The Words of the Kim Family Before 2008 |
Jones (middle), after blessing a church in Dublin.
During a 21-Day period, which was inspired by Heung Jin Nim, brothers and sisters of Great Britain and Ireland visited 49 churches to speak to the ministers and introduce three major concerns of prayer.
Through Faith Jones, Heung Jin Nim blessed each one of those churches, praying for them to fulfill their responsibility in this most providential time and age.
Father has taught us that we are now in the Children's Course. For this age we also have a model to follow. Without a prototype, fallen people cannot reach their goals. Therefore, God always gives us an example. Our first models are our live Parents. Now God has given us another prototype -- Heung Jin Nim. He is the living model for us to follow in the Children's Course. He has shown us how to live, how to love True Parents and how to love other members. He offered himself not by words, but by deeds to show us we should live a sacrificial life.
After Heung Jin Nim went to spirit world, many people received the revelation that the new age had come to this earth. Many things are changing now, not only in the spirit world but on the earth as well. I am working now in Europe. Much spiritual phenomena is occurring in that continent at this time, and I feel it is my responsibility to convey it, because these things are happening not only for Europe, but for the benefit of all members throughout the world.
We learn about the spirit world through the Principle. On many occasions Father has also talked about the spirit world, although he does not convey everything. He does not want us to focus only on that world; Father wants us to do our work on the earth. However, without understanding the spirit world, we cannot have a true life of faith. We must realize that the spirit world is our eternal home. Without knowing our homeland, we cannot have a true life of faith.
I believe most people are interested in the spirit world. Many books are written on this subject. Through reading these books one can gain a good understanding of spirit world. Yet no matter how many books one may read, without understanding the Principle, a person cannot really understand the spirit world. An understanding of the Principle is the foundation necessary to understand the spirit world.
Many of you come from Europe, or have worked there. As you probably know, Germany is a very difficult place to witness about religious and spiritual matters. German people are quite intellectual; if they don't believe something you say, they want to check its validity using scientific methods. Yet we know that spirit world cannot be discovered by science alone. Therefore, spirit world is a difficult thing for many Germans to understand. When a person talks about the spirit world, Germans have a hard time believing what they hear is true.
To have such spiritual phenomena occur, it is necessary to make many conditions. Without conditions of Tang Gam, the spirit world cannot work. For a spiritual being to come, a certain atmosphere must be created. When we have negative feelings or disharmony in our center, even if good spiritual beings want to come, they cannot. Heung Jin Nim told us this. Fallen man is constantly changing -- uplifted one day, depressed the next. For this reason, even if a spiritual being comes to assist one time, it may be difficult to visit a second time.
A good spiritual atmosphere is essential for the spirit world to work with us. A high spiritual atmosphere can be created through having a harmonious life. If one member does not have a good relationship with other members, the atmosphere suffers. One should be spiritually high and have an open heart to accept the assistance of good spirits. If one has doubts about the spirit world or is skeptical that spiritual phenomena can occur, it is very difficult for them to come.
I would like to relate some of the events which occurred on the 25th of March in Munich, Germany. A German brother by the name of Hans-Jurgen Heuer has been working in the United States for a number of years. Several years ago he received a revelation; the late President Eu asked him to have his mother (a member) read the Divine Principle book to a person in the spirit world by the name of Father Rupert Meyer, a German priest who died in 1945. He had his own church, and because he was such a good person he had many followers and was quite famous. During the time of the Nazis he opposed Hitler, and because of this was put in a concentration camp for one year. Hitler actually wanted to kill him but because so many people respected and followed Father Meyer, Hitler moved him from the concentration camp to an ordinary prison. He stayed in that prison four years and after the war was over, was released. But because he had suffered so much in prison he soon died, in November 1945. Because his whole life had been dedicated to God and Jesus he now lives in a good spiritual realm.
Erika Heuer, the mother of Hans, now lives in Munich and on her son's request, began two years ago to read ten pages of Divine Principle to Father Meyer every day. She did not read more than ten pages, for if we read too much, spiritual people cannot understand so many things at once. Perhaps you think that when you go to the spirit world, you can know everything. This is not true. You go to the spirit world with the knowledge you acquired on the earth. That consciousness cannot be changed suddenly. Likewise, spiritual persons do not change their faith immediately. It is difficult, and takes time. It is our responsibility to teach the people living in the spirit world about this new truth and our True Parents.
