The Words of the Klotz Family |
Anyonghaseyo, dear brothers and sisters!
Here again some inspiration, based on the words of True Father, True Mother and Rev. Kamiyama:
True Father: "The ideal of unification will be fulfilled when you treat EVERYONE as your Abel." [1]
Then who is "Abel"?
True Father: "Those who have MORE HEART than I are Abels to me." [2]
It all depends on the level and quality of love. Aju!
True Father: "Abel's position is to REPRESENT GOD. LIKE GOD he should EMBRACE AND LOVE Cain as he would his own child, with absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience. By having a character worthy of trust and respect, Abel should induce Cain to submit to him naturally." [3]
Abel is to represent God, with regards to LOVE. Abel is the one who loves the way God does.
True Father: "Every Abel is called to plant the SEEDS OF TRUE LOVE, even at the cost of his/her life. Every Abel must take the path of absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience before God."[3]
Those who plant the seeds of True Love win the heart of people:
True Father: "You become Abel at that moment, when someone feels that he/she loves you MORE THAN ANYONE ELSE in the world." [4]
It is certainly not enough to love only such loving people.
Father wants us to treat and love EVERYONE as we love such Abels, and that includes people who are much more difficult to love, even evil and hostile people:
True Father: " Reverend Moon is one man who has been embracing EVERYONE, including good people and EVIL people, trying to melt all their qualities WITH THE TRUE LOVE OF GOD... The True Father and True Mother have committed their lives for the sake of their mission, for EMBRACING THE ENEMY WORLD." [5]
True Father: "It does not matter how many times another deceives you or betrays your expectations. Do not give up because you will not lose. I was actually betrayed many times and know that I will continue to be betrayed, but I am secure in my way and I go on. I have never found that my position gets worse; instead it is always improving. That is the heavenly standard." [6]
The Heavenly Standard is to keep loving, no matter what the response is. This is the victorious standard, that God wants all of us to inherit.
True Father has kept loving in the most impossible circumstances. Nothing could stop him to plant the tradition and seeds of divine love, under any circumstances. That is how he fashioned his victories:
Mr. Kamiyama: "I saw that Father practices love based on forgiveness in the midst of insults and contempt [in Danbury prison]. Because the inmates don't know anything about Father's value, they say: "Hey, Moon!" or utter other kinds of insults that shouldn't even be forgiven. But Father puts himself in the position of servant of servants and forgives all this with LOVE. I have witnessed this." [7]
With the heart of parents, with the body of a servant! Mansei! Thank you, True Father, for having shown us such a heart!
True Father has such a heart towards EVERYONE, good and bad. We can get a good glimpse of his loving heart when we read the speech "How to witness." [6] Few quotes from this speech further down:
True Father: "When you encounter ANY man [woman] on earth, you must value him[her] in the realization that I have come just to save that man [woman]. You must feel that love and closeness for the most insignificant man [woman], let alone for the great man [woman] whom you can easily appreciate. You must love the least important man [woman] because I have come to save him [her]. Train yourself to feel that closeness for another person. When a member joins, no matter how shabby he/she may look you must remember that I came for him/her, and value him/her just as much AS YOU VALUE ME. You need to feel the intense closeness and vitality of such love.
You need to experience how glad I must be to meet that person for the first time in 6,000 years and learn to DEVELOP THAT HEART for ALL the people you come into contact with. Gradually you have to deepen the intensity of your feeling for them so that when you see them for the tenth time you are as happy as you were when you first met them. If you can associate me with them in your mind then such deep love for them will eventually come naturally to you." [6]
Such standard of heart is what makes God cry:
True Father: "That standard of heart which makes God cry remains eternally in spirit world. Respect and love others as much as you love God, IN THE SAME WAY AS I HAVE DONE." [6]
True Father indeed treats and loves EVERYONE as his Abel, with a heart of divine love.
And he tells us that – as we do the same – the "ideal of unification will be fulfilled." What does this mean? Certainly it means that divisions and conflicts will gradually disappear. And it means more:
True Mother: "God's providence must continue until all people are centered on True Parents, and until a CULTURE OF HEART overflowing with LOVE and peace takes root, establishing a new order." [8]
True Mother is talking about a new world order, based on divine love! And this is the Kingdom of God!
Thank you, dear True Mother, for such wonderful words. If we strive relentlessly to treat and love EVERYONE as God and True Parents do, with the same heart, then the providence of God will go from victory to victory. And so will we! With that kind of love the world will be united:
True Father: "God-centered love alone shall dominate the entire universe, and even control God, who is so vulnerable to love. God-centered love alone CAN UNITE the world. No matter how difficult it may be, no matter how severely divided it [the world] may be, the world can BECOME ONE under the banner of SUCH LOVE." [9]
And what does God-centered love look like? It is not something abstract or theoretical only. It is not something drifting in the air. Here one of the many explanations that True Father gave:
True Father:" I want you to be always HUMBLE, KIND, LOVING and UNDERSTANDING of others, even though the person visiting you may be a CROSS OR EVIL person – even unforgivably evil. God can then turn him and use him/her to help you, to make you a success. " [10]
True Parents have lived such divine love throughout their lives. And we are supposed to inherit that. Nothing is more important than this. We can do many things, but if we neglect this, we are walking in the desert, and hardly get anywhere. But if we inherit that spirit of divine love, we have everything that is needed:
True Father: "As long as we have the RIGHT SPIRIT OF LOVE it doesn't make any difference whether the World Mission Center, the News World Building and Belvedere are all blown up and nothing remains. With the RIGHT TRADITION we have EVERYTHING. This is the ONLY thing we want to keep and hand down from generation to generation. " [11]
And this tradition is the tradition of divine love, of loving EVERYONE the way God and True Parents do. In order to be able to hand that TRADITION down from generation to generation we certainly have to make developing divine love in our hearts the first priority in our lives. The desire to give out divine love has to be firmly anchored in our hearts. Then we can naturally pass it on to others.
And we need to ask True Father, Jesus and Heung Jin Nim for help in this important task. That is crucial. Without that help the development of our hearts may only be slow, even if we try hard. We might even gradually lose the motivation to invest into heartistic growth, to spread the seeds of divine love. We might give up after a while, and just focus on external things. So asking for help is vital for our spiritual lives. Aju and Amen!
Love from Bruno
1. Blessed Family and the Ideal Kingdom, Vol. I, Page 65
2. The way of God's will. Heart: www.tparents.org/Moon-Books/wogw/wogw2-03.htm
3. Perfect restoration of Cain and Abel brotherhood and the ideal world of creation: www.tparents.org/moon-talks/sunmyungmoon05/SunMyungMoon-050214.htm
4. Abel's right path from the providential point of view: www.tparents.org/Moon-Talks/SunMyungMoon79/791230.htm
5. The restoration of true love, Chapter 11. Text book of true love: www.tparents.org/Moon-Books/sm-tl1/TL1-11.htm
6. How to witness: www.tparents.org/Moon-Talks/SunMyungMoon77/770401b.htm
7. Rev. Kamiyama reports about Father in Danbury: www.tparents.org/moon-talks/sunmyungmoon84/SunMyungMoon-841217.htm
8. Mother speaks at True Father's Seung Hwa: www.tparents.org/Moon-Talks/SunMyungMoon12/SunMyungMoon-120917.pdf
9. Boundary line: www.tparents.org/Moon-Talks/SunMyungMoon76/761205.htm
10. Victory or defeat and the present time: www.tparents.org/Moon-Books/sm-gww/GWW-05.htm
11. Host of the future: www.tparents.org/Moon-Talks/SunMyungMoon77/771023.htm