a woman and brought her to the man.
Conclusion: The perfected universe centering on God is like a perfected man centering on mind, and is one perfect organic body which moves only according to the purpose of God's creation.
Man is the center of creation, and the creation is external form of God, Therefore God called man His image.
God is harmonized subject of the dual essentialities of Original Sung-Sang and Original Hyung-Sang, and is also harmonized subject of the dual essentialities of male and female.
(To be continued)