We sometimes hear that President Eu is extremely busy teaching the Principle to spirit beings in the spirit world. Through this we can understand how important our physical life is. During our physical lifetimes, we must teach the people living on the earth, but at the same time we should teach spirit people in the spirit world. The latter method can be done by asking the spirit beings to come and listen as you read the Divine Principle book. Erika Heuer prayed before and after her daily reading of Divine Principle. Although she continued steadfastly to do this for more than two years she had no indication that anybody was listening. She simply continued on faith because she had been asked to do so. She had no idea that a spirit man came every day and listened to the words she read.
A brother named Gerrit van Dorsten, who is a New York Tribune correspondent in Munich, received the revelation that a spirit man was indeed listening to Mrs. Heuer every day. Initially, he wanted nothing to do with revelations or spiritual experiences. Gerrit knew that if a person does not have a strong spirit and maintain the subject position, he or she could be misused by the spirit world.
Our center in Munich is quite close to Father Meyer's former church. Father Meyer's body was buried in the small cemetery of this church. Sometimes Gerrit visited this church and prayed. One particular day he went to this church and was just about to speak when he felt his mouth move, through no will of his own. He tried to stop from speaking because he had no idea what would come out; he was afraid he might speak something bad and he did not want this to happen.
That was the 25th of March. Gerrit heard a voice and wrote down what he heard. In this revelation Father Meyer told him that there are many good Christians in the Munich area but they do not know the Will of God or how to serve Him. They do not know how to realize God's ideal on this earth. Father Meyer emphasized our responsibility to teach them the way to realize God's ideal on the earth. Father Meyer also said that there are many good spirit beings on the earth. There are many good people in the spirit world who were faithful during their physical lifetimes, but that now they need us to fulfill their purpose. He stressed the role of our members and called Unification Church members "sons and daughters of God." He said that even though we may have difficulties, we must continue. It is our responsibility as Unification Church members to teach them; without us, they cannot be taught God's Will. He talked about many other things and at the end he said, "I give this in the name of the eternal father, Rev. Sun Myung Moon and his holy wife, Hak Ja Han."
At the next day's morning service, he read this revelation to the members. Erika Heuer was among those in the congregation. She was very surprised when she heard the words Father Meyer used to end the revelation. She recognized them as the exact ones she used each day of the two years to end her reading of Divine Principle. It confirmed that Father Meyer had indeed listened to her daily readings.
From the day after Father Meyer came to Gerrit, Heung Jin Nim came and shared many things about his life. Heung Jin Nim emphasized, just as Father had, that he had sacrificed his life for us and for Father. He also explained what he is doing now in the spirit world.
Father Meyer said that even though Erika had been teaching him the Principle every day, the time for him to be able to reveal himself was shortened only because of Heung Jin Nim. Without Heung Jin Nim it would have taken many more years for him to come and assist the providence in Germany.
Many changes have taken place since Heung Jin Nim went to the spirit world. He has brought many saints who have revealed themselves to us. One such famous spirit person is St. Francis of Assisi. St. Francis came and said that during his lifetime he never lived anywhere but Italy; even after he went to the spirit world he was confined to Italy. He said that until now, everything in the spirit world was compartmentalized. People lived in distinct groups divided from other groups by barriers. But after Heung Jin Nim arrived the barriers started breaking down. Because of the order Heung Jin Nim has brought to the spirit world, St. Francis is now free to come to Germany as well as to other nations. He talked about many things, emphasizing particularly the importance of creating harmony among members.
Heung Jin Nim knows that St. Francis is not good at organizing programs and the like. Therefore, he gave him the mission to bring peace and harmony. St. Francis is now called "Peace-bringer" in the spirit world. St. Francis told us that he must teach us the simple life. He is surprised to see so many advancements since his physical lifetime. He said that while it is fine to enjoy good food or live in good homes, we should always think that there are many people suffering in other parts of the world. I therefore, even though we eat and live well, we should always pray for those people.
Heung Jin Nim said that when he went to the spirit world he began a complete reorganization. He has brought many kings together. St. Francis calls Heung Jin Nim "Our Young King" and told us that some people call him "New Christ" or "New King of Heaven." He said that before they always prayed in the name of Jesus Christ and that they now pray in the name of the New Christ, Heung Jin Nim and Jesus. Therefore, Jesus is now mentioned after Heung Jin Nim. St. Francis told us that spirit persons can now receive more love because of Heung Jin Nim. This is true for Jesus as well. When Heung Jin Nim goes somewhere, Jesus always comes with him. During his visit, Heung Jin Nim refers to the fact that his brother, Jesus, is with him.
In the beginning Jesus did not speak. Heung Jin Nim said that after he went to the spirit world he discovered how much Jesus was suffering. There are several reasons for this. One reason is that Jesus founded Christianity and for two thousand years worked so hard to spread Christianity worldwide. He brought many Christians, but this Christian foundation was for the Lord of the Second Advent to come. It was Christianity's mission and responsibility to receive our True Father when he came on earth. Jesus said that all Christians are his own spiritual children. But when established Christianity opposed Father it looked just as if he himself opposed Father, which above all he did not want to do. Whenever he saw Christians oppose Father, he felt great pain and suffered personally because of this.
The second reason for Jesus' agony is that although he brought many people to Christianity, many are falling away from the Christian churches and going to Satan's side. Therefore Heung Jin Nim as well as other saints have directed us to go to established Christian churches to teach Christians that we love God and to tell them about our True Parents and the Principle.
The spiritual world revealed the names of twelve Christian churches in Munich, asking us to go and visit each of those churches every day, talking to at least one person in each church. They stressed that when we go to the churches we should not have an arrogant mind; we should not think that we have something to teach them and so they must listen. No, we should have a humble heart. Heung Jin Nim and others in spiritual world asked us to initially become the spiritual children of people in these Christian churches. Although we know our Mite Parents and the Principle, from the standpoint of faith, we are actually behind Christians of the established churches. Therefore, we have to learn from them and cultivate our heart of faith. Once we become their spiritual children, they will open their hearts to us because we are their spiritual children, and from that point will listen to what we say. Then we can teach them the Principle gradually, not everything at once, and later they will become our spiritual children.
Spiritual world also emphasized the importance of singing Holy Songs. Often when we witness, we have the tendency to choose songs which we think people might like. Instead we should sing only Holy Songs; spirit world gets energy through Holy Songs. They are more inspired and can help us more. Holy Songs can also change the spiritual atmosphere. When you go out witnessing, prepare each time with Holy Songs and prayer. If you don't pray enough before going out, you can easily be influenced by evil spirits. Because there are many evil spirits who are still attached to the physical world and who want to influence us, we must pray.
Spiritual world has taught us that prayer has two purposes. One purpose is that it brings assistance from the spirit world. The second purpose is to protect ourselves. Sometimes we see members who worked hard for years but after some time they fell away. When you work very hard but do not get good results there is a point after which you cannot continue. You lose your faith and confidence; it is easy to fall away through Satan's influence. When you don't have good results Satan will tell you, "Now you see. Even though you worked very hard, you cannot bring am results. Why do you continue?" Satan will always try to crush our faith. To protect yourself from this kind of attack you have to pray. If you have enough prayer condition, Satan cannot take your faith away from you. But if you don't have this, you lose faith. Prayer is very important.
Another activity persons in the spirit world asked us to do was to give Divine Principle lectures on the street, lasting at least thirty minutes each. If this was not possible, a 21 minute lecture condition would be enough. People must know that every day at a certain place Unification Church members give lectures on the Principle. Punctuality is also essential. If we continue at the same place at the same hour every day, the spirit world can give inspiration to somebody to visit the lecture place at that particular time. To gain spiritual cooperation, we must follow these instructions. The spiritual atmosphere of the place can be changed by such support. By our work, the spiritual world will be cleared and the evil spirits must leave. You may feel that we do not have good enough results to continue such a practice. Even though we may not gain members, we can change the spiritual atmosphere through this condition and that in itself will be a great help later. To continue is the most important thing.
We also have to pray every day asking the spirit world to help us make our center a harmonious one so that they can come. Spiritual contacts have always emphasized the importance of loving and serving each other to bring unity.
Jesus has revealed that before Heung Jin Nim came he was so lonely and suffered so much, but since Heung Jin Nim entered the spirit world, he has been able to receive a love he never experienced before. He said that now he has a true brother bringing this wonderful love to him. Because of Heung Jin Nim, Jesus and all saints were raised to a higher level.
Although Father has told us things about Jesus' life, now Jesus himself has shared things about his life which we have not heard before. He said that Nazareth was a very small village; he also said that it was very difficult for Joseph and Mary to live there because everybody mocked Joseph. It was next to impossible for them to fulfill their missions. Jesus told us that he feels if other people would have been put in the same positions, they would probably have failed the missions as well because they were such difficult positions. Jesus asked us to forgive them, saying that when we do, he will also be able to forgive them.
The spiritual world can accomplish things only by working through people on the earth. Jesus talked about St. Paul. We learn from the Bible that Jesus was able to convert St. Paul in one moment; however, Jesus has told us that this was not the case. Jesus chose Paul because he was a man of strong faith and righteousness. But Jesus said that Paul hated him very much in the beginning. Even after Paul's conversion, it took 14 years for Jesus to train him.
Father has told us that Heung Jin Nim is working with young people in the communist bloc nations. Heung Jin Nim told one brother that in the future he will have a mission to work in Eastern Europe and he must prepare for that time. Heung Jin Nim asked this brother to study Russian and prepare in other ways. Heung Jin Nim has told us that many young people are now being prepared in Eastern Europe.
As well, Heung Jin Nim says that all members must be prepared for the time when we have to teach thousands of people at once. Now we are witnessing one to one. But the time is coming when each of us will teach thousands. Therefore all members, especially leaders, must prepare for that time. We have to study and pray, and learn to give lectures on the Principle, VOC, and Unification Thought.
Saint Paul told us that when he was a missionary, each day when he woke up, he did not know if he would live until evening. So every morning in prayer he prepared to die that day. Heung Jin Nim appointed him to help the people who will go to Eastern Europe. St. Paul said that those who work in the communist bloc nations must have the same determination as he had during his physical lifetime; without this determination it would be too difficult for them to work in such places.
Many saints have told us that spirit world is being completely organized by Heung Jin Nim. We have divided Germany into four regions; we have learned that there are four regions for the German providence organized in the spirit world. Father Meyer was appointed as the spiritual leader of the Southeast Region. When Heung Jin Nim comes to visit us, he gives us important and fundamental instructions. Details are given through Father Meyer, simply because Heung Jin Nim is too busy. He has the right and authority to go anywhere at any time and has many places to visit.
Spiritual beings can come to our assistance quickly. St. Francis told us that we can call upon him whenever we need him. We don't even need to use the word "saint" but can simply call him "Francis" or "Franciscus." Actually spiritual people are just friends of ours. They are really dependent upon us; without us they cannot do anything. They ask that we have strong faith to go on -- for Christians, for the people of this world, and for them.
Even before such spiritual phenomena started to occur in Germany, it began in England. A sister referred to as Faith Jones received many revelations and instructions from Heung Jin Nim. This was during a special 40 day witnessing condition. Miracles happened and they achieved good results.
Although we learn through Principle that spirit world exists and helps us, many members have not really believed this, or else they had only a conceptual understanding of it. Now, however, they have to believe it.
This spiritual phenomena is occurring not only in our movement; non-members have also received revelations. Many people we visit have had inspirations or dreams that our members were coming. Of course it will take time for them to accept the Principle and our True Parents.
As in Germany, we also make daily visits to certain churches in England. We were asked to select eight cities, each of which should have six or seven churches. Spirit world directed our members to visit each church every day, making conditions for the people and praying for them.
Four of our members went to one Pentecostal church in England. Before our members went, the woman leader of the church received a revelation that four important people were coming to her church. She learned from the spirit world that they would talk with her about three things: (1) the importance of VOC and that all Christians must be mobilized for VOC work; (2) interfaith activities -- the different church denominations must work together for unity and fight against common enemies; (3) the case before the European Parliament. The Parliament in Europe wants to pass a resolution against our church in order to restrict our activities. She received that all churches must work to prevent this from happening.
Our members talked with her about exactly those three things. She told them that in a vision she had seen an Oriental boy coming to her. In the beginning she thought he was Chinese. But he came with Jesus and Jesus introduced him to her saying, "This is the new Christ." She could not understand it.
In the vision Heung Jin Nim gave her rice and seaweed soup. These foods have a special significance. Seaweed soup is a typical food eaten by Korean mothers after giving birth. When the first child of True Parents, Ye Jin Nim, was born, True Parents gave all members these same two foods. It was a special condition whereby through the True Children we could be born of the live Parents. Through eating Mother's food like Mother's milk, we could conditionally become one body with our True Parents, born of them, receiving all life and nourishment from them.
Heung Jin Nim gave this woman minister rice and seaweed soup and even spoke to her in Korean. Learning that Heung Jin Nim is teaching Korean to outside people, we can understand why Father strongly emphasizes that we learn Korean. Without learning Korean you cannot become the child of the True Parents.
The minister could not understand the revelation until our members explained about Father and Heung Jin Nim. Then she wept. So moved, she invited the four members to a national convention of her denomination being held on June 9, and said that she wanted them to give the sermon there. She also expressed the desire to work together with our church.
Father has told us that we have to work with churches, not just with individuals. This is the time when whole churches will come at a time. It would be impossible to reach the four billion people of the world if we worked one to one. This is why Father is focusing on interfaith activities in America and instructing us to have revival meetings. That is what the spirit world is doing now.
They are preparing everything for us, but the problem is that we are not yet prepared. You want many things to happen, but you don't do anything. Spirit world is going ahead of us, giving us directions while at the same time we are pushed by Father. We must really prepare for big things to happen, and determine with strong confidence to bring them to pass. Then all our long-cherished desires will become reality